when will a certain duping bug be fixed? I’m sure many people are aware of a certain dupe that is 100% ruining pvp servers
when they figure out how fix it I guess… in the mean time they could disable pickup… Something tells me its not that simple though… it never is with Conan Bugsiles…
You would think that it would be a priority. i’d say even disable bombs at this point
I can remember years ago, like maybe 6, playing Rust when a C4 duping bug came to be. Servers were wiped within a day and the issue fixed.
Were what, a few weeks into this one now?
Very true. I have seen clans do it but it’s not as significant as you would think…mostly because raiding has become very easy to supply anymore so it was never about dragon powder as much as time to blow through bases. So kudos go the the player base as a statistical whole for not destroying everything in the wake of such an exploit.
They are too busy filling body vaults for after yhe fix. This allows them to not be duped back as revenge.
Once upon a time this bug caused such issues that they did in fact delete mass quantities of bombs. I agree, they should be temporarily limited - it’s kind of a big deal.
When this happened once before they deleted a bunch of explosives historically - i cant remember what the specifics were now, but anyone who’d made a ton of them lost em
I’d go as far to say why not delete all bombs. remove old ones update the item id with a new bomb. most people store dragon powder. not actual bombs as they don’t stack. so no real loses.
I just want something, this exploit is destroying many pvp servers. We have new alt accounts on the server that I am on with nothing except duped bombs blowing up everyone
Pillar bases are the only safe bases atm
I dont know of any dupes, but If you wanna stay put for 7 hours and dupe something, be my guest.
They deleted demon orbs if i recall like early in year 1.
except of you have duped bombs to make 100s of barages. log off for one day and see of the pillar still stands.
Replace weeks with months.
lol they tried doing that with god tokens. update the id so any tokens in the freezer wouldnt work. what do they do? THEY BREAK IT^ Making gods in the freezer active again… So dont hold your breath by a simple id change they might break it with another buggy hotfix…
I’d just run this on every DB:
DELETE FROM item_inventory WHERE template_id = 80901
This will remove all explosive jars from the server.
just search it up on youtube
you can freeze gods currently?
*all orbs.
Yep, that easy. Because any real pvper only has jars made right before raid. Dragon powder stacks better, so anyone losing 100s of jars more than likely duped them.