Wrongful suspension

90% of changes i do isn’t because someone spoon feeds me specific feedback of things that could be better, its me looking at what is going on and changing to make things easier or better. I don’t wait to be told what to change. I change based on my own observations of what needs to be better. What’s interesting is that you find this irrational thought.

Well aren’t you just the most amazing person in the whole of Conan Exiles.

Too bad none of that, literally none of it, matters. You basically just said you guess at what needs to be changed. Which is great for you, change helps us grows. Unfortunately it’s a terrible way to manage anything, including online game servers.

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The ones with the blinders will consider your photo fake! That you are white knitting and protect Funcom, lol!
My dear @Tystin, multiple times people admit in here that they were warned by admins!
Multiple times here we read about partial wipes!
Multiple times we read, that someone reported others and instead the ones that reported got banned, the one who report got banned!
But we are selective to what we read, that’s all :wink:! Happy new year awesome builder :hugs:

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So many opinions from people who don’t know how the abuse works. Nothing will change as long as there are people who want to stick up for laziness, lack of communication and such a heavy hand in a video game.


Please show me once as I’m genuinely curious

I don’t keep record but when it shows up again, i will tag you, i hope you won’t forget it the next day! And you can read your self too ALL the posts, not only the ones that’s beating the dead horse!

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I can confirm that this response from funcom is true. I recieved one some days ago. May they have improved their investigation procedure. This support by email started in game seens to be much better than the zendesk, in fact im avoiding to use zendesk site and using only the in game get help button.

omited informations that could identify the case for dont expose anyone

By the way i was happy anyway, because if what i have report was not a signifficant infraction, then my base should now be ok now, since i was afraid of havving someything ouside the base.


My dearest @EduMariano, nobody ever said here that their system is perfect. They have done mistakes, maybe they still do, i don’t know and Ofcurce they have to be improved!
Above all, when a player is suspended, nobody should be happy about it, not even the one who reported! The ones who are happy with bans has issues (except hackers Ofcurce)!
I am not a “good player” ! A good player must report, i don’t! If someone trashes the server, i jump to another, i don’t bring complex to my gaming hours, i search for fun, not problem, that’s why i do not feel committed to my belongings anymore, other than that, after all these years, what we cannot farm day 2 in a new server? It’s not more than 2 or 3 things that surely day three we can :man_shrugging:.

Well i can tell that my suspension time was not lost at all, i found a gem in steam if you are like me that stills playing CE because some special (@)(@) features, the game “she will punish then all” will help you on CE abstinence lol. Its a quite unpolished game, got some updates time to time, but is beatyfull and funny.
Some will call me a pervert, oh… well, im image .

Games for me is like art and i appreciate most of them all no jugdments.


im not used to report too just did, because the guy in question was a dck head, and a false moralist. (for other readers we are not talking about the post author). But this responses from FC was new thing to me.

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Hate to tell you but there is entire quality systems science around continuous improvement and facilitating that as management. None require specific rules and in fact discourage such things as rules get in the way of change because changes to rules require management buy in and that takes time away when your expert was right there in that room to make the adjustments necessary. This frees up management to long at strategies and long term planning. Server management is ensuring the performance is stable. You are talking about babysitting players to behave. I do agree we should view it more as management but you and I have very different ideas of what management is.

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Im pretty sure they had it stated on their website because i remember them listing the reason why. They said that they started that rule because to much build relates to game crashes and lagging. They also said something about not exploreing around people’s base area on certain servers but i forgot what a lot of that was about.

The TOS have encouraged weaponizing reporting.

This is the main reason I no longer play on official servers.


Nice sails on the ship!

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I participate in Multiguns discord page, Better Builders Bureau! A member named The_Joeckler, or something like it, a fantastic ship (among others) builder gave me these sails. I was fixing a ship for Captain @Narelle and this wonderful person and builder inspired me to be better builder my self too.
I will accept the credits before however i had to explain how, because it’s the correct thing to do! Thank you very much @Pugilist.

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Only rules an official PVP server should have is; hacks forbidden, bug/glitch abuse forbidden.

Pretty much all other stuff that’s not cheating/bug abusing/glitching should be allowed.

But like building “wrong” should not even be a thing.

I’m ok with no more foundation spam but you certainly see a lot less of it. Probably because that’s one of the only clear rules. After that you’re pretty much guessing what’s allowed and what’s not.


Ah yea, foundation spam I agree. Forgot that one. But making a base certain way should never be restricted.

And you want us , the community , to do what exactly?

Because the OP coming here and saying so doesnt do anything.

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