Yes, this happened to me, so I just built over the top of them by luring rocknoses to make them move while I placed foundations. In the end I had 4 extra fighters inside and two outside the door. One of them got in the way of my staircase so I just used walls instead of a foundation and buried him alive.
I would like to know the same thing. A good example of this is the spoil rate. Why has no one fixed this problem in all the years this game has been out? The spoil rate always has it’s own setting no matter how many times you change it or what you change it to. We have a rented server and have changed the spoil rates numerous times and even shut it off but everything still spoils and at ridiculous rates. This has been an ongoing issue so why are they not fixing this? I don’t want to hear - well meat is plentiful enough so just restock. Are you friggin kidding me? You want me to spend how much of my gaming time being forced to go on meat runs every day when I come on because every damn piece of meat and food item has spoiled by the time we relog into the game? Having to go hunt down lots of meat to make food dishes, feed pets and thralls and remake all the food dishes every day is a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ■■■. The fish and shell fish traps included so you stock em up when you get on because all the stuff from last night is gone. I can stock the traps when I get on but if I go exploring for a while it’s already too long and all the items in the trap spoil and expire. The feed box is empty except for a couple remaining spoiled meat pieces. The thrall pot is empty every time. WTH !!! I want to play the game not be forced to grind for the same survival items over and over every day. COME ON FUNCOM!!! Fix this broke ■■■ already!
Welcome to our community.
Have you tried preservation boxes?
Also, the feed pens and thrall pots are a waste of time and energy. You do NOT need to feed them anymore.
Maybe you could get some help on the spoil rate settings of your server from the experts @Narelle
Early on keeping up with the food supplies might be a chore but later you will be able to craft preservation boxes as mentioned by JJDancer. You can add some ice in them and you can store your food in there, it will never decay.
The setting for the spoil rate does work:
The lower the number, the longer it will take for the food to decay, you may need to restart the server to apply the change.
You can use a Thrall pot in the meantime as a preservation box. (But would have to be far from thralls
As someone with a fresh pair of eyes (3 weeks in) and decades of experience with mmorpgs and OpenWorldgames, I have to tell you that this game is very polished in terms of glitches and Follower-Management.
If you want glitches and Bugs, try Fallout, or Skyrim, or Subnautica, or Ark, or Green Hell, or FarCry 5, or Assassins Creed (any), or…
I am actually very impressed by the fact that your Followers dont get lost. Thats such a rare Feat in that kind of games.
Just wanted to chime in here. On PVE Official server you can only damage the human thralls with palisades, not pets. You can however place a palisade close enough to a thrall that it will bleed it out. You may need to rotate it around and test it out, but eventually you’ll be able to figure out the right way to place a palisade right in front of a thrall and it will kill them. No need to pull and place
I suppose it’s possible that they do work on pets and that I just haven’t been able to place it close enough (a problem I sometimes encounter with a dancer). I’ve tried on a few different pets; tigers, horses, rocknose, but haven’t been able to get it to work yet. I haven’t tried pulling any pets into placed palisades, but I have waited for a corrupted wolf spawn and then used that to help me clear some unwanted animals haha My official server has so much turn-over its wild, one week it seems dead, the next week there are ten new players!
If its weekend dependant its prolly lag. We had problems with this even on a private sever with gportal . During week playable, on weekend you couldnt do nearly anything, with mods that show ping jumped to 300+.We changed to blendserver puff these problems were gone, ping is 20-30, tough admitedly some bug code dependent persist.
name one thing in this world that works constantly with out flaws?
i’ll Wait…
Unless your “killed” by a vampire
Ask every major corporation that made gazillions and never payed any taxes?
That’s interesting because I’ve put palisades and spikes as close as possible at every angle all around several leveled T4 fighters, got one bleed symbol up, but they didn’t lose even a sliver of health in 30 hours so was going to try the pull and return method Halk mentioned next time.
Oh ok. I was there for around 15-20 minutes and didn’t see any difference though either. I suppose it takes a long time.
Actually it worked well for me. All of the spam pets and thralls died within 24 hours. But in my case, the boars spawned and the thralls and pets changed positions, so maybe that is the trick.
Super sorry, I meant to say I use the Simple Palisade, the shape of it is much more conducive for this ‘activity’ haha. You’ll need to stand within 20-30 feet, but a T4 bearer will take under 10 min or so. Sometimes it’s a little tricky to find the exact spot, but I’ve killed off probably more than 100 thralls this way. The key is that bleed symbol obviously. I’ll normally bring 4 or 5 simple palisade and just place them and as one thrall dies move it to another and in 15 minutes or so you can clear out 15-20 thralls
It’s broken because of PvP player’s.
I can’t find anything in the rules, if say a base gets attacked in PvE-C servers the invading players are killed is palisading and looting their thralls an exploit or not for the defenders?
Nope not an exploit working as intended.