Why funcom loves the coarse outfit (rags)

just for laughs.

i wonder, even the most rare t4s crafter (Even those from the old purge , came dressed like beggars
( notable exception : surges , they usually or used to come wearing their faction clothes its been a while since i did my last surge in siptah)

now in the tavern, most of the patrons comes dressed like beggars and 100% of the ones coming for hiring, comes as beggars too, should i call my tavern a shelter instead of a tavern?? :laughing: :rofl: :rofl:

is it so hard to make then wear descent clothing? i can understand the ones that comes from the exile faction, but not just everyone. you see their fighters in the world wearing faction clothing but the t4 artisan and crafters happen to be all beggars? !

a long time ago, crafters could be found wearing their faction clothes,. someday funcom decided to not wear that, and give everyone the same chothes. EVERYONE hahahaha. whats up with that? XD

i do remember the tavern that funcom promoted when they launch the tavern system, and you could even see even nobles, and visitors with their faction clothing… well that was for promotion of course, the reality is just “welcome to my shelter, we give free alcohol in here”)

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The thralls are all set to have the coarse gear/crafter coarse gear once they become thralls, or if they are spawn as unrescued thralls.

I am still amazed they leave some of them with good weapons instead of flat out removing it. But if you hire a thrall in a tavern, the weapon also doesnt come with them.

It is a “kinda nonsense” balance thing, so people dont make thralls with the sole purposes of getting their armor, I think.

But you should be happy when they show wearing at least those rags. Most of the time I see half naked patrons walking about.

They do, but the ones you cant hire unless under mods.

I had a Dalinsia show up the other day in rags. I doubted it was her at first, but the braid proved otherwise. :weary:

They’re looking for work. Of course they’re not gonna be able to afford any good clothing. Duh. :roll_eyes:

Tavern has a dress code

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Bare and naked?
Barbarian Nightclubing?
:joy: :innocent:


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