Which tool is the best

hey, i was wondering which type of every tool is the strongest. i looked on the internet and found a chart where the “harvest power” was listet


but after trying out theese tools i couldnt really see a difference. maybe someone knows more. is there one stronger than another or are theese all endgame and equally strong? i am only talking about harvest amount, not which one is easier to get or has more durabality.

-star metal
-black blood
-black ice

thanks for every answer :slight_smile:

Your best bet is Black Blood or Obsidian, They will harvest the same amount. Black Blood has more Durability but requires a legendary repair kit to fix. If you have plenty of legendary repair kits I would suggest the Black Blood with the Oil of Bounty. Here’s a video so you can see why I say that.

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I use the black blood upgraded and I use survival perk 2 harvest time which allows me to farm faster easy lest costly for me I have the master blacksmith for legendary repair kits. But when I go farming I go farmimg I’m full my caravan is full make it worth your while. Obsidian is just a pain to go get for me anyway.

when you take that extra swing with the black blood pick after oil ran out >.< then you have to climb mountain again haha

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I prefer starmetal tools because they’re easier to craft and repair than obsidian tools. Blackblood, blackice and acheronian tools are too heavy.
If you look at the top tier tools, they all have an Harvesting Power of 7 or 8, but there is difference in durability and weight. Imo, one less point of HP isn’t as important as less than half the weight when durability is close. And the how easy the tool is to repair count.
Blackblood tools have a few things against them , difficult to get, need legendary repair kit and heavy, that don’t fully compensate for the hight harvesing power and very high durability.
And I prefer to use a pickaxe than a pick and an axe.

in my world none of your points are valid.

black blood pick is hands down best tool for harvesting. Rerolling stats so you are maxed out in encumbrance takes care of any of your weight problems. You are wasting oils and more so time by not having full encumbrance if your farming. Repairing the tool is not that big of a deal if your farming for power shards in unnamed city you pretty much get a repair kit every kill.

I think your playing the game wrong bud…


@SindeeSyringe “I think your playing the game wrong bud…”

That’s certainly an opinion.

The best tool is the one you find least annoying to create and maintain. The only way to play the game wrong is to let other dictates how you spend your leisure time.

Take the advice offered, experiment for what works best for you.

Couple those Black Blood tools and Survival level 2 with a full set of Asura Armour (+20 Survival), and an Advanced Harvesting Tool or Oil, and awesome gains are there for the taking @Rastigan.


I think we got off topic here a bit with our opinions.

The topic was “Which tool is the best at harvesting” just stating facts you harvest the most with Black Blood and the correct stats / oils. Topic had nothing to do with maintaining or crafting.

The first reply with the video really answered the question

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THIS! xD thanks for all the answers, but i really just wanted to know if the harvest power on that conan wiki was right, because my friend and i got same amounts with starmetal and obsidian a while ago, maybe we just looked wrong. i have all tools and materials in my base, and weight does not really matter for me, since i just run small farmroutes with my bearer/camel with me.

The wiki could be out of date. As hard as the group of people that update it work to keep everything current each patch requires a massive amount of time to check, test, confirm and then update. It’s not unusual to find some out of date info on there. Hopefully its info that doesn’t lead you in the wrong direction entirely.

but that info would fit than. it says obsidian and blackblood is better than starmetal. although i did not have theese results when i tested it month ago, it seems to be correct now xD

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