Worldboss abuse, poor thing :'(

Hello everyone,

I run a server and we are having a great time with this game but we ran in to some cheese by some people.

There are some players who want to cheese the world boss by building around it and blocking it in. The poor world boss cant destroy buildings and is unable to crawl the buildings to get to the people/thralls shooting at it. It is essentially a boss farm :’(

As an admin in don’t want to do anything about it, because i want the players on the server to write there own fairness rules and do conflict.

However as a player i do think that this is pretty sad for the world boss :cry:

My suggestion to prevent this is to make the world boss able to climb and do damage to any type of building :slight_smile: You could also enable the boss to aggro to buildings placed with in it’s area as soon as they are placed.

Those are my thoughts on it. What you you guys think?


How is it different than climbing a place to be out of reach from a 3 skulls boss and kill it with arrows ? If you can find a way to kill a boss without taking any damage that’s fine. Better to fight intelligently than fighting fair aka stupidly.

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While I agree there should be a way for people to kill bosses using arrows from an advantageous point. I think bosses should smash the crap out of all that building materials that people build around it. Like it should just crush all those sandstone like it’s cardboard boxes. That…would be awesome!


Oh by the way…easy fix for those troll players climbing high places and just sit there and shoot the bosses over and over…so boring. Anyway, just make all bosses have a range mechanic. Like Rocknose boss throws a giant boulder at the player and knock his ■■■ to the ground. LOL. That’s would be really fun.


The point is to make the game more fun and interesting. It would be nice to avoid people abusing the building mechanics to make boss farms.

If the boss can climb then you can also not just climb a hill and shoot it down.

I do not know what you are trying to say by fighting stupidly? Are you trying to say that people that want an challenging and fun boss fight are stupid? or are you butt hurt that we want to stop the world boss farm by using buildings?

Then make it a setting so we can activate if we want it on our server. You have to understand that broken mechanics makes people dislike the game. Yes, this is a broken mechanic that you can make boss farms.

You are saying that i is not a broken mechanic but made for solo players :rofl::joy: You can always take a thrall with you to help. Do you even play the full game or do you only play pvp and love your easy abusive boss farm?

Yeah, i will leave the decision to the devs and not you m8. I am saying if they want more people to like their game and buy it then they have to fix these issues.

because in most peoples mind this is an abuse of game mechanics and it makes them feel like there are no real achievements worth doing in the game, so this has to be changed in my opinion.

Indeed. For me, once I cheesed the bosses on pve then I knew I was ready for pvp. I expect others will feel the same if they know the difference. Note on official, loot drops and anybody can pick up. It was easy to keep legendaries on pve. Of course, there is the guy that will build over spawn points, and prevent you from cheesing them except for that guy-self. On pvp, this can be cleaned up.

Pvp is only half the game.

Farming legendary items by having a boss farm that also blocks other people from doing the boss is definitely ruining it for other people. The buildings and thralls are still there when you want to do the boss.

You should not able to farm the boss like that since the legendary items gives you power in both pvp and pve.

There are so many reasons why the world bosses need to ether be able to destroy buildings or climb over them. You could also add ranged attack that activates if the boss cant reach you, like it was suggested.

This is a good suggestion and my be a simpler fix for the issue :slight_smile: Even this can be a server setting you can chose. Like enable world boss damage to buildings.

No, pvp only uses some parts of the game. It’s like a different segment of the game.

I play on a pvp server that only has building destruction on in the weekend. I am not hating on pvp, it has nothing to do with pvp. This is a pve issue, that you can build on bosses and they get stuck, so you can farm them. It makes the world boss fight lame and way to easy.

If you have to use your admin account to change something because the game is broken then you proved my point. This is why i am saying that it should be a server setting.

The reason i am making this post is because other people and me think this is an issue.

You have your opinion and that is fine but don’t tell me what my opinion should be!

I hope the devs will take this up to consideration and give us some better solutions :slight_smile:

Disagree. I can’t think of a part of the game that’s not used in PvP. Can you name one?

I don’t consider this as an abuse of game mechanics. Insta-killing bosses using a yog-pit is definitely an abuse, but building around the bosses is no abuse but just normal use of game mechanics (building, guarding thralls, etc.). But that’s just my opinion :upside_down_face:

hehe, if you accuse someone of something then then you think there is something wrong with what ever that thing is. I simply asked because i wanted to know, not to look down on pvp at all.

You are playing the game solo in pvp and doing world bosses as a farming route with no problem because your are using building to do boss farming? That is nice dude, don’t you find it boring or a little broken?

Again, if you have to use admin commands to be the world janitor or make special rules to make the game fun for all. Then you prove my point, a part of the game is broken and we need a fix for it.

hehe, pulling a boss to a base is only possible if the base is on the boss area. It resets back to it’s home if you go to fare away. This is only a problem in your mind m8.

I do find your comment funny tho, what a guy :rofl::joy:

This is exactly why Shadow of Mordor npc’s have throwing, I don’t know if all of them, but the orcs will throw axes when you start to climb, of course in CE that would just be a thing with humanoid NPC’s or beasts that have a spit, I’m sure a ranged attack could be add to each boss with no problem.

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Collecting emotes are pure pve, having skimpy dresses are pure pve, dancing is pure pve and this is the fun one, the boss fight it self is pure pve :scream:

The loot you get can be used in pvp but also in pve. Guess what, some parts of the game are build for both and others are not. I know it can be really hard to understand.

oh mann, you can do that :cry: Yeah, using a yog-pit that sounds really bad :thinking: Now im really sure that im right and they need to do something about this.

Just to be clear building around the boss should not be a problem. If the boss just could destroy the buildings or reach if people are trying to stand on a hill and shoot it. hehe, ofc the yog-pit should not kill a boss, that is just sad :sweat_smile:

If it’s a spider it could spit at you, if it’s a rock monster it could throw rock at you and so on :slight_smile:

I really like this solution, plus allowing bosses to destroy buildings if they are build on it’s home :smiley:

That is the problem right there, in a nutshell.

You don’t care about the pve (bossfight it self) you just want the cool items to kill people in pvp or be really powerfull as a soloplayer.

It is annoying for the people who want a challenging fun boss fight, to see people just starting farms like that with buildings. Maybe the real problem is the loot you get from the world bosses, right? Remove the item incentive and people will not start up boss farms.

Then moving the nice weapons that people really want to a really difficult closed off dungeon might be the better solution? hmm, that is an interesting idea. I am not sure what to replace the loot with tho, maybe just an achievement and the boss head?

Taking stuff away is so much fun, haha. I can already hear people scream at there monitor :scream::rofl::joy:

Thanks for giving me that idea :smiley:

We also do this on PvP :wink:

Ofc the fight is PvE but it’s also part of the PvP - Game because you have to farm these bosses for skeleton keys, rare drops and other stuff.

I don’t like the idea of bosses with ranged attacks at all but I have also thought of this one:

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Haha, that is funny in a way :joy::rofl:

Luckily they have made it really hard to block off dungeons :upside_down_face:

I am glad that you would welcome change to the game and want it to be better for everyone :slight_smile:

Stop liking what i dont like!


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No :rofl::joy:

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