Who decided that changing the Dismantling Bench was a good idea?

I mean, this is impossible to use. Before you could just simply drop items there and it started dismantling automatically. Now you have to perform billion actions, and I swear this is a massive fubar and whoever decided this is a good idea should be publicly shamed.

Shame on you.


It’s only painful because you’re on console, having a mouse makes it fine.

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It was OK on consoles before. Why change it?


To clarify

Before the update: You click on an item in your inventory → the item automatically added to the dismantling queue

After the update: You click on an item in the inventory → the item dropped to the dismantling bench inventory, so you have to move the cursor to the bench inventory → you click on the item in the bench inventory to select it → select the slot in the dismantling queue to start dismantling.

So instead of one click I now have to make 4 clicks and number of moves between three windows (my inventory, the bench and the queue). Honestly, f this


The only only good thing about it is if you accidentally drop in a legendary item. Did once then started to keep them under a stairs away from everything else.

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It’s the same shit on PC.


Damn sorry, I forgot to put “a mouse” in my sentence XD

Yeah shift + click sends to inventory instead of queue, but on PC you can just drag from your own inventory to the queue so it is less painful IMO. Still, not the best change I agree.

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Exactly! The change is wrong all the way. I hope it’s a bug that will be fixed soon enough!
They give more materials back now, which is good, but the mechanic is wrong!


I usually send a lot of items for disassembly at once. Therefore, I selected the last bottom one, and repeatedly pressed the button at the bottom “to give”. Items were sent to disassembly from right to left. And now it is impossible, and inconvenient to disgrace.


.+ 1. Massive pain in the a*se, especially for controller users.


I stopped using mine. Absolute pain to use it now especially after a long run in encumbrance build. One of manybhead scratching changes that do nothing to improve the game.


Good to know it’s not just me. @Funcom_Community Please address this.


Normally, if they make a change like this that makes no sense and isnt in the patch notes, its because somebody is abusing the system in some way.


It is alot like having to manually putting bench workers in the top left corner for them to work instead of just dropping them in to bench and they go to work. Is that a bug or intentionality meant by Funcom.


If that is indeed the case, why punish the many for the few? And how could exploiting the dismantling bench provide any in game advantage?


It’s true! That’s why you place a limit of 20 for example in the dismantling bench, you don’t break a mechanic that was working perfectly, isn’t it?
But it’s true, years now the dismantling benches were hidden in pvp foundations with multiple raw materials in them.
At least me and my clan back then we were hiding in foundations at least 4.

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I think the Journey steps of placing thralls in benches affected the dismantling bench. Doubt we will get a answer.


Honestly, at this point I don’t need an explanation WHY they did that. It is unusable.

Here someone wrote that supposedly the developers tried to play their game. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that one of them accidentally threw a valuable legendary into the workbench, got angry and ‘fixed’ it.

Because there was a big that gave you the resources but you got to keep the unit