When was the last time you saw a T4 armorer?

I think it was Saturday ~2-3 am, when I just wanted to bring a dismantle bank to my outpost near Grr farming spot.
As usual when I run to that outpost (which is far and annoying, thats the reason I have a bedroll there and normaly kill myself to spawn there) I killed the Witchdoctor for his mask and run to Siners refuge for some Asura armor parts and maybe a rare spawn…

Well long story short, I found Grrr in the Siners refuge:

Only found 1 T4 bearer at the Den, then someone was 10 seconds faster than me at the Black Galleon with Pelor the… (also T4 bearer)
But got also 2 smelters again… One at set-city, one at Pagoda.

Next thing is, I have to make an outpost near Mounds of the dead or New Asgarath…