It took a while for it to dawn on me but the pass has killed the game. I want nothing to do with this game anymore. The battel pass has sucked out all the fun. I find my self getting on about once a week to hammer out XP and that is it. I have zero motivation to actually play the game and the only reason I’m even doing the pass is because it’s free.( Well free because I finished it last time).
I’m not alone either. Most of my friends cringe at the idea of playing now because of how burnt out the pass has made them. I’ve been playing the game from pre-release all the way back in Feb 2016. I have every DLC and I’ve played every event. All the ups and down I have supported the game but this… I can’t support this. Survival games and battle passes don’t mix.
I have to agree. I find myself doing the same thing with no longer any desire to continue further.
And that’s just jumping in and doing the Battle Pass on admin mode. Once done, I find myself looking for some other game to play. The Battle Pass has killed the enjoyment I had from this game.
Sorry to say, but if you don’t have the motivation to do anything else, the game has long lost its appeal and the Battlepass isn’t to blame. You’re simply burned out.
Well, it’s your prerogative , of course, but I agree with Taemien, I suspect you’ve probably just… had enough. Certainly sounds like it. Switch off and go do or play something else, you might find you’ll come back to it later. (then again maybe not)
Blaming the Battlepass is …odd to me. From my perspective the Battlepass has literally done nothing for the game, not for me anyway. It hasn’t changed the way I play, it doesn’t actually affect what I do whatsoever. In fact , I find the whole thing a bit useless.
Honestly I am still not sure what the actual point of it all is.
I basically ignore it and just pretty much play the way I’ve always done, as a result nothing much has changed for me.
Piracy is an “optional” feature, too. But I guess that has no impact on games.
Hacking is an “optional” feature, too. But I guess that has no impact on games.
Loot boxes are an “optional” feature, too. But I guess that has no impact on games.
Microtransactions are an “optional” feature, too. But I guess the survivability of several games that implemented them poorly was just a coincidence (like ME: SoW or CivIII’s bargaining table or Warframe’s update 15.2).
There are lots of historical examples of “optional” features that messed up games.
And, sorry to say, there has been a noticable drop in the playerbase since the inception of the Battlepass:
Noticeable as in out of the ordinary. This is not, if you look at any game, they always have a surge of players after a large update, and then it slowly tapers back down.
For example, Valheim had a large update earlier this month and is already trending downwards. Crazy how that happens
Claiming those to be optional features shows a severe lack of understanding.
Nobody said they didn’t have an impact.
And others have found unexpected success with them, your point?
Not really.
CE has had a ‘stable’ population of 10-11k for a few years now, anything above that number can be assumed to be casual players that spend some time here and then move on to another game.
If a player is going to look at a feature that offers optional cosmetics and quit over it, the playerbase will be stronger for it. Quality over quantity. Good players over bad players.
I urge everyone thinking of quitting because of Battlepass to do so. RIGHT NOW. You are right, your game is dead. Continuing to play is a BAD idea for you. STOP NOW. RIGHT NOW. Uninstall IMMEDIATELY. Get out while you can. If you don’t you may suffer bad health effects. Save your lives now!
I suspect you think this is funny, or at worst a humorous veneer on a bit of “rip off the band aid”-level cruelty – spoonful of sugar if you will – but it’s counterproductive.
I check the online playing numbers every day, multiple times due to my “shoehorn it in” gameplay times, and it looks like Conan has stabilized at 11k playing at most times, and flexibly higher to 12,500 and even 15k at weekend peaks. Where there’s a void, in my experience, is PvP. It’s basically a popcorn fart.
This has given me an opportunity to figure out two things: they are actually squashing long-term bugs, and with no restrictions re the Admin Panel the Battle Pass is reasonably a net gain for the game. In other words, I think the BP is good for the game vis a vis its Admin Panel accessibility AND the moolah is being well spent on bug zapping. This is a recent development, I’m still wrapping my head around it. I believe that once players get a chance to look under the hood a bit, they’ll feel a whole lot less suss about the subject.
Not an endorsement. I have received no free software, corm coins or DLC in this endeavor.
The thread ceased to be productive the moment they began to misrepresent the player counts.
So why not simply agree with them and wave them goodbye? They’ve already made up their minds. I can see zero benefit wasting breath to keep them around. I can see far more benefits if they left however.
So I will double down on what I said:
If anyone believes the Battlepass takes away from their enjoyment. They are 1000% correct and should take every measure to distance themselves from Conan Exiles by the quickest means available.
The arguments on the ability and means to complete the Battlepass are irrelevant. Its the existence itself.
For the record, the existence of such doesn’t bother me. But if anyone is bothered. Then they are entirely correct to feel the way they do. If the game is thus dead to them, then they should take all appropriate actions they normally would with a dead game.
This is where I think your technique could just use a little more kindness: Doubling Down inherently contains the dealing of one more card. In essence you are asking for more input, while imploring them to leave.
There’s literally just one poster who mentioned using the admin panel, so I don’t know how you got to that particular conclusion
Using admin cheats is just one of the ways to complete the BP and I personally consider it the last resort. It might speed up the process – depending on how you measure it – but it’s abso-fuсking-lutely the most boring way you can do it.
That said, I’m still not quite 100% sure I understand what @Anglinex is complaining about. Why log in only once a week if you’re grinding the XP for the BP? And why did the BP supposedly “burn you out”?
The first one was a bit problematic for me, because the 10x multipliers were bugged and didn’t bank properly. This second one was a piece of cake, I completed it in less than 2 weeks. If you’re struggling with it, then you’re doing it wrong, but how in the world did you manage to do it wrong for so long that it burned you out, without getting advice from anyone? And if it didn’t burn you out because it takes too long, then what happened?
While I do not find the Battlepass, or headhunting, or events/encounters compelling, I do not find any of it has reduced my enjoyment of the game.
Some of the Battlepass rewards are enjoyable. Some of the Bazaar content is fun to use. But the central reason I continue to play the game is that I enjoy it.
Nothing they have introduced prevents me from playing in a fashion and style that brings me joy. There are games that have done this, I’m looking at you, 7 Days, but Conan has not.
As for the Battlepass completion, I run the boosted challenges and average about 2.5 levels a day. I did not find them onerous.
I’m sure you can relate to this, while doing my testing I incorporated grinding it OG with only 70-value challenges and at the same time on another account focused on storing multipliers and essentially doing it your way about 2.1 levels per day.
While doing the pass items I can confidently say I have been genuinely lost about what to spawn, or where to go. (heh) On a lot of occasions, either way I was playing, I found myself saying “shit that’s a lot of new stuff.” Plus NPCs like the Defiler that I had to google? Wildlife_SwampKing? lol Shows me how much I still don’t know!