I’m sure if I play enough of chapter 3 I’ll get used to the new combat system, but it’s not much fun now. I really only play single player so I don’t know how it will affect PvP but it’s been slowed down so much that it’s a real pain. I’m not sure how this was supposed to improve the game, the extra step of manually turning to face enemies or having to use the lock on feature really kills the feel of fighting. Even the roll dodging has been slowed down to the point of being useless. It seems now the only real viable way to fight is to gear up the heaviest armor you can find instead of been light on you feet and rolling. It’s a shame really. I think I may just put the game down for a while and see how things unfold. How is everyone else dealing with it?
The face enemy on attack seems broken. Comb0s are worthless, the first attack hits and now you are past your enemy attacking open air no matter where you aim you attack.
Where as NPCs can ignore physics and turn on a dime to hit you when you dodge. Even a heavy two handed hammer
Yeah im responsible for that- previous combats i would side step circle around enemies avoiding combat while getting my jabs in- now not so much - so its actually a welcome change.
I have the same problem since the update - npcs dont focus on you and when you try to hit them you cant - rotation doesnt work
Hey guys, you must be wrong, because Dennis very clearly said in the Q&A that they “create higher quality, more polished and more iterated upon updates”.
I’m just glad they caught all the hackers with this update who were stealing all those Khram Khoins! Khram must be so proud of them.
Ok - I just caught up with YouTube video of this saying its a deliberate change … Whhhhyyyyy? It’s completely uninstinctive. And muscle memory now needs completely unlearning. What on earth could have made them think this was an improvement? I so thought this was a glitch or a bug that I am reverifying all my game files as I speak. I really am not sure I can play Conan like this. And I love the game.
The same misguided stunted intellect that brought us all the previous “improvements”. I dunno, maybe we’re not the target market anymore? Are they trying to move in on the Roblox playerbase?
re your reply. for Chapter 3
The development team continues to impress me with how poorly they understand even the most fundamental elements of Conan Exiles combat.
None of this needed to be touched. Hyper armor, stamina, recovery, and damage were in a good place. All we needed for the Age of Sorcery meta was a momentum system for movement so that disengaging from combat was a bit riskier.
These changes are terrible, and the development team is so insulated from player feedback that they’ve literally nerfed TURNING. How lethargic does someone have to be to think things like, “Wow these players sure can turn fast. Gotta fix that. Oh damn, that guy just free-aimed and killed an NPC. How can we force them into using Q-lock like we have to?”
It’s ridiculous that devs that can’t beat their own PvE raid without god mode are setting the skill ceiling for Conan.
Why develop real content when you can just keep changing the systems in the game over and over and call it an update. Especially when you arbitrarily limit yourself to 3 month cycles in which time you have to print so much crap for the BP/Bazaar you have no time to do anything but keep tweaking the core game and adding in half baked systems you never finish.
The raid, just like everything else they have added since like AoS CH2, is something you can do in 5 minutes and will probably only do once or twice before it loses its appeal. Just grab a ram and climb up to the where the boss is.
There’s basically three things they can focus on each patch:
- new content
- messing with things that don’t need to be messed with
- fixing critical bugs
You can always count on Funkhram to focus on 1, with a healthy side of new bugs, and 2, with a healthy side of “lol what even is this game? how do button work?”. 3 is not even on their radar.
See that’s the bit that boggles me. It’s actually more work to change combat like this than it would be to just leave it be. The purge changes would work just fine under the Age of Sorcery meta.
@DeaconElie wrote a great response to the developer letter to the community. The fact is that no one asked for or wanted these changes, but you had two devs that are so bad at playing their own game that they began to shotgun poorly thought-out updates until they arrived at a point where the skill ceiling for the game was touching the floor.
If people stop playing the game, and especially if they stop buying the bazaar crap, things WILL change. The issue is you’re never gonna convince the handful of people who buy everything to stop or convince certain youtubers (who get all the items for free) from making videos about it.
We are the minority.
Absolutely true. The fact is that it’s easier (and cheaper) to mess with existing mechanics than it is to build new ones. The seed money from Tencent has definitely dried up and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the development budget is running on fumes.
This may sound ridiculous to some long-time players, but I have a recommendation that helped me reorient myself to the new system. Start over with a new character, from the desert, with Official Server settings (4X Harvest Rate). Then focus on leveling as fast as you can, avoiding slowing down for Journey Steps. By necessity you will use scrounged weapons (mostly) and be exposed to most all of them.
The reason I say this is because I observed it in myself. On the Beta I was able to easily level to 60 in two hours, repeatedly, meanwhile thoroughly enjoying the weapons. I know it’s a hard stretch for long-timers, but at more than 7k hours, it worked for me!
The other issue is that the monetization is aimed at a specific group.
Not all builders engage in combat.
Just as not all raiders give a fig about fancy builds or pretty thrall gear.
For some people, this game is a box of digital LEGOS.
They aren’t adversely impacted by any of the combat changes.
I’m having the same issue… [1] the dot on the screen for targeting is off by several degrees left of center, and [2] “lunging” toward your target is a crap-shoot for what direction you’re going to lunge in… perhaps we rename the game “punching bag” because that’s what my avatar has become.
I can’t target anything and can’t seem to land two strikes in a row, where yesterday I wasn’t overly concerned with pulling 6 to 8 mobs, today, I’m worried if I’ll live and outlast pulling 2. I see no rhyme nor reason in the new targeting mechanics.
I hate target auto lock and prefer to select targets in real time… but if there’s no active target control, I have no reason to play Conan Exiles… And if this is the direction FunCom is heading, I have no reason to buy their games. Active combat is what makes the game fun.
Add to that frustration that my “follower” constantly moves to the location of the targeted mob… stepping DIRECTLY IN MY LINE OF FIRE. When they have a shield, they block my attack. If they can be assigned to “move to a coordinate”, we should be able to adjust that coordinate “to spec” for how we use our followers.
Why not allow a mod to the assigned location or attack vector of the follower to be 30 or 45 degrees left or right so they are your wingman rather than the bodyguard for the mob? Or, a certain distance in front of my avatar, but facing back to me so that good follower damage turns the mobs back to me where by back-strike bonuses kick in… ya know, “stra-gedy”.
Hey I’m here to play the Sims with nudity and combat! LOL I love to build and I like all the pretty things. I can spend ages decorating a house. I’ve been playing since the first day of pre-launch. I like the game itself even though the fighting (PvE or PVP) isn’t the thing I like most. But it was still really fun. Now? Completely ruined. Thanks Funcom.
Seems right now the only thing saving me from being devastated to find out my favourite free flowing combat has been destroyed is the fact I can’t get in because I’m banned.
I just read my comments from launch of chapter 2 of AoW for a recap - it was the same thing with different issues. “WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN NOT TO BE EXCITED FOR UPDATES?!”