The Claws are hunting weapons, they are intended to chase and pursue, brining down fleeting targets.
Not bein able to escape them easily is their eintire point.
They however are quite weak in direkt brawl. Hyperarmor counters them, since they have none themselves.
Just brace yourself with hyperarmor and hit back. Don’t try to run or dodge. Any Daggers can beat them, just intiate your combo before he hits. Axe works great as well and when I am clawing and I see a hammer unsheated, I turn away, for hammer destroys you in melee.
Its just the perfect example of whinny PvPer crying for nerfs!
This people are meant, when other people are writing the “PvP vs PvE mode”.
On the other side, the cried for spears and spears are the only meta… Now you have the armor ignor weapons (where btw some PvPer also wanted nerfs), still spears (after several nerfs) and claws (regardless which one).
And people called for nerfs or remove the “locking” when the Claws of Jebbal sag came out… So people also used that.
And it costs much to craft? WTF??
The only big cost are the 50 zeals, thats it…
@Gnadolin Not everyone knows what Hyperarmor is… Is there a guide for it? Which weapon has it and which not?
Hyperarmor means your attacks will not get interrupted by taking hits.
Weapons with Hyperarmor are:
Spear: Heavy Combo only
Axe: Heavy Combo only (only without sidearm)
Sword: Heavy Combo only (only without sidearm)
Daggers: Only Heavy Combo
Greatsword: Light and Heavy Combo
Hammer: Light and Heavy combo
Katana: Heavy Combo only
(Mace: Heavy Combo only? idk, no one uses Mace)
If you are beating your opponents by using daggers or hammers, then they do not know how to use the claws …
No weapon other than the claw itself can chase anyone using the claw.
So it doesn’t matter if you managed to stop the claw attack using a dagger. The guy is just going to dash the other side, heal and return.
By the time he catches a mistake from you, you are gone.
Btw, if the opponent is attacking you while using the dagger or hammer combo, just prove once again that he is not able to use the claws.
Believe me, I use them, mastered their use, but PvP has become ridiculous.
Hammer cannot counter effectively, even with hyperarmor on light attack. It is easy to break through the animation.
Dagger, 2h sword are effective counters, but they cost much more stamina than claws and as I said earlier, you won’t be able to finish the opponent.
My complaint is that to kill someone using the claws, you don’t need great skills or training.
The weapon spends little stamina and sometimes it gets infinite.
You just need to catch a mistake from the enemy and it is over.
Instead of them adjusting the other existing weapons to match the spear’s use, such as increasing the axe’s gap closer, increasing the greatsword’s attack range, dagger hitbox and the like. They create a sick weapon just like the jhebbal claw.
All 3 of you misunderstand what he is saying. The claws (and not the skill of the players) is what is leveling the field. Chump vs 3 or 4 people trying to gank him used to be a situation he could handle due to his level of skill. Now he can barely fend off 2 noobs because the power of the weapons is far greater than the skill of the users. I hope this clarifies.
Sure, but not being able to dominate groups of 3-4 people as a solo is not a sign of imbalance no matter how you turn it. Calling all those people “noobs” and blaming losing to them on them having “stupid OP” gear is not a good look.
Is there even a catch to using the claws? Does it drain your HP? make you take 50% more damage? Deny healing?
Not going to lie, I’d rather have them just be glorified daggers with a special buff but I don’t understand how such items get implemented.
Yes it’s a survival game but we still need a balanced combat system.
Like the lifeblood spear, health is a hot commodity in this game and it don’t come back quick, especially when you’re under fire. The moment it does however, you’ve already considerably tipped the scales in favor of whoever has the auto regen.
Why it was ever initially released in the state it was to begin with is beyond me.
it’s called an equalizer, a big weapon that makes a weaker person more powerful. I’m not trying to be mean here and sorry for the jargon but it illustrates the point easily. Not everyone who plays pvp is good at it, reality. There are plenty of veteran players out there that can handle themselves in a fight and some can play almost flawlessly capitalizing on most every mistake you make. Sometimes the people present on the battlefield are not skilled enough to compensate for this veteran and they ALL get killed.
Some people don’t experiment with a lot of weapons, they find the meta and learn it. This may be this case with Chump. When the meta shifted he was left with a learning curve to climb. Not saying this is the case, but it could be.
Sure. I’m just not sure I quite buy that losing when going 4v1 against constitutes a problem, even if in the old meta you used to be able to handle that.
Even if the claws are a weapon that are easier to use (low learning curve) when you outnumber your opponents, that’s not necessarily a problem - it’s just a niche tool. It’d be different if it looked like they dominated every encounter, but even from this thread, there seems to be counters when the odds are a bit more even.
All that said… using them to sprint faster than someone actually sprinting does seem strange and not really something that should be a thing (though not for balance reasons).