Why stormglass and not regular crystalglass?

Hello, I find it strange that we can’t build the new glassbuildings on the old map because we don’t have the stormglass we need. Couldn’t you just have used ordinary glass as you can already make it? I’m on a privatserver, so I have to beg a admin to spawn stormglassright, right?

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stormglass is only a name. both building sets are available on both maps so I expect that they only use materials which are available for everyone

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The linked blog post below specifically states that a small amount of a new material is needed to make pieces of the building set.

I’m assuming that this new material will also be available in the old map, but I can understand why op might think otherwise.

Stormglass uses the same resources as the tier three reinforced stone set, except it also requires a small amount of a brand-new resource. You must explore the Isle of Siptah to uncover this new resource and all its uses.

That part sounds like it is siptah exclusive to me

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Hold on guys, it is being clarified.

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hm or it is a bug. on stream it was a very clear statement: available on both maps

that would be great :slight_smile:

The article has been edited, as stated on the stream it should be available in both maps.

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Hey all, sorry for the confusion! Basically confirming what Narelle said. We originally had it requiring a new resource but changed it later in development. The paragraph stating this has been removed. :b


@Dark_Overlord Could you please mark Nicole’s statement as a solution?


thank you very much :slight_smile:


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