Buying premium still f2p

I buy premium membership 12.04. but in game my account is stil f2p. Ticket no answer for now. Maybe here someone helps me.

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Having same issue; seems be some billing issues using funcoms site again; I submitted a ticket and it’s being looked at, don’t know when it’ll be resolved however

If you haven’t already, try going to instead of I believe the first link gives you more control over your account/payment methods. You might be able to fix the problem by going to the pending payments section and viewing the failed/pending payment. Then try following the instructions at the top of the page.

I also recently tried signing up for premium and ended up with a frozen account. I’d like to share what I think caused the issue on my end. Hopefully it will help other users avoid my situation!

I used the second/newer site( to sign up for membership. While putting in my payment details, I accidentally hit submit before completion. The page refreshed and I didn’t notice anything wrong, so I went ahead and filled it out again, this time correctly. I then went back to the account overview page, looked at my payment history page and noticed the second payment was approved, but the first payment had failed. I shrugged my shoulders and logged on. I had premium and everything was fine. But after I logged out, I discovered I had an email in my inbox, telling me that my premium had been cancelled. Logged in and confirmed that it was gone. So I’m stuck with one failed month of premium, one approved month of premium, and a frozen account. I think the lesson here is to be careful when filling out the payment page, as a blank field or typo might cause problems.

I’ve sent in a ticket and am awaiting a response. In the future, I’m going to try sticking to the older site and see if that helps.

What Spear experienced seems to be pretty correct: NEVER give a second order when the first one didn’t work. Try to find out WHY the payment failed (for example an expired credit card) and then correct it.
Another issue with FCs payment system is PAYPAL. Months ago I wanted to buy FC points and used paypal for it. When the system gave me the reply that “pre authorization” was necessary, I didn’t know how to proceed and the payment failed. But even some months later I was able to correct the payment by changing it to credit card and it went through.

I would really hope any FC representative would look into this forum and initiate something…

Hello Rui Casais - do you read this ???


i paid 3 times for 1 month and still account frozen
its ridiculous

I paid 3 x 1 month abo extensions by May 1st, switching from F2P to Premium Member, on register ageofconan com, and payments are refused, still in red in the history. My ccount turned frozen and the money was not spent. Then i baught 1 month abo from account ageofconan com by May 5th. This one worked fine, money is spent, and appeared as green in the history (register site). My account is considered valide for the next comming 4 months!!! in total, i appear as Premium Member on both sites, but physicallyi m still F2P player in the game. This last since May 1st, and i have no feed back from customer support, despite 3 - 4 claims, and additional request upon some claims to give details. Can someone support me.

Funcom should really look at this issue. My premium account was cancelled today because of failed payment, everything is ok on my side. On my try to fix it somehow i ended up now with 2 unpaid year subs.

My account is also frozen. Same thing I used first the new account page.
I haven´t finished the payment process, and used the back button of the browser.
The reason was that PayPal wasn´t working.
Nevertheless there were 4 bookings of the one month membership in my account. But I´ve seen this 5 days later on the old account page.
Credit Card Details have been still there, the whole time, but it hasn´t booked automatically, I put in my credit card details again and the system booked the 4 x monthly membership. The account was active.
Of course I wanted only 1 x monthly membership. Today 9 days later one booking is failed again, the account ist frozen. I´ve written the first mail to Funcom Customer Service on 1st May, till today, 14 days later I got still no answer, and the account is also frozen.
I can´t believe it, every online shop has a payment system, how can it be so difficult.
I´m very angry.

16 days, account unlocked. Tks support.

Hi my case is slightly different, today I paid one month on newer site and it says payment pending, then I checked the older site and instead it shows payment green and approved on home it says Membership valid until 06/18/20, money has taken from my card but I’m still f2p I can’t unlock extra toons nor do timed aa or 30/50% gain, I subbed just for the event lol…
my ticket number is [Funcom #1140707] in case some Funcom officer who reads and can help thanks

19 days since the first mail, today unlocked, I´ll get back the money for the prepaid month. The membership starts from today. Thank you.

@AndyB how will people who bought a subscription just for this event get compensated? It does not appear that a reply can be expected before the event ends.

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Update: I got premium mode ingame, I don’t know if it was thanks to human action because I got no mail answer for ticket, maybe the pending was just a little delay, if instead someone did it after reading my post, well THANKS THOUSANDS :smiley:

Having same problem! My bank blocked my first attempt (because USA to Oslo I guess?) so the payment failed. Then I setup something through Paypal and it worked. But for some reason the old payment still showed as failed so even though I paid for a month’s sub after that and it went through. So Funcom has my money.

I tried deleting my payment accounts and tried setting up through Paypal again, but I get an error now and cannot use Paypal. So I feel you! On the new website it says I am a member. But the old account says says I am frozen even though I do have a payment for 1 month’s subscription and it shows on there too. It even says I am on a 1 month subscription on the old account site, but right above that it says I am frozen.


Looking through the thread, most of the issues posted have already been resolved. If you have any further issues, your best bet is to message me directly.