We’ve all seen the official response to this latest wave of hacking – closing the forum threads and an automated email response from Zendesk. No bans. No rollbacks. Nothing.
Can we expect Dune to be any different?
We’ve all seen the official response to this latest wave of hacking – closing the forum threads and an automated email response from Zendesk. No bans. No rollbacks. Nothing.
Can we expect Dune to be any different?
No it won’t be any different because it’s the exact same story in all Funcom online games.
They have NEVER been good with balancing gameplay/progression (pve and pvp) bugs, hacking, and network optimizations.
What Funcom is good at is art, core gameplay, world building, graphics/audio/animations etc. - which does make attractive games.
They have proven times and again that they can’t do the rest. Either lacking the talent, or they set it as low priority as possible (which would be an upper management choice).
Been with them since 2008 for my part.
Depends on the timeline you want to consider.
My prediction is that when Dune launches, it will be much, much better than the current state of Conan Exiles. Thing is, Conan Exiles was also considerably better than this when it launched.
So yeah, Dune will be different at the beginning, but then it will go down the same drain as Conan Exiles and Age of Conan.
The source of the hack allegedly has a new hack ready-to-go for Dune. According to someone on Reddit.
Yeah thats what I think too… play it at release, enjoy for about a year or two then flee!
Also really have to agree with this… they make fun games but then they hand then over to the cheapest OP’s team in the world that then runs them into the ground. (oh and customer service, they may as well just not even have them)
Why are you asking that? Are you really IM MEAN REALLY consider to buy dune after how it went with conan? If yes look in the mirror and say: im a soulless mindless idiot without any backbone whatsoever…
No, but hacks aside I can’t wait to see clips of flying sandworms.
How much did you pay for Conan?
How many hours have you played?
How many other games have you played with equal value/play time?
I know enough about Dune to toss $20 at it. It’s funcom so I ought to get my $20 worth out of it. But Dune looks like it will be a Frank Herbert style fallen earth. And I’d say probably not nearly as well developed.
Ok good for you but saving 20-30 bugs doesnt grow you a backbone. I have literally zer0 respect for people who hanging around here for frkn years and see the shit raining on us players, and hopping from one camp to another. Not very credible (imo). Disliking funcom is something that grows in you over years and cant be reversed in a matter of days or weeks. Everything else is just not honest.
Funny how you didn’t actually answer the question.
That’s depressingly realistic. lol…
Best thing to do with Dune is play it on console only. PC version will not be worth the investment b/c the exploits are advancing way faster than the application pace of the internal countermeasures.
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