You can 100% rely on bugs to make your day frustrating. Have not made it through a single day playing this game without being frustrated by bugs.
thanks for the tips. No clue why there are still pots and feed boxes if they are useless. The spoil rate has been changed a few times but it does absolutely nothing. Everything in game spoils at the same rate no matter what the setting is at. Yes I did save and restart the server after. I tried settings from veteran players but it still results in the same problem with everything spoiling anyway. It’s very bothersome! Can’t even walk away from a fish trap for a while or most of the catches and bugs will spoil and disappear.
sooooooo lol we actually did that for a bit
You say what?
Where u rent the Server from? Ask the Server Provider whats going on? Why isn’t your Server not saving the Settings?
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