Zingaran Vintner Bundle (My Issues & Suggestions)

Dear Funcom,
Hi again. I just purchased an expensive bundle in the bazaar called the ‘Zingaran Vintner Bundle’. Its cost is 2366 crom coins heres the image just in case.

Now Coming to the usual issue… Pricing… and yes as always as a player to me its pretty up there in the clouds… or in this case right next to the gods in the heavens… But my main interest in purchasing these expensive yet detailed items from bazaar are mainly for its looks & also its functionality…
Just to let you know I currently havent found any bugs in this bundle yet nor do I hope to I just now bought it and tried it out…
I love the simple and less building pieces specific to the bundle… I like how the grapes hang down form the vines when palced correctly, I like the foundation also which actually would go very well with other styles of building looks as well… I did make a small cozy vinyard already… here it is…

Now coming to my issue and suggestions for this and may be concerning other expensive stuff I have or might purchase from bazaar.
1st issue is pretty price…
2ndly even if price is that high I would really expect the items I bought are of quality and match the price, & in this case its kinda there with looks and details but at end of day… coming to the 3rd point…
3rd - FUNCTION… although the building pieces are great functionally and work great with other modded or other base game pieces too… there is always one item in a bundle which depending on player we always kinda look forward to getting…
In my case… its the ‘Grape Stomping Tub’… Don’t get me wrong… its great n al… it evenhas a slot for an npc to do some simple really boring stomp animation and keep doing it until their legs give out…

My Issue & Suggestion:

  • Issue with zingaran vintner foundation piece - doesnt have the correct footstep sounds or audio playing when player character or any npc walks on it. It plays the wooden floor footstep sounds when walking on a foundation which is made fully of stone… please fix issue… (wooden floor footstep sounds both when wearing boots & when barefoot also it plays wooden floor footstep sounds)

  • Issue with the grape stomping tub is that it has only one style of stomping animations… & has only 1 slot… & the animation of stomping to look at gets boring within just 2 minutes… I paid 2366 crom coins for this bundle which at end of day the only things I get to use is the building set which has few pieces when I compare it to the ‘the towers of yamatai’ set I bought before this which cost only 1080 crom coins and has way more building pieces & way more details and way more to its functions when it comes to using to to build way more better loking and different things for a pretty good price…
    heres the image of its budle and cost

  • Suggestion: finally coming to my suggestion…
    PLEASE add more functions to the ‘Grape stomping Tub’… yes we’re still talking bout the Zingaran vintner bundle… and I wanted to suggest that the TUB needs MORE ANIMATIONS OF STOIMPING…
    My suggestions are simple… and for the price I paid it should be pretty easily agrreable to…
    1st suggestion - add one more slot to the stomping tub… atleast 2 npc total can be inside it…
    2nd suggestion - add more stomping animations (atleast 3 or 4 styles in total). the normal stomping and some funny stomping and some drunk stomping…
    3rd suggestion & most important - add special stomping animations that depends on specific thralls only… for example - Fighter thralls hold their weapons up high in their hand and stomp, Workstation thralls (1 npc) stands on side of tub and pushes the squashed grapes more towards the npc whose stomping it… & MY FAVORITE SUGGESTION - DANCER THRALLS who are capable of doing their stomping dance routines in the tub and stomp the grapes… WAY MORE ENTERTAINING would’nt you agree?
    currently this is what it looks like when a dancer is stomping - boring & dull & sad even when the npc is wearing those bejeweled outfits

Her face expressions says it all… shes saying to me - “is this what I get to do after you paid such a high price for the zingaran vintner bundle?.. you know I can do more dance routines on the normal floor when placed right?”

With that lengthy explanation and picture presentation, I hope I made my point as too how much I really would appreciate these bundle more if just one item would represent the price to the fullest and make me feel like I dint really waste so much crom coins on something I may use only in certain situations… instead I would wanna feel like I purchased something I will use no matter what the scenario in my gameplay is…

And again thank you as always for the game… I stil do love the game… I still do get to meet many players and modders and viewers with amazing perspectives about the game… And yes I still do get frustrated with the game and sometimes the items you make me purchase from bazaar at such insane prices… But it doesnt mean I havent gotten good stuff for decent prices either… I do get to purchase good stuff… But PLEASE add my current suggestion for the GRAPE STOIMPING TUB…
The End… for my suggestion on this one bundle item though… I’ll be back when I have more to say… lol… :laughing:

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Hope whoever reads this lengthy post enjoys the images atleast lol… I dint wanna make it too boring with just texts hehehe.

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We know everyone wants the thralls to wrestle each other in that thing. :sunglasses:


This one has a slightly different take on why this isn’t worth the cost.

In a complete inversion of the position taken in the op, this one wants significantly more pieces for the actual build part of the set.
Specifically Doorframes, Windows, Ceilings and Fences/Fence foundations. It’s a very nice build set that fills an otherwise untouched niche.
Without those, the build does not flow or is so exceedingly limited as to not be worth the build pieces to this one.

As for the Grape Stomping tub…
While an additional slot for followers would be nice, this one more feels a significant opportunity was missed for this to be functional as either a fermentation barrel, or, and more likely, a Fluid press.

However, this one does agree overall that it is pretty and nice, but just not at that price tag.


This one as well, especially a matching Wedge foundation please, there are other sets as well which already have a square foundation but utterly lack a matching wedge!

Finally we have a nice simple ‘just’ rock foundation, but no wedge to go with it, so…meh. Not sure what the thoughts are behind some of these design/function decisions.

As with most “sets” I wish there was instead an option to ‘select’ which of these new pieces or groupings to buy instead of ending up with some I would rather opt out on, banners and such as one example, but that is just me of course.


Good summary thank you.

Unless my records fail, this is the very first timer we have seen this Zingaran Vintner Bundle and any of its content items since the Bazaar exploded onto our screens, so I think price drops will have to wait a couplemore rotations (I see that several of the recent-most bundles (not all) have had some serious discounts).

£16+ for the bundle will work for many build and roleplay players, and sales should cover the respective designers time (hopefully?). It’s too rich for me, but is a lovely set that I am almost sure will see additions depending on its sales.

It really is a lovely looking set though. I’d direct anyone wanting to buy to head to Eradicati0n’s yubtub site for an in-depth, fair review.


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