Xbox One Conan exiles combat mechanics crappy

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Of course anyone who has played Conan exiles by now we’ll see that the enemies have more combat options than the player does.

NPC enemies will shield bash and do this and do that and your left with pokey pokey bashy bashy.

I of course I’m calling total BS on this. Starting to see why my buddy and other people said the game is not worth your time or effort.

So many broken things that should have never been. Combat mechanics would have been better if you would have took a hint from Skyrim. Seriously Skyrim fighting mechanics are better.

At this point I am, I repeat I am questioning the intelligence and skill of not only the coders of this particular company but the management as well.

The only viable excuse I would even remotely begin to understand is that covid happened and it made people stupid. However, and that’s a big stinking however it’s still no excuse.

I bought this game and the DLC in hopes that may be from the beginning I was wrong about this game when I first saw it being released. I really wanted to be wrong if nothing else for the boobies, LOL

But guess what no I wasn’t wrong even Skyrim had better boobies that is to said without mods even.

Yes occasionally in the beginning on console you could see Skyrim boobies and other things. That would include the men that have no parts for some reason just really kind of weird.

If Skyrim bass player mechanics was better hold your God the AI oh do I even need to talk about this

For the love of God I think the point was made and I regret spending this kind of time only coming to this kind of conclusion when I knew better from the beginning but now I’m kind of stuck because I want to play the game and do a thing is crappy as it is I want my money back at least ugh.

At the time of writing this, I’m the 54th fastest glitchless speedrunner for Skyrim.

Absolutely not. Skyrim has some of the worst combat mechanics for a major rpg in the past two decades, and I say that as someone with over 10,000 hours logged.

Unreal engine is free. If you’re in a position to question someone else’s intelligence on how they made their game, by all means go ahead and make your own.

Being an armchair developer and talking down like this just waters down any valid criticism you may have had. It turns a critque into whining. If you’re gonna prop yourself up as smarter than them, at least do something to back it up, instead of devolving into a tangent about boobies in a decade old game

Okay Mr armchair, I no longer have to back it up I don’t have to do any I don’t have to prove anything to you or anyone else. I’ve already had my validation many times over and I still have the paperwork for it and the legal issues of people trying to steal what I’ve worked on. I’m not going to cast my pearls before swine Mr armchair.

I’m not going to waste my breath either. You can have your opinion but I speak in facts.

I am a long time old fashioned gamer so I have my own credentials experience far beyond most nowadays and I don’t have to get into a pissing contest with Mr armchair.

Combat mechanics of Skyrim are better than a lot of games that I’ve played. The versatility isn’t that bad in comparison to Conan. Take an example the ability to use a shield and to charge and to do this and to do that that is simply not available in Conan. It’s kind of like you’re speaking out your backside whichever that may be either your head or your actual. Common sense and obvious observation and see how even Skyrim mechanics would be an improvement for combat system at the very least. do I need to actually babysit this conversation to explain every little detail so you can get the point or someone else? Rhetorical I think not.

I think your defense is valid just misguided because I know what it takes and how hard it is to actually get something working sometimes. It might not even show in the game that you worked on for something for 15 hours and the player may not ever realize it and I get that but that’s not always the case. If you’re going to do something do it right the first time don’t make excuses don’t take more than you’re giving all a bunch of comments and stuff that you should already know if you do truly work in excellence. But we’re not here to babysit each other or change each other’s diapers or wipe each other’s nose because we both already know how hard it really is and what could have been better than what actually is.

Personally I think you might have a personal interest in your viewpoint so it’s a bit biased and skewed. Well that is obvious if you are trying to ignore the fact that combat subject matter when facts are playing for anyone to see. But then again all this I’m probably just wasting my breath and my time you’re probably going to come back with something smart to say that is completely irrelevant to me at this present time maybe not in the time of the reading but right now I just don’t care I’m in too much pain. And I’m sure that you know a lot about that Mr armchair or you wouldn’t be well obviously an armchair developer.

On a positive note I would like to see some of your work if you still are in that line of work if even minimal. I on the other hand do not feel comfortable with sharing my work with anyone as I have learned from Microsoft and other companies that try to filter said work or copy thereof. I can show you the copy of the email where they tried to bribe me and hire me and I rejected their offer. And the only reason why I rejected their offer is because I would not betray a friend for any amount of money. Especially this particular friend whom the game was about who was untouchable. And that’s all I want to say about that for security reasons. So I believe you and I believe that you would probably believe me as well irrelevant. The bottom line is I affirm that you know exactly what I’m talking about because you’ve done it yourself and we can get over with this pissing contest and juvenile as it may be and look at it from a few points where we both know what each other are talking about we just have different facts and opinions based on what we were exposed and learned.

I would like you to give me a better example of medieval combat that is better than Skyrim while maintaining the versatility that is made for the consoles and not just computer. Because computer games is a whole new world when it comes to console and not to be fairly compared to because it’s never going to be fair. PC games are always going to be better but we’ll have more issues as well.

I think this long winded gamer who doesn’t know how to shut up is that enough

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