I find it ridiculous that in pvp all you ever see is people running around in medium and light armor. heavy armor is considered trash to other players… Confused about that statement months ago I tried heavy armors again. Mind you I havent used heavy armor since the beta… Using heavy armor left me with nothing but disappointment because its so easy to get stunlocked infinitly by spears and daggers. All the time constant stuns… At the moment its not very viable to use heavy armor on a pvp server. I’m begging you guys to atleast do something about it. I favor the heavy armor designs it just sucks that I cant use them because of that. I recommend either bringing poise just for heavy armors because we dont have a crazy dodge mechanic like medium and light. Make all armor types great not just 2. This is also beneficial on your ends because that will encourage people to use the dlc heavy armors in pvp just saying… They look amazing. The poise doesnt even have to be insane… But anything that isnt 1 hit stunlock . heavy armor needs a bit of mobility. Please Funcom dont let us heavy armor users down I have godbreaker armor that I also cant use…
Most do not wear heavy armor because they are mostly overloaded with that. (see the Warmaker Dungeon armor)
You just have too few attribute points to run around permanently with heavy armor.
I love heavy armor, but only when my companion wears it.
good hunting bounded one
Master Clan of 3030 Official
Running isnt the problem its the stunlock for something that is supposed to be heavy armor… A knight wearing armor shouldnt be stunlocked by a dagger or anything in 1 hit unless its something heavy like a hammer .
Also if you have to sacrifice alot of points to make an armor work thats bad because it kills off alot of potential for builds for that said armor type. So people will still continue to use medium and light. Leaving heavy armor for the thralls why can the thralls rock everything better than us also…
It’s easy to explain, look at a real knight’s armor. Not all parts of the body are armored and can therefore be penetrated by daggers without any problems.
The same goes for arrows, a pointed arrow easily penetrates heavy armor.
Master Clan of 3030 Official
Yeah but the stunlock is insane and that doesnt apply to all armors silent legion and cimmerian and godbreaker have support
Certain knights were fully covered
But yeah I see your point with why heavy may stunlock but for a balancing perspective for pvp combat they should do something to give it an advantage because atm anyone wearing heavy armor is a free kill lol
Me and a bunch of noobs on the south corridor killed a guy wearing silent legion because we infinite stunlocked him using stone spears
That’s not right, under the armpit and at the knees was always only leather. Therefore, a stab in the armpit with a dagger would be fatal to the knight.
In addition, all armor used to be made of iron only, not steel.
Steel would have been too heavy.
Master Clan of 3030 Official
Copy & paste from another post I commented on
“Stagger/stun should definitely get worked on. The duration and severity should depend on the weapon and armor involved and attributes. i.e. Heavy armor should only be staggered by hammers/maces with heavy attacks, medium armor by 2 handed swords/maces/hammers (heavy attacks), light armor by anything(heavy attacks). Attributes could further increase/decrease these effects.”
Just makes sense to me.
Also, heavy armor should either decrease your run speed or slightly increase your stamina use. It already affects your ability to climb.
Want to run away fast? Strip down!
People still won’t use it if you make the mobility penalty even more severe. Being unable to climb is bad enough
(X) doubt
Have you ever looked at a real knights armor?
You can look at armor pierced in museums.
England’s archers were the most feared opponents in the Middle Ages.
I’ve seen historical armors. Don’t remember any with arrow holes though, but I’m not questioning whether it’s possible, because of course it is. I’m questioning whether it’s easy.
Most feared? Compared to what? But leaving that aside for a moment, archers were not feared for being able to - as you put it - easily penetrate heavy armor. Because while I don’t doubt armor, even plate, was occasionally pierced by arrows (plate armor is not one single design, after all), it was not common, certainly not easy. Killing horses, or lesser armored troops would be a lot more common.
Crossbows are another matter, but that’s not what we were talking about.
Fun facts: In the battle of Agincourt, traditionally seen as a victory of the longbow vs. knight, it wasn’t because arrows could penetrate armor. It was because the ground was so soft that the French horses couldn’t gallop, so the knights had to dismount and run towards the enemy, in that same soft soil. Many knights had to lift their visors so as to breathe more freely, and were shot in the face.
Jean II le Maingre, a French marshal who led the charge, made it all the way to the English lines and was taken captive. You’d imagine at least some English longbowmen would’ve tried to shoot the enemy commander leading from the front, yet he wasn’t turned into a pincushion on the way.
Most French knights were taken captive and subsequently executed when the English king Henry V feared that the prisoners would revolt when the French reinforcements arrived. They were easy prey to the English foot troops because most of them were totally out of breath after that foot slog across the muddy battlefield.
Steel has been used to make armor since the ancient Roman times. Iron is considerably softer, and as such makes weaker armor. Iron armor and weapons absolutely existed, but steel was preferred because it was better. A full suit of armor made of tempered steel weighs something like 20 to 25 kg, and the weight is distributed over the whole body. A modern day soldier, or a firefighter, carries more than this.
Full suits of (plate) armor didn’t have any real openings. A competent fighter could keep their armpits etc. protected against stabs, and even then, the joints were often protected by mail, in addition to the padded undercloth. It would take a very hard, strong stab from a dagger to punch through that, which most of the time required that the knight was already immobilized.
The important thing to keep in mind is that armor quality varied greatly. Not everyone could afford the best armor. However, towards the late Middle Ages even common foot soldiers often wore mail, which was sufficient to stop arrows from long range. (There are documented cases of Crusader knights wearing a double layer of mail, which made them basically invulnerable to Turkish and Arabic arrows.)
Therefore maybe the heavy armour could allow us to negate arrows, as long as we were at a long enough distance? Perhaps add a mod that adds that second layer to them and them alone. Maybe add armour specific mods that would emphasise some of their specific traits to some extent.
I don’t know. Based on the ongoing PvP discussions, bows aren’t really a major issue, so adding more tools to counter ranged combat isn’t likely to make heavy armor more attractive. As identified in this thread, heavy armor suffers mostly from a combination of lack of mobility and vulnerability to stunlock. And it doesn’t provide enough damage reduction compared to medium armor in order to compensate for these weaknesses.
Archery sucks now anyways because of claws sooo
Plus I’m sure people would still never wear heavy armor even if it’s immune to arrows
I like rock-paper-scissors game. It’s simple and provides means to affect your opponent, to fail their choice. I think the game needs this type of variable to keep up balance. Dropping the scissors for example from the equation makes intolerable imbalance. The heavy armour’s issue is that it’s been forgotten (dropped) from the equation. Giving it an edge over something could tilt the balance into place.