You can help by adding to this UPDATED LIST OF THINGS THAT ARE INVISIBLE - PS4/PS5/

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: offline

Bug Description:

since the age of war update this is a list of things i have found are invisible and in few cases only the eyes and mouths are rendering

White Dragon 3 skull boss from the… Cimmerian(?) or Nordheimer Purge

the golden lotus near the volcano obilisk is invisible

invisible elephant calfs, tigers, panthers,
rocknoses, camels, yetis, elephants and most of the world bosses are now invisible Black Yeti, King Rhino, Rockslide, Avalanche, snake men brutes, both tamed and wild camels, yetis, elephants, greater yakkiths, the lion king on swagger rock, the Abysmal Remnant is invisible and all you see are its eyes now and after killing it the crafting book it guards is missing both online/offline. The furniture in the bar where Conan is.
It’s there, but invisible. and been invisible as far back as AoS
The entry door frame in the Wine Cellar dungeon. Also invisible. for me sometimes it is there other times it go’s invisible.
The Degenerate Boss of The Well of Skelos sometimes it never spawns other times it insta dies after you kill it’s minions and despawns so you can’t loot it .

The sentinel statues 50/50 sometimes renders other times is invisible and/or never spawns.
wild greater shalebacks sometimes is invisible not consentient, the tamed ones are always invisible.

Bug Reproduction:

playing the game


Add greater yakkiths to the list.


with every update it gets more broken and more buggy i am just going to uninstall this it is just unplayable in this state.


I think I have to agree the game is terrible on PlayStation now, funcom do not seem to care about console players as the latest patch demonstrates, nothing works anymore.


what is sad and frustrating is this is happing on all platforms xbox/ps4/ps5/pc i just lost a base i was building on for 2 1/2 years poof logged in base was gone and no 2X or10X xp resource bonus can fix it unless they do a server rollback but i am out of luck even if they do a rollback my offline base is gone too from the bug. even the shop items are bugged and unusable they need to give refunds until this gets fixed you pay for something at least it should work. :rage:


it’s not just npcs that are invsible. some resources are too. the golden lotus near the volcano obilisk is invisible, as is all glowing goop, both in the dregs and any above ground.
chances are there’s lots more that are simply not reported cause you can’t see them and unlike npcs they don’t give their presence away with noises or by attaching you.
in addition, baby animals are invisible too. I’ve had invisible elephant calfs, tigers, panthers, etc. only found them cause of their squeaks, or in case of the elephants because of the stomping


now that you pointed that out i have not seen or found any golden lotus since age of sorcery :astonished: :tired_face:

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White Dragon 3 skull boss from the… Cimmerian(?) or Nordheimer Purge is also invisible for us, both on ps4 and ps5.


White Dragon 3 skull boss from the… Cimmerian(?) or Nordheimer Purge

the golden lotus near the volcano obilisk is invisible

invisible elephant calfs, tigers, panthers,

greater yakkiths, Black Yeti, King Rhino, Rockslide, Avalanche, snake men brutes, camels, yetis, elephants, the lion king on swagger rock, the Abysmal Remnant is invisible and all you see are its eyes now and after killing it the crafting book it guards is missing both online/offline.

Siptah dogs…sometimes.

sadly i don’t have the Siptah dlc so i can’t test anything on that map. until funcom fix the base map/game i am not getting any dlc.

Hope they fix this its getting worse and it really makes the game hard to play

from all the feedback i have been getting only PC will get any fixes and console players on xbone,PS4/PS5 are out of luck and were dumb to get it on console to begin with :disappointed: :cry:

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I came back to the games with the age of the witchie on PS4, the frequent, latency delays, and various display bug (can frequent because I can solo on a private server) we harm the pleasure of playing.
I go to the PS5 and the … Miracle, a clean game, without lag, latencies and other inconveniences.
Then arrives the age of war !! and my decay was large !!.
Cascades texture bug (you turn your head to discover black NPCs without relief or colors, dark trees, etc.).
By walking in particular in the savannah I see exiled lands empty !! No elephants or other NPCs.
It is more than time that Funcom corrects this and updates the PlayStations versions.
according to forum users, the Xbox Xeries version has had a Next -Gem version for the PS5 which has more customers do not! ! ?? Fumcom !! Think about us, we are customers !!


Screenshots PS5

You can also see it here in the forum (share-your-shelter) in my video (not) :slightly_smiling_face:






it is not just PS4/PS5 a lot of console players on XBOX are suffering from this bug that has been going on around the start of the age of sorcery and i am listing all the things that are missing from the game on PS4/PS5 in one big master list drop a Comment if you are a ps user and i will add what you have found to the list to try to get funcom to fix this


The furniture in the bar where Conan is.
It’s there, but invisible.
The entry door frame in the Wine Cellar dungeon. Also invisible.

If Funcom keeps ignoring us, maybe it’s time to write Sony. They are slow like slugs, but they make things happen.


The boss in the volcano that you face at the end still insta dies after you kill it’s minions

The sentinel statues and greater shalebacks have been gone since age of sorcery on ps5, along with almost everything else mentioned.


I have a PS5 and a PS4 Pro. The elephants, King Rhinos only, and the small 1 skull rockslide wannabes (sometimes) are the only things that are invisible. These are on official servers only. In private console only play, everything is there.

My 4 is set up with boost mode off. Depending on your connection, on or off makes a huge difference.

I also increased my PS5 storage with a 4Tb M.2 stick. This was not specifically for Conan, but because games are getting huge.

I’ve been at this since July 2018, and I’ve found the biggest problem is connection speed. I had the game on an external drive for the PS4 for a while, and when I moved it back to the console, it worked well.

For clarity, are these things that are invisible on official servers, private servers, or personal console?