Cheaters on Official Server 1100 ...... How to cheat Videos , Great Job Funcom

They Build in Montain , while fighting they crash the server, use 50 Stats BUG …
and Funcom do nothing ? Whats wrong with u Guys ?

Now the admins will say , we can do nothing we only community admins . So why we need
community admins when they are useless ?

Whats the Problem , when Players post a bug funcom patch the bug on next day ? cant understand whats the problem. oh i forget, they dont earn money to fixing bug .

Yeah funcom, we all will buy your next game for shure, because u made so much great games and dont care about cheaters that use bugs .

Why arent u admins give us an answer " why u dont patch bugs instant "
u admins know they crash the server with triboks , why just remove them until its fixed ?
u admins know which players are cheating , why dont u bann them perm. ?
u admins mostly know all the buged items , remove them from the game until u batched them !

We want an answer why u do not whats important ?
there are still places to build undermesh and in mountans … !


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so its also useless that we post proofs, they dont care about postet problems

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ohhh i forget , the only thing community admins can do , is to delete posts that funcom dont want to read or get the posts public

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if u admins dont know how they cheat , here are some videos … or give the normal players the same options that cheaters use .

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Undermesh cheaterbase on Server 1100 / PVP / Official

Undermesh cheaterbase on Server 1100 / PVP / Official

Undermesh cheaterbase on Server 1100 / PVP / Official

Undermesh cheaterbase on Server 1100 / PVP / Official

You should send those videos to @community in private message, they’ll take care of those glitchers. Do a proper report.


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