As an XBox Player, How Satisfied Are You With The Game's Performance & Overall State? (Poll)

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat Satisfied
  • Somewhat Unsatisfied
  • Unsatisfied
  • Very Unsatisfied

0 voters


Performance and game direction are downright ridiculous atm.

Just add more. Dont fix a damn thing. Just keep adding to it until it crumbles down around your ankles…time for ce2!

As a disclaimer, I only have a ps4 and never played CE on any console.
But I thought that the performance of a lot of games, in this case CE, suffer due to the somewhat mediocre specs of the consoles (not mediocre for the price of the console but in comparison to the recommended specs of games nowadays)?

This is not to blow the horn of “pc master race” or some nonsense, but I feel like Conan exiles ran fairly bad on PC already so I can’t imagine the s*** show with consoles, especially on release. They have optimized this game a lot over the years and I crash very seldomly now, but not sure if CE would ever run well on consoles, to be honest.

In my opinion, this is not necessarily the fault of CE as a game but the fault of the bad management decision to port it to a platform which does not always allow the use of mods. Most people here probably would’ve dropped this game ages ago if it weren’t for the amazing modders community.

@MakeItBetter Ya’ know, one thing does not exclude the other? I’m sure most of us, and probably you too, have no idea how development for this game looks like truly behind the scene. Generally speaking though, the bug fixing team and the content team are usually separate, so your comment is a bit out of the blue. I understand the frustration (and the hope that it might be better with CE2), but let’s try to keep a cool and rational head :smiley:

Thanks for the input! I understand i can seem a bit agitated, this is not the first time i have posted about this. 3 years worth of trying to rally people to support performance as a priority over new build pieces, has been frustrating. We finally got fc to produce a stability patch. It lessened the crashes. But created so much lag and performance issues that most people would rather not play ce in this state. It has been over a year since, fc wont even acknowledge the state of xbox. Actually deleting bug reports related to the issue. I almost lost my everything when i couldnt log in after the rate change up and back down. Just that action on the servers has caused character loss, stability loss in buildings, inability to log in and remain connected. All lead to permanent loss. All created by the simplest action. I have very little hope of playing ce as i remember enjoying it, again. Thanks dev team!

I’m really sorry to hear that you had to go through that s*** show, but is it possible for you to make the switch from console to PC?

I’ve read a few people who had a lot more fun and success playing this game on PC instead, especially with mods and private servers after migrating from consoles. Otherwise, I’m not sure how much you can do (or not do) on private servers on consoles but that might be a solution too, instead official console servers.

Dont own a pc. Not going to support fc further after this experience. I just want what i was sold to function as it is advertised. Unfortunately, many people see that as trolling…i dont understand how that connects. I dont think i ever will…

Well, it’s a very nice game on PC so I suppose people see the complaints as an oddity. Also the attack vector isn’t all that consistent. You include speculation and such so people think it’s troll bait. Personally I don’t think you’re trolling - just ranting. And probably most of us here rant at some time or another about something. There’s a lot of folks here who although themselves occasionally rant, like to push back on rants too - especially when they include speculation. That’s just kinda the nature of forums I think. I could be wrong.

I have to say, there are so many factors of down play.
Like what version of Xbox are you using.
Type of TV and settings.
Things take for ever to load on my day 1 xbox one edition.
Upgraded to Xbox 1 Scorpion edition. Sure it loads slow. But very playable.
Now I play it on the Cloud over my tablet of all things and it loads instantly with no lag at all.

Yeah, some turkey who hasn’t even seen an Xbox since he bought his grandkids a 360, made this poll. :angel: So it probably lacks nuance and sophistication. I didn’t really think about screen resolution and/or older versions of the console. But while I’m sure some combinations are too heavy for the weakest Xbox on the highest resolution screen, isn’t that the responsibility of the console owner? I dunno, I ask because it does seem like console owners are sold this “promise” that if they buy it (whatever it is) then every game they purchase will just work with whatever other hardware config they set up.

On PC it’s a little different. There are NO PROMISES at all. If it doesn’t work it’s 100% on the user to figure out: Lower the screen rez, lower the settings, cap the frame rate, buy a better GPU or CPU, increase or upgrade the RAM, fiddle about with the operating system endlessly… etc.

I had the opposite experience. Was playing on ps4 and couldnt get a ps5…. So I got a pc!

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On single players it runs well on my Xbox one s since my Xbox one burned up literally had too upgrade witch I have no regrets but the state of the game obviously depends on platform and the mode or private/official but overall for me well it’s in a good state

Love it. The best part is hosting your own server on a machine you control (where you can load all the wonderful mods).


I dont want to seem like a stickler, but it appears some of the votes come from outside of the xbox player base. Its hard to get any kind of accuracy when wrong information is given. 8 votes, if even just 2 of you are not on xbox, thats 25% of votes are from a different experience than xbox…its like a guy voting on a womens issue…it skews the results…

What? How are you determining that?

When people open a post by saying they dont play on xbox…

That doesn’t mean they voted…


I have xbox s and have played on official EU servers. I would say the lag and rubber banding are still my biggest problems, but on the whole I am getting by ok. I have been tempted to try to get a gaming PC but they so expensive and even that platform I see people complaining about lag and rubber banding. I am no way as knowledgable as many of you on all this. Maybe getting a PS5 is the way to go instead?

I dunno much about the price/performance of modern consoles but GamersNexus did a technical performance comparison between PC and the Newest(?) Xbox about 4 months ago and it was about the same as a $500 PC.

PC’s are expensive ONLY if you’re buying the latest and greatest parts. You can run Conan at 60FPS on a 1080p monitor with the settings on high from a $450 to $500 PC without much trouble. And at 1440p/60 with a $600 to $700 PC.

You can get a:
1080Ti for about $250 ~ $300
4/8 core CPU for $75 ~ $125
Motherboard for < $100
Power Supply for < $100
16 GB RAM for < $75
And you don’t need a case at all but they start at around $35 (I spent $5 for my last one used).

A system such as above is about twice as strong for gaming as the latest XBox according to GamersNexus. With the above you can run Conan at 4k/60 on medium or 1440p/60 on high settings. You don’t need to spend a fortune on a PC unless you’re caught up in the hardware lust these companies try so hard to promote.

And I’m underestimating the performance here. I was running Conan on a 1080p Super-ultra-wide (basically two standard 1080p screens side by side) with mostly high settings on a system with $10 CPU (i-7 870) and a $100 GPU (AMD R9 290x 8GB) in 8GB RAM $50 and a motherboard you can get for just about free these days. Worked great - a constant 60FPS with TB VSync. The range with VS off was likely 55 to 75 FPS IIRC.

I wish I had your level of knowledge I was lost with all that

Yeah, I’ve been doing custom builds as a side job for a decade or so - but, you can learn all you need to know in prolly 5 or 6 youtubes and the same number of articles and text reviews. It’s pretty easy as one question leads to the next and they spider-web out - all connected. Someplace like the forums at Tom’s Hardware is a good place to start. It only takes a little discernment - you have to discern those who know WTF they’re talking about from those who don’t and just like to type for recognition, attention, or whatever. :stuck_out_tongue: