Buff Heavy armors already, buff boss armors like Godbreaker, champion - they are HARD to get and still useless!

Can You please buff heavy armor as a whole - they are USELESS - outclassed by light armors due to armor penetration and no real profits wearing them.

Easy way to fix would be having big MAX HP increase bonus on every armor or stagger resistance or dot resistance. Dont go too far to make thralls too op tho.

Also buff some of stat + on Godbreaker armor, chmpion armor and so on - COOL looking armors that no one cares about - outclassed by light by alot, HARD as hell to get and bad stats.
Increase bonus stats, maybe give unique perk?, make it so its not that hard to get like c mon - no one wants to grid that long. I think even pve folks wont bother to get them many times yet they are so AWESOME looking armors. Same with Godbreaker weapons for example.

And again dont go too far to make thralls too op tho.


I’m failing to see how heavy armor being buffed (opposed to light) is going to benefit thralls?

They don’t have to anticipate moves, dodge, roll, etc.,… like a player does in combat.

Light does not benefit thralls overall, it is heavy?

I think the poster is taking about character usage. Heavy in most aspects of the game(even on PvE) isn’t worth the negatives it comes with compared to medium. Armor pen is too nasty and easy to get and it completely negates heavy 's advantage. Either boost heavy’s armor rating or nerf armor pen. Either way works because really armor pen is just too much.


I mean buff heavy armors for players BUT dont buff them too much so thralls wont get too powerfull as it is now thralls are good with heavy armors (theres no point in using light /med)


So many cool loking armors but it takes HOURS of HOURS to get them and yet they are not worth to wear vs light. Yes even in pve. Same with godbreaker weapons for example.

I don’t think they would be able to stop thralls from benefitting from a buff to heavy “too much”.

Aside from stopping thralls from using that specific thing like they did with SoC.

About the only benefit to heavy in my experience is wearing as a bomber. You can be close to the blast and not be 1 shot or when combat on horses were viable.

Heavy does what it intends. People in full plate armor are not fast as it should be.

Why not just illusion them on a lighter armor with the buffs you want? The problem was stated in the OP; any buffs would translate to thralls. In heavy, you could take full grit and mitigate damage to only 25% per hit, so its a bigger problem than just buffing heavy. It would involve changes to perks as well.

I agree that endgame armor (godbreaker/champion) doesn’t give any extra advantage over “normal” armor , especially after stat rework. The only advantage is in the hidden properties in champion when greaves and body armor remove corruption and poison ( I think, it works fine for corruption but not much for poison or there is a too big delay before it works )

Extra perks for top armor would be nice and could be reasonably set…plus it would be useful if for example each piece of heavy armor give some % of damage reduction that can’t be pierced etc…

I would check again. Those sets do in fact give bonuses that no other armors can provide. In fact both male wonderful sorcerer armors (one for the full corrupted and one for the wishing to remain pure)

As far as more buffs to heavy, I would say stick with armor vs armor pen discussion as I can see other types of buffs getting abused.

Two things, 1. I don’t think armor pen is as good as you think it is, 2. The whole point of armor pen is to be a counter to armor.

Armor penetration was already nerfed with 3.0. It used to be a direct negation off armor penetration.


Victim is in Godbreaker crafted with a shieldwright for 1597 armor, which is 76.16% damage reduction.

Attacker abuses perk mechanics and shoots an arrow with 75% armor penetration.

Pre-3.0, victim’s effective damage reduction is lowered down to 1.16%.

Currently, victim’s effective damage reduction is lowered down to 17.88%.


And it’s those perk mechanics that need to be looked at, since people don’t run around with 75% armor penetration on their regular weapons…

The big exception being Blade of seven winds, which doesn’t just get thrown at you on every street corner and has reduced damage to compensate, but in PvP if you use that and you happen to die and lose it… then that’s that… off to farm the Red Mother again…

The fact that rolling thrust applies to bows, which are already a high penetration weapon is pretty much the thing that’s currently making heavy armor useless.

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There’s the hollowbone arrows. They’re hard to get but they’re star metal arrows with 50% penetration.

Annihilator (from Klael’s dungon) got nerfed into uselessness.
The same with acid arrows.

With heavy armour you have to balance between expertise and grit.
And more items have been sacrificed to keep it in limbo. Instead of letting it burn in hell outright.

This part has absolutely ZERO relevance in the context of a videogame like this… unless you also have some IRL experience with carrying a couple of baby elephants in your pocket along with half a house…

Once you get some ingame experience and learn what the individual weapon combos do or how to avoid them, that won’t really be an issue anymore vs. NPCs

Same category as your first point, expecting a bit TOO much realism… FYI Conan actually uses hit locations for archery and headshots deal 1.3x damage, that’s pretty much all you can expect imo.

Really?.. haha… THAT’S what irritated you in Dark Souls?.. :scream:

Yes… after you modded the living hell out of it :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes, the game has various high armored opponents (we’re talking several thousand armor) so at least in PvE, armor penetration is needed.

The biggest issue I see with heavy armour is the stat investment, which still isn’t that big of a problem. It isn’t un-playable, but it makes it fall short of medium and light. You NEED extra stamina and weight capacity to comfortably use heavy.

Reducing the weight of heavy by 15%ish would help, as well as easing the stamina penalties just a tiny bit. The rebalance in AoS definitely helped but fell a little shy of the mark imo.

Other than that, if every heavy set gave a small flat health boost (10hp) at base like OP suggested, it would have virtually no impact on thralls (Whats 50hp added onto 2000 really gonna do in the grand scheme of it?).

Wear light or medium armor and go against the rockslide…
I will speak no more!

I think there needs to be a comprehensive change in how Armor Pen and Armor work. The idea behind using an Armor Pen weapon vs Dmg should be that you can do normal damage to armor and high damage to unarmored. But with how perks, kits, and such all work. As well as how much damage reduction Light Armor gives. We’re in this weird spot where there are some really junk weapons.

3.0 kinda helped this in the right direction. But I think they should take it a bit further. Light Armor should on average simply not give more than 1-5% damage reduction. That includes Epic Armor as well. What this does is as far as damage reduction goes, you only have to balance Medium and Heavy.

The problem with this, is they need to take another look at how much damage players can do, as well as how much NPCs can do. Without 40%+ damage reduction, you quickly enter 1-2 shot territory from many Bosses.

So a real fix is going to take a rebalance of pretty much how the entire combat system really works at every level. Even though its a titanic undertaking. I think the effort should be done.

With a horse you can go naked with a stone club.


This game is pathetically unbalanced in so many aspects and Funcom is unable to balance it properly.

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Stelagel you living legend, you! I get snuffed out by Rockslide wearing ANYTHING :rofl: Are you saying you can survive Rockslide in heavy?

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Why? You can already do that.

Does not look that heavy to me…

Light armor:

NO. NO MORE “EASYING” of anything! Game got too casual already…