Not really the case for me, as I can simply adjust the damage on the Admin settings…if I wanted to. But no, in this case it is also based on several infaliable merits. For example, fighting on foot is readily available to all players from the moment the game begins. Conversely using mounted combat requires reaching level 15, building the stable, finding the foal, waiting for it to grow, then later levelling it up. The higher damage output should go to the mechanic which required more work to generate. In addition to this, I will add the following points.
You know what I am ordinarily the person who criticises the realism argument myself. But like I already said previously:
Dude it has already been nerfed from 1.5 down to 1.1, so where to from here? Down to 0.9 or 0.8…!? That will seriously diminish all of the hard work Funcom put into bringing us Mounts on the game after it was initially written off as being too much hard work. Sorry, but I say no.
Furthermore, there is no way that a person on horseback should deal less damage than a person on foot. The physics tell us that the person on a 500kg beast travelling at 88 km/hr is going to generate significantly more force in a blow than a person weighing in at 70kg and travelling at 25 km/hr. Its as ludicrous as wooden sword hitting with more force than a steel warhammer, or a rabbit hitting with more force than a dragon. This crosses the line between the sublime and the ridiculous.