World Bosses have WAY too much health

Please allow server admins and single player people to have control over a slider that adjusts world boss health.

As it stands now, for a solo player they take way too long to kill, and fighting them simply isn’t an enjoyable experience. Especially now that the key drop rate is needed. Hacking and slashing a mob repetitively for 20 minutes only to get no key is the worst.

Even before they added a ton of HP I still thought that they had too much health.


I agree. This should be a server slider.

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yea i’v set the player damage out put to x4 to make me at-least able to kill some of the bosses in SP, in online play i’m sure its ok as is, they are meant to be killed with a group, but for single player djeeez even with x4 damage its not easy and takes forever. but works, i don’t want to set it higher because you one-shot everything else with a stone weapon then… not cool.
So funcom add options to edit boss damage in server settings (at-least so SP is playable without oneshotting everything else)


I may have to resort to changing the slider for the boss battle and then lowering it. Like you said, it really throws off the rest of the game with too much extra damage. I think most of us are not looking to cheat, just to access content that is essentially impossible in SP at the moment.


Hacking and slashing a mob repetitively for 20 minutes only to get no key is the worst.

Are you sure that you didn’t kill a Dragon? Because Dragons never drop keys. Keep in mind there are 2 types of world bosses:

  1. Dragons
  2. Legendary Creatures

Dragons don’t drop keys, and Legendary Creatures don’t drop dragon bones. I haven’t seen a case where a Legendary Creature fails to give a key, no matter the tool.


Funcom… don’t make it easy mode please. Thanks.


Considering this would be an option slider, I don’t think it would have any impact on “easy mode”. Easy mode is already easily available by increasing the damage a player does by 10x and calling it a day. If anything, this is trying to preserve some sort of realistic hard mode for SP players that don’t have 5 or 10 buddies to help with bosses.


It was not a dragon. No. I have killed the Legendary Giant Crocodile before and after the health nerf. Even before the nerf (increase in health) it still took too long.

Note: My character is level 60. Using Star Metal weapons. Have tried attacking with Star Metal Shield and 1H Sword, and also with Star Metal 2H sword. Fight took forever before they increased the health.

After the health increase I just gave up and went home because of how ridiculous the health was.

And if you read the patch notes, they said that they decreased legendary key drop rate from 100% to 50%. That means you can spend all that time killing a legendary world boss and get nothing of value.


Adding all that HP doesn’t make it harder, just more tedious. Harder would be adding new, imaginative attacks, calling adds (if appropriate), trying to get to a defensible position, or a place to heal up, or even gaining positional advantage to better attack players. Even letting them ‘rage’ and do double damage for a period at random, or as a consequence of a combo, would make them harder, not just more tedious.


I have no problem dealing with bosses but Giant Spider (I am talking about straight melee fight without using bow or AI or glitching)

They just need to nerf this Giant Spider, and balancing several bosses as well, so ppl don’t abuse to kill the weakest boss.


Maybe you could try another way of dealing damage: Explosive Jars. If you’re doing about 100 damage per hit, an explosive jar will deal about 7,000 HP to a structure, or be worth 700 hits. Could help reduce your amount of time taken to kill a boss considerably.

Not sure how much damage explosive jars deal on the current servers, but I think it could be anywhere between 5,000 and 14,000.

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Oh wow!
That is creative. Thank you!
(Got to check it out. :smiling_imp:)

Just tried that on testlive Singleplayer. (Hehe - admin powers)
That white tiger got dealt like 0,1mm of his health bar… using 4 bombs. :confused:
Good idea though!
(Some normal elephant looses ~1cm.)


Orbs, sunder, bleed throw in a heavy attack rotation with a Greatsword occasionally… burn through HP in a decent amount of time.

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Explosive Jars don’t seem to do anything to the bosses right now. I thought of that. And tried it. And it doesn’t even phase them.


so far overtuned,

yes some bosses had to little others too much, now all have WAAAAY too much


You know what’s the most interesting thing about giving bosses +1 million hp and 50% chance of dropping no keys?

You can easily get dragonbone materials a lot faster from killing baby dragons in the unnamed city, craft the weapon you want, and it’ll actually be stronger than any legendary you could get.

But hey, more HP and RNG is what a lot of people said they wanted. So there you go, now legendary weapons are truly legendary.

I thought it was a good thing they were easy to get and gave level 60 players a quick way to “get back into the fight,” and was proud of them being implemented like that. But a lot of people weren’t happy about them being easy, so now they are tedious and take forever and serve almost no purpose.


While I’d like them easier again in general, like many here, I must say that I really liked seeing this aspect of it after you first mentioned it in another thread.

And coincidentally, I actually did just that with baby dragons, but it was unrelated to this and not by design. I just sort of “stumbled” into it.

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Hey there . i created the same topic a few days ago in suggestion forums . please go and support me there so itll get noticed


Very well. Sounds reasonable enough.

EDIT: Also, this concept is discussed in other threads as well, even before the million hp added to world bosses. You may want to skim around and add your voice in a couple of those as well. That is, if they’ve not gone stale.

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I like the new boss hp. Some are still easy to solo while others require a friend to help speed things along. This is a good balance imo as before they were too easy to farm solo.