Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [EU]
I was very excited about the recently released 2.3 patch because I stopped playing online a long time ago, and my problem with offline gaming was that suddenly a random piece of the base lost stability without a reason, breaking down a part of the base. Building is one of my main motivations on playing it.
Yesterday, After updating I check my save, rebuild the felt parts, left and entered again, and the same parts broke again…
I will start another game soon (losing all my work on this one) to check if the problem was on some kind of corrupted pieces and it won’t happen on new saves or if the problem hasn’t been fixed yet.
Does anyone else still having this issue?
Best regards,
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Build a base
- Go far away from the drawing distance or restart the game
- Some pieces suffer stability loss without reason
Random stability loss after 19.05.patch
Bases disappearing in offline