Where is our DLC and why is it taking so long

Pretty sure they already said multiple times the team that does the patches/coding is not the same team that does the dlc stuff…business is separated into different groups to handle different things. They also said they were trying to get both things out at the same time. The team worked on the dlc stuff was ready to rock…the team working on the update stuff apparently overlooked or missed something. So the plan didn’t work as hoped. No one is perfect…you didn’t have to buy the dlc yet… honestly you should have waited anyways…the season pass is gonna give you the turan dlc for free plus the next 3 dlcs. Dlcs run 9.99…season pass is suppose to be 30…you get 4 dlcs for that…hence one is free…you buy all 4 separate your spending an extra $10. So while you complain about them having something happen that delays the release of content maybe take a second to step back and look in the mirror.

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Hey there,

The patch is out.
Apologies for the delay.

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