Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: offline
Bug Description:
since the age of war update this is a list of things i have found are invisible and in few cases only the eyes and mouths are rendering
White Dragon 3 skull boss from the… Cimmerian(?) or Nordheimer Purge
the golden lotus near the volcano obilisk is invisible
invisible elephant calfs, tigers, panthers,
rocknoses, camels, yetis, elephants and most of the world bosses are now invisible Black Yeti, King Rhino, Rockslide, Avalanche, snake men brutes, both tamed and wild camels, yetis, elephants, greater yakkiths, the lion king on swagger rock, the Abysmal Remnant is invisible and all you see are its eyes now and after killing it the crafting book it guards is missing both online/offline. The furniture in the bar where Conan is.
It’s there, but invisible. and been invisible as far back as AoS
The entry door frame in the Wine Cellar dungeon. Also invisible. for me sometimes it is there other times it go’s invisible.
The Degenerate Boss of The Well of Skelos sometimes it never spawns other times it insta dies after you kill it’s minions and despawns so you can’t loot it .
The sentinel statues 50/50 sometimes renders other times is invisible and/or never spawns.
wild greater shalebacks sometimes is invisible not consentient, the tamed ones are always invisible.
Bug Reproduction:
playing the game