There’s no reason to not have the best gear.
The drop rate is about 1 in 3 according to in-game files. Where is your data from? Please provide reference for your .00000001 % figure
I don’t see how amount of time in the game is relevant. Knowledge and preparation are far more important. If you’re taking a dancer to help you in a dungeon, then you’re missing one or both of those, no offense intended.
Almost everything in this game is easy. You prepare, you gain knowledge, you do what you need to do. There are no bosses that can’t be beat solo, very few have any kind of requirement to do much of anything other than stab stab stab block dodge run in a circle and heal wash rinse repeat (or some variation thereof).
Thralls have ~10k health. Their armor (if you have prepared!) absorb 80% of the damage they take. Therefore their effective (which is what I wrote, since you didn’t read it the first time) is therefore ~50k.
Because it is terrible game design. I run almost always solo (nobody else speaks the Darfari langauge well enough to keep up with me!). It causes what I think of as inflation…if other people are using the super thralls, and you’re not, then they’re going to get those end game items that you claim are so hard to get with ease while you’re still trying to figure out why your dancer doesn’t fight well enough to tackle end-game bosses.
Again, broken record here, there is no valid reason for the most powerful entities in existence to be the thralls we have in-game. None. It is nonsensical.
For what it’s worth, and this goes to @Zeb and @Dzonatas too, this game was perfectly playable before thralls came along. Nobody used them before you could equip them. Then they became valuable partners to have (which was how I think they were intended, and how I think they should return to being) , then they kept experiencing power creep to be more and more powerful until the situation we have now.
I killed and functioned in the game SOLO for years before thralls became what they are now. I was able to do the bosses in the game at the time (which are still pretty much the same as they were then). I was able to PVP (well, I participated some, never good at it really) functionally without thralls. I was able to build bases and farm for dragonpowder and do all the same things we all do right now WITHOUT THRALLS AT ALL.
And you know what? I wasn’t alone. The game population was just fine then. People functioned just fine, and can function just fine again with Thralls that are of comparable power to players.