Battle Pass Killed The Game

His name you mean, right, @CodeMage ? He is the source of the best bandages in the game.


Uh, no, I mean I literally didn’t know that he existed, at all. I’ve never even been inside King’s Niche. And those bandages? I only ever saw them on Siptah. I thought they weren’t available in Exiled Lands :rofl:


Well, now you know, thanks to the BP. That alone made it worth the trouble. That minidungeon also lands you a good sum of gold, silver and a legendary weapon. It’s also good to level thralls. :smile:
Did you get the emote at the entrance, @CodeMage ?


To be fair, I wouldn’t call the Battle Pass optional content.

You have a choice. Spend $10 now and grind out the Battle Pass levels.

Or wait until they eventually decide to give it as overpriced content in the Bazaar, probably starting some time next year.

That is what CE comes down to now. How much furniture or other items were added for free in the Age of Sorcery update? Compare that to how much was added in the Battle Pass or Bazaar.

This is all content you miss out on if you don’t engage with the Battle Pass. Content you sure as hell are never getting for free. If you don’t participate in the Battle Pass, you will almost certainly have to purchase it from the Bazaar, at much more than $10.

Don’t buy things from the Bazaar? This is all the stuff you’ll miss out on.

Show me a list of free additions to the game in the last 4 months. Betting it’s nowhere near the amount of paid content on those two lists.

But don’t sit and try to say the BP is optional. If you are a console player, the BP is your cheapest option to get new content in this game now.

Age of Sorcery added new mechanics, spells, a handful of workstations. But compare how much came freely as part of this, compared to how much of it is embedded into either the Bazaar or the Battle Pass.

When the number of new armors/weapons and other items in the BP/Bazaar > what is added in the free updates, you can no longer say either of them are optional. Because if you don’t participate in either, you’re missing out on a large part of what the game has become.


Maybe? I don’t pay a lot of attention to emotes, so I’m not sure if I stumbled upon it or not :smiley:

BP is as optional as any DLC. Do you consider DLCs to be optional?

You also have a choice of grinding out the BP levels without paying for it. Granted, you won’t be able to claim most of the rewards until you pay for the BP, but at least you can avoid the risk of having wasted the money you paid for it if you somehow don’t manage to complete it in 3 months.

Hey, how about you do your own homework and compare the patch notes to that wiki page? I’m not saying you’re wrong, or right, but I’m kinda tired of everyone coming in and saying “show me this and I bet it’s like that” to support their own arguments. It’s pretty much on the same level as “I’m just asking questions here”.

Uh, pretty much every sorcery-related BP or BLB item is entirely cosmetic. They’re either reskins of base-game sorcery stuff, or sorcery-themed placeables. None of them have any special gameplay function you don’t get in the base game. In fact, the only one that a PVE player like me would consider special in any way is the Arcane Curio Cabinet, thanks to its inventory capacity, which is an issue that they should fix.

Yeah, no, you’re conflating two kinds of content here: new cosmetic-only stuff, and new playable content.

I can agree 100% that the playable content they’ve released since they decided to go with the modern monetization leaves a lot to desire. No new dungeons, no exciting new enemies, no significant additions to the story and lore. The sorcery game mechanics range between meh and okay. In short, the new stuff is not exactly on the scale and level we’ve come to expect from previous major updates.

Then again, they’ve kinda painted themselves into a corner when it comes to that. The Exiled Lands map can’t take more content, and Siptah is paid DLC, so it makes you wonder where the new content is supposed to go. Even if they released a new, free map, those of us who love Exiled Lands would still complain about being neglected. The game is reaching its technical limits.

But that’s a whole different discussion. The point is that BP and BLB are, in fact, entirely optional. Even if these items were totally free and you could click on them in the store and receive them for no money whatsoever, it wouldn’t make the game any less stale.


Ah. I thought it was more than that forc some reason.

I’ve always been pretty underwhelmed by the battlepass and was hoping, back when it was being play tested, that they would add more interesting challenges to it.

I don’t think it kills the game. Just another example of a feature that doesn’t quite live up to its potential.

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Didn’t they fix the Arcane Curio Cabinet a few patches back or was that a different cabinet?

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It was the Arcane Bookcase. The Arcane Curio Cabinet is a BP item, the Arcane Bookcase is a BLB item.

My other half is annoyed, verry annoyed from the battlepass. He has no interest in doing it but yet, every time he is trying minding his buisness he gets notified that he finished a task. After some days he had enough. Did not logged in since then.

There is no way to turn this off so people can play as they prefer it or got used to. The battlepass gets literally forced onto peoples screen. So yes, I understand that some people might feel the battlepass is destroying their game experience.

The least Funcom could do is make some adjustments so people can turn it off.

I personally do not feel disturbed, but thats just because I am farmer and builder at heart. I do not mind grinding or doing the stuff I feel I have to do. But others might not feel the same intusiasm as I do.


Then they have made the best choice available.

Oh boy here we go again, just like some members who complained that the Head Hunting encounter was upsetting them. This is not like doing your taxes. The Battle Pass is purely optional, you are not obligatted to complete it and you never have been. Here is a suggestion; if for some bizarre reason you feel that the battle pass has “sucked out all the fun” in your game, maybe stop doing the challenges and abstain from purchasing the next one. And instead, just go back to playing the game as you did beforehand, or if for are no longer able to do so, take a break for a couple of months. Do people have so little impulse control nowadays?


No. It’s the battlepass grinding. We went from playing the game and occasionally paying $20 for a DLC - to hours of grinding to get a new color flame for a torch.

This has no meaning here. The event rewards are in-game not added to a player’s account. They are super ignorable if you want to ignore them.

It’s not so much impulse control as it is an OCD adjacent Need to have the shiny things.

Also you all seem to be forgetting/ignoring the part when I’m not alone. Non of my friends want to play anymore either. They all feel similarly.

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I mean let’s be frank here.

Do I think Funcoms marketing strategy is absolutely disgusting and they ARE being abusive with it as much as it’s allowed?.. Yes

I’m sorry, but that’s just a simple yes
 and I think a lot of us know that and knew it from the point they introduced the system
 I think THEY know it very well, it’s not like the prices are made accidentally etc.
And whether you choose to see it or not, they are hooking into every tiny bit of tried and true psychological method to get money out of you
 and get as much out of you as they can in a truly shameless fashion.

Here comes the interesting question though
 can we really blame them?.. (maybe? depends
That’s the sketchier question though, since they do need to make money and they suddenly brought on some specialists and seem to have figured out how to make way more than before
 which is probably in some ways a major relief for the company

As a side-note
 which company wouldn’t want to make way more money than before? If the opportunity is presented to grab the cash
 I think most companies would grab as much as they can

And as long as people are buying

 on what does it depend whether we can blame them or not?.. I think it depends on how we look at them

If we put them on a pedestal like many players have done so and hold them to standards of “honor” and other similar sentiments then of course
 we will end up disappointed and angry
 however if we hold them to the standards of an average company trying to make money
 then it’s not so surprising and the pieces fall in place.

As for the OCD collection of things and grinding
 a large number of people doing that actually have the ability to switch that off, so in the majority of the cases we’re not talking about people with actual mental illness who are compelled to buy anything
 we’re talking about your average gamer who is simply a “completionist” and WANTS to own every tiny bit of content released.
The difference is that the second group has the ability to switch that OCD off if they come to the conclusion that they either want to or need to (for financial reasons maybe). Accepting the changes goes a long way here

With all that said, I too wish they wouldn’t be trying to “milk” us to this degree and wish they were the version of themselves that the fans placed on pedestals, but the game changed and it is what it is
 I do agree with people here that the content IS optional and if you ignore all that “wrapping”, the old game is still underneath and in some ways it’s better than it has ever been.
So I still like the game and I’m even making mods for it etc :slight_smile:

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I agree with some others. For the OP, the BP is a convenient excuse to claim burn out on when it’s just the game itself you are tired of and have actually make the BP case in that you kept playing because of it
so you are upset that it’s doing it’s job and keeping people engaged. Not anyone’s fault but your own to be that controlled by basic game as service marketing.

@Winthor had a great idea just to have the ability to turn off BP notifications though.


The OP’s premise may seem illogical to some - picking yours as a well-worded example, Jimbo.

However, it does have merit.

Imagine if the baker mafia decided to make cake free, and even pay people to take and eat cake.
Cake “sales” and consumtion would probably rise.
Now, imagine them ending their offer and taking money for their cake again - let’s say the same price as before.
Cake sales would decrease - and it may even sink below the numbers before the cake giveaway. People got bored by cake, took free cake for granted, were made to think about cake, calories and capitalism, and suddenly, they’re not willing to pay for cake.

Illogical? Yes. But humans are illogical.

The Battlepass can have the same effect - maybe not on all, maybe not on the majority, but certainly to a part of the community, including me.
One gets excited about killing 10 rocknoses and get a somewhat interesting new digital gimmick. The brain now equates killing rocknoses with getting a reward. When there’s no reward anymore, killing rocknoses isn’t cool anymore.

There’s a funny video about little monkeys and grapes that shows a very similar problem and how deep our wiring goes:

Man, I’d like some cake. Or at least a grape.

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Yep. This is the “sticker shock” i mention all the time when talking about monetization. But I would go further in the analysis and say the older way gave hardcore fans a means to Pokemon the game and ‘collect them all’. This was a measure of pride and separation from others (“I have been with the game since presale days” and XYZ). The new monetization takes that collector mentality away and that is psychological betrayal to the unspoken agreement these diehards had with the company
 loyalty was used as a status symbol to pride over others and now the new way makes it economically nonfeasible to collect it all

Since battlepass and the bazaar were both implemented, we’ve seen a stream of steady new decorations and armors, building set expansions and new content to the base game due to the new revenue stream. I’m very happy about that. I also dont admin my way through it.

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After Chapter 1, even before Testlive was over, some others and I asked for notifications to be toggleable. We should be able to turn it off, because it severely messes with immersion.

This. The Must-Have Drive. Or “the completionist.”

You’re not wrong to feel how you do, and I’m not technically wrong as a retailer to try and exploit this. But I won’t. Although my business has a part of “exclusivity” and “timeliness,” we always make it clear the goodies will come back again. I think if Funcom simply made a leeetle statement about FOMO and the actual lack thereof, people might play on a bit more at ease.


I have no issue with this. A toggle for people would be helpful. The notifications do kinda show up like roadside billboards at times and is especially noticeable when you’ve already completed the battlepass and don’t have a reason to see them anymore.


I won’t ramble about the BP being the cause for people quitting the game. I imagine some people might hate the monetization system so much that it actually makes them want to stop playing. Each to his own.

I think the access to the BP and the BLB should be made via the main menu instead of the tabs. I don’t like seeing them mixed up with game menus. Personally, it breaks a little my immersion. It doesn’t bother me, but I would prefer to go to the main menu to see those things.

The BP should have an on/off switch. Once you finish the BP, it’s kind of pointless to keep seeing your progress in challenges you don’t mean to complete. Also, if you want to opt out of the BP, you don’t need to have it shoved down your throat, reminding you it exists. Funcom could add a toggle challenges option.

I suspect it isn’t implemented like that so it’s harder to ignore both the BP and the BLB. I’m not sure that won’t backfire, though.