BUFF Sorcerery for PVP servers

There, I corrected that for you. I hate to break to to you @Turtleheimer but your opinion is only that, YOUR OPINION. You are nothing special that makes YOUR OPINION any more valid than that of any other persons opinion, and when the vast majority of PVP players spoke out AGAINST what you are now claiming guess what there buddy.

Oh really? In what university were you educated in the ways of sorcery? What degree do you have in PvP mechanics? Please, upload a screenshot of your degree, with a photograph of you receiving said degree and then I will take your claim of of you “opinion” coming from a place of “education” with even a hint of seriousness. Because this is the most laughably ludicrous claim you could make. :rofl:

Why you find your own choice unfortunate I have no idea but that was your choice and no one else’s. :woman_shrugging:

And now we are in full rant mode about mods… for what reason? What the bloody hell do mods have to do with anything? But it is nice of you to admit how full of yourself you are, not that all of your other comments haven’t already shown this attitude.

Of course it doesn’t. You’ve already proven yourself to be extraordinarily self-centered. Nothing on this planet matters to you but yourself and WHAT YOU THINK. So why would their opinion matter to precious little you? :roll_eyes:

Ah yes, the good old argument by pigheadedness logical fallacy. Yes, some people truly are just so freaking stupid aren’t they.

So me? You know, someone who has all the DLC’s and has been playing since EARLY ACCESS.


I could go on, but you get the point.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Your delusions are off the chart at this point! MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER when it cannot even hold the 40 players it is supposed to? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Uh…yeah. Profits are the motivation factor of every company. That is not necessarily the decision of the DEV TEAM but the UPPER MANAGEMENT who dictates what the DEV TEAM can and cannot work on. That is how companies work. How do you not know something as basic as this? :woman_facepalming:

PROFITS! Already explained that one above. WTF do you think the BLB was designed for? :woman_facepalming: Seriously, do you not comprehend how reality works at this point in time?

Yes, and making video games is one of them.

Who exactly do you think hates doing what they are doing? The developers certainly do not, they may not always enjoy the decisions they are forced into, but the passion for the project and the love of creating is precisely why they are developers in the first place. So maybe you think it is the executives? But they aren’t the ones who are involved in the creation process, they are “suits” who make business decisions. Business is what they do, it is what they enjoy doing. So they certainly do not hate what they are doing. So who exactly are you referring to? I think the only person in this entire discussion who actually hates what they are doing is YOU. So why the hell are you still doing it, especially when you are supposed to be doing it as a source of ENJOYMENT. Sounds to me like the Sunk Coast Fallacy kicking in full force here.

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