You put out more DLC, but haven't fixed the game

Hi everyone,

99% of the DLC content is art assets. Which means it’s 99% done by the artists. There are no new mechanics or code necessary other than some dependencies and numbers.

Creating these art assets is more or less straight forward. The art team knows what to do, they create it, make it look awesome and prepare it to be ready to be implemented. That’s not to say it’s not a lot of work. They have been absolute rock stars to create these assets for players who want them to enjoy in a very short time.

Content, such as the art updates for our DLCs, has to be prepared a few weeks before it goes through Sony and Microsoft Cert for technical reasons and to make sure everything in the back-end is ready for the store. This means the artist had to make sure these assets were ready before the break.

Now, many members of the dev team have been working into their break to bring you hotfixes right after the big patch. Addressing critical bugs that would keep players from actually playing the game.
Some people have even been working throughout the whole break (art and programmers). I am not mentioning this because I expect anyone to thank us for doing this but simply to mention that we have been and are on the case.

However, some bugs are unfortunately not as straight forward and hunting down issues and fixing them takes time. There will also always be a discussion between what issues the community deems critical and what we internally have to focus on for one reason or another.

What I would like to stress is that we are working constantly on improving all aspects of the game. That means, new content, new mechanics, fixing issues and working on stability and performance. Fixing existing issues is and has always been a priority for us. Our teams are working in parallel on different aspects of the game.

With that said, we have a TestLive patch next week that will address issues you’ve been reporting and we will keep working on addressing bugs down the line as we have always done. Additionally, we have the parity patch for consoles coming and we will have the new pet mechanics and dungeons available for testing soon as well.

More info about the upcoming patches can be found here.

Thanks for being part of the community and for your input and feedback :slight_smile: