You want to know why this game will never be fixed?

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Imo, bignoring me, the mods were hoping i would have a “blow out” and say/do something they could ban me for. Then me and my problem would go away and they would not have to deal with me or my problem.

Total troll tactic, same as posting an opinion that is contrary to the opinion of the op, in hopes that an arguement will evolve, and the thread the troll dosent like will be removed by a mod due to derailment.

Choo choo! Troll train coming into the station…right Jimbo…wink!


Dude, I get it you’re angry and frustrated right now. You might have a reason for it or you might not – there’s no way for me to know and frankly I don’t want to – but either way I would recommend taking some time to calm down. I’m not saying this to be a jerk, but because dragging that whole discussion into this thread will be the final nail in its coffin. It was already pretty toxic on average and this isn’t helping. Maybe it’s not fair, but that’s life in general.

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You are correct…

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Official server 2506

My loss from the ban was temporary, like the ban. I have more now than what i lost, 4 times over again, 3 loot floors, an armory stocked with legendary everything…its not what i lost, or how i lost it. My issue is stated in my opening post. Lets all get this back on point…

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I usually laugh when I see this happen; but yesterday my thrall was killed thanks to issue 1 on your list (that I’ve been suffering from rampantly since the latest PS4 update, but only sometimes before), and started floating into the air, and then got stuck in several pieces (not even gore pieces, the model just went into different pieces in a t-pose…) up in the air… whilst wearing some really high-level gear… which I couldn’t retrieve.

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Lol, first time i seen a floating rhino my thought was some little exile is crying because they let go of the string. You gotta hold on tight, those ballons just go with the wind…


Honestly Mary those pics are crazy. I have never had those issues, other than Pic # 6 where I needed a bikini wax…lol. The undermesh I have heard a lot about and I think FC struggles with that fix. Pic # 2 reminds me of the old EA days when thralls hair would stretch across the horizon, but I havent seen that in years.
Just getting back into the game after many months, the first thing I did was get stuck in a Rhino. Probably one of the oldest bugs in the game. I shrugged, hit the “jump” button and moved on.

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I had a variation of pic 2 once. One of the dragons in UC got me with the headbut attack. When I came back, I found my corpse stretched like that, but it was flat across the ground.

Yes, people have the right to complain and voice their displeasure. I’ve never disagreed about that. And no, people have no obligation to file detailed bug reports if they don’t want to.

But surely we both understand that such detailed bug reports will help Funcom find the problem more quickly and efficiently. Thus it’s in our best interests to make detailed bug reports rather than vague “my thrall died plz help” posts.

Funcom, like every company, has limited time and resources for QA and bug fixing. Perhaps more limited than would be preferable - but we can either

a) yell at them for not having enough resources for QA (which isn’t really helpful, as I’m reasonably sure Funcom has figured that out by now), or
b) stop buying DLCs and vote with our wallets, as the OP suggests (which has a negative financial impact on the company, and probably on their QA resources too), or
c) we can help them utilize those limited resources as efficiently as possible by providing them with information.

Or all three if you wish.


ofc its 0 issues, when u living in sand base, with animals, do nothing, and playing on PvE server.
so pathetic

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Bikini jokes are very highly intellectual. Apparently, you are playing solo or PvE. For this mode, these problems are not significant.

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Assuming you mean single player mode when you say solo, no, I don’t play that. I started playing in January of 2017 on Official servers. I have almost 6000 hours in game, on OFFICIAL servers. I have played PVE, PVP ,PVE-C etc. So I HAVE seen a lot of the issues with the game. I stopped playing last year because I had done everything and the game became stale. I came back after they added mounts and I have purchased every single DLC to date. My apologies that my bikini joke triggered you.

One must wonder when Codemage plays?

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When he isnt saving the world you mean?

Just read it.

People want to play, but not when things are broken.

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Some spook of how frustrating it is for developers not finding reported bugs, i never seen it from theyre side like that, i mean its maybe worth to ease a bit and just hope it gets better.

even so…playing conan is a single choice of the user, me, i play even with all the bugs(6300 hours and counting), its hard to stop when your good at it, even tho i hop servers and help others mostly in the pvp aspect.


First one is bigest and game ruining bug… i did not lose thrall at least, but almost… When they halfed HP of thralls, i did not noticed that somehow for dalinsia who i had ~17 000 HP , now i have only 7045… And she started this, when fighted brute… lucky for me i managed to run enough to be away from place, and i have gaming mouse where i can press one button who i binded on Insta return… she basically teleported to me with 550 HP left…
P.S i dont understand anymore Armors on thralls too, like try to use on dalinsia FULL god armor set… it should be like almost 1145 Armor ( i wear one too) but after update its like

Both wearing Godbreaker
me - got hitted by UC boss : i lost 45 HP out of my max 335
Thrall (dalinsia) with “halfed” HP from 17000 to 7000 lost 500 HP with same set
WTF is this how same armors works different on players or thralls??? Like she should then lose too 45 HP but the math on Damage is now ruined just like its on thrall agrro…
– i got used by white wolf while dalinsia pick out sword - i am so happy that she will kill the white beast and save me because i was harvesting and did not had any weapons… well imagine the feeling when i saw her passing me by to kill Deer baby not the wolf…


Right ? I am like fighting for my life against a 3 skull mob and my thrall is chasing a rabbit. FC did we really need to go CONGO on helpless animals?

Well some of that is because they can’t play due to connectivity issues. I suspect they want to play badly, they just can’t. It will be fixed with work.

Funny how we can play ark…al.ost same makeup as Conan and not get dashboarded once. Somewhat buggy at moments but at least they get stuff fixed when they say they did. Unlike being stuck in a rhino and reading it was fixed. Lies

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