i have question - it was year 2019 when i recieved code from my friend to play Conan for the first time. Just now i see i got Complete Edition - but i miss/lack some dlcs (Isle of Siptah, Architects of Argos, The riddle of steel)
Here’s my screen from manage steam dlcs (since new members can’t upload pictures i will leave prnt.scrn link here - hhhttps://prnt.sc/x7xyba remove the hh )
Is it some kind of bug? Thank you for all the help.
Depending on when the complete edition was purchased it may contain a different number of DLCs. If you or your friend have purchased a complete edition a year ago, it will only include what was released until that date. If you purchase it today, it will include more but it will also cost more.
P.S. I remember that The Riddle of Steel was a special DLC and it was not included in the Season Pass. It was probably not included in the complete edition back then either. It is included in the one that can be purchased today though.
That’s unfortunate. But also kind of “money grabbing” i mean the game is awesome and has it’s own flies, devs have to live from smth, i get that, but i think this is huge money grab. Can’t imagine i would have same problems with ark for example. I bought complete explorer edition so i get all dlcs. If complete edition lack some content then it’s not complete edition. They should have gone for Season Pass 2 or something like that. Disappointed a bit.
Well have a nice day and thank you for your reply.
I indeed do know what it brings up. New map, new bosses, new places to explore and some new things to do for example Rhino saddles and riding. But i had different point, not sure you get it.
Edit: wish i had grandpa like you
You bought a complete edition in 2019. Each pack clearly specifies what is included in it. There is no false advertising here only wishful thinking from players who think they will pay a few bucks and get all the future dlcs for free.
There’s no statement that it was Complete edition for year 2019. Atleast my friend told me that. And i kinda believe him tbh. I get it, you like to defend the game. No offense to the developers, since i respect them and i get it that they have to live from something, they have mouths to feed and bills to pay, haha. - but this is a cash grab. No matter how you look on it. Complete edition should have everything. Like i said, they should have gone for Season Pass 2. Complete edition means complete. Doesn’t matter what you say mate. That doesn’t mean i don’t like the game, but they should really rename it.
I’m on PS4 so I dunno about steam, but I’ve never seen a “2019 complete edition” it was just “complete edition”. But yeah, now there is a “May 2020 complete edition”
Yeah, all the normal DLCs should be in, except for Siptah in my opinion.
And about Siptah being EA, yeah i heard bad things about the map right now, so i will gladly wait for them to do their work and support them right after it’s done. Only thing i want from that DLC is the Rhino riding ability. I mean it’s sad you can’t craft it. I still remember these times when they said " mounts cannot be done, because of movements problems" or what it was, haha.
At least you’re not missing a lot. Riddle of Steel is just statues and some cosmetic helmets.
The armors in Argos is okay I guess… I only got it because I wanted some white building pieces but you already got the Aquilonian ones anyway. I think it also has some arches and pillars and stuff maybe, but I only play PVP and don’t really build pretty stuff so I don’t really care lol.
Yeah, i am more PvP Scheduled player and also i play with my friends on my own server. So i don’t really care. Good thing is i don’t have to have the dlc to ride the rhinos, you just need friend to make the saddle, haha. Which is cool
you can twist the words as much as you like but there is a description what is included and it is complete at the time of purchase and it may or may not be complete 6 years later. If you buy it today, this is what you get for your money and it doesn’t say anything about getting any season pass or future DLCs:
You would be surprised to see how many older people play this game. Heard of one woman 76 years old has her own server. My wife and I have had ours around 2 years. Have fun out there.
I’m not twisting words… It’s you who said “2019 complete edition”…
before it was just Gold edition and Complete edition.
Since Gold edition is with S1 DLC it would have made way more sense to call S1 + S2 edition Platinum or whatever… I expect complete to be complete. And yeah there’s games where complete means including future DLC.
Can you quote where I said that? I said that the person bought a complete edition in 2019 and at that time they received all released content up to the date of that purchase. And again, the description shows exactly what you will receive when you buy the bundle. There is no reference that you are entitled to any future DLCs as well.
It has nothing to do with “defending the game.” It is called business 101 and common sense. Your friend bought it for you also, so how much money are you out? Amusing that you are calling it a cash grab when you spent zero money.
Exactly correct. And Imagine buying the Total War complete edition in 2000 and expecting every single future release to be handed to you on a silver platter…