Xbox Hotfix (03.02.2021) - Dashboarding crash fix

I choose to wish for a better day. I’ve been playing since the beginning and love the game but currently playing something else until funcom figures it out. I wont be buying any further dlc’s and that is what speaks loudest, not standing on a soap box screaming " I was robbed!"

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Sure I get it, but you are in love with a game that once was, not what it currently is … That romance is clearly over otherwise you would still be playing bugs and all. Here is the problem you clearly are ignoring, These issues are not new, they are old , VERY old. So lets get to the part you do not see, (AS you pointed out you have played the game since the beginning) This is not a true statement for Everyone and People are currently Spending Money on this game in its current state without any form of warning (Even as I type this comment/response to you) . They are the ones being mislead. So Excuse me if I stand on my Soap Box and speak for them.

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Very true, hope they can look into these issues. It would be fantastic if a fix can come soon, since it broke more things

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Ill admit i had been optimistic about the patches. But your right the games still broke and its a shame. They keep saying ‘‘we undestand your frustration’’ and in all honesty they dont. And that list of problems u had earlier, your right again. All of those are only a few. And we could talk about purge bugs, nd switching weapons oh hot wheel wont draw mid combat, when game crashes the thrawl falling through the mesh, and again we’re not even close to a complete list. Its pathetic funcom it really is…

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Hey Funcom my single player game still is buggy and laggy and the intro video is still broken and i still crash every 30min or so. Still have to use the online log-in work around to even get my single player to load. See alot of people have just given up. But i do not have money to just throw away bc u may or may not be able to fix wat u broke. So any more empty promise patches on the way or have you given up to?


Lol, yeah…just the OOM…and the thralls just standing there while an npc beats their head in…and floating around your base waving your arms around while you fall animate forever…and thralls not following you. Horses getting stuck, invisible NPCs, no stats or diet info on thralls…crash from rain…etc. Oh yeah, they are almost done…just short of perfect…


Cause hope is eternal Mek buddy…right up till the moment it turns into disgust…

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Here here…and a jelly doughnut!

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Spoke too soon. Other night I got dashborded so many times I lost count.

Games a lost cause bro I’m done caringg it’ll never get fixed


Sure is starting to feel like that.

Hello everyone,

We truly understand the frustration. We’re working hard to address the issues on Xbox. Therefore, the Dashboarding fix we mentioned on this update is the necessary foundation for the next steps we’ll be taking in order to improve the Xbox performance.

Apologies for the long wait, and thank you all for your support.

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Right, right. Canned response…and??

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Lol Friday the new rover lands on mars to think we have technologies like that how would of known lol I’m just playing funcom i still kinda love ya :grin:

So I logged on, timers reset, so the game is fixed? My bases are gone, just a bunch of thralls standing around. Corruption all over the intro still, still says I have a corrupted game, this is fixed? I am the last of my entire clan to keep logging on to try to maintain the bases, l have done this for months in the hope that the game will be fixed and my friends will return. Now there is no hope, I am at a loss, how could this go on for so long? It took me months to build our bases, I guess the only thing left to do is leave.


This is so sad to hear … I can actually hear your disappointment in your words. Clearly you had invested hours, days, weeks and months into this game. Funcom , its people like this you are losing , People who actually care for the game . The virtue signallers will move on but people like this will hang in there. Why do you show so little responsibility to them… This nonsense must end

Might as well give us SEPTA in its current state at least we could play something new and yes it should be free. A reward for having to be patient with the current Xbox frustration

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Lol free? Oh mah that made me chuckle. I just want my 85$ back to spend on a game that actually works.


Pappy if you ever come back i will help you with the stuff I got from your base :wink:

Thanks Funbags, I’ll also be looking to get a few weeks of my life back! Can you help with that? :sob: