You are not entirely wrong here. Thing is this is a temporary solution one we have seen with the cosmetic DLCs and another we have seen in their other games. Biggest example is AoC they added a interesting new dungeon and before that they did a progressive server. Interest was really low because of the year long bugs clunkyness and imbalaces plaguing the game.
I think a lot of us has just learned to accept Conan as it is… They’re never gonna fix all the problems anyway, but if I can at least get some new content to entertain me for a while, then I’m fine with that.
Elders will remember…
In day one, Funcom has promised map updates will never be paid.
Remember we started off with only the 1 desert(including south river), the den was our north mapborder in those days.
They said map updates/extensions will always be free. (Not talking bout DLC’s)
And indeed, sofar mapupdates where free.
They said they never wipe the servers, they did not wipe them sofar.
Weirdly enuf i trust them in a mapupdate will not be paid /paid dlc.
Lets see.
Thats the thing accepting the terrible state of the game will only drive more people away. Meaning less people will play and less fixing and content. Look at their other titles. Dont let the same thing happen here.
I need a source for this claim. There have been so many misinterpretations and even disinformation on what Funcom has promised and what they have not that whenever I hear someone say that “They said that…” I go find myself the biggest grain of salt I can find.
If it is a map expansion I remember a promise that only dlc expansions will have a fee. If you own the game any map expansion will not cost.
You might want to be careful with posts like this with some of these people. They’ll take it personally. They can’t imagine how some of us don’t ‘see the light’ and can’t comprehend the fact that many of us don’t have the issues they do on a daily basis.
But this is nothing new. For over two decades I’ve seen the most common complaint. Why do they release stuff when there’s still bugs? Its just simple ignorance. These people don’t understand that a development team aren’t all coders. I’m working on a project right now, where my music dude doesn’t know how to turn on the computer he works on. No kidding. He’s Gen X’er who acts like an old boomer who barely knows how to use a double click on a mouse. But the music he makes is great. My artist fares better. But he’s a hardware type of guy. He’s better at that part than I am in some cases. But when it comes to coding and logic, he doesn’t know where to start. Well that’s unfair, he can work with already created code, but he can’t create any.
If the people in these forums had their way. They’d have people like that thrown into bug fixing. Maybe even the forum mods too while they’re at it.
But you and I know, that’s ridiculous. These people need to work. They need something to do. Musicians need to make music, artists need to make new art, 3d modelers need to make new models, and so forth. All these people need to keep doing what they were hired to do. And they need to earn their keep.
That’s why we have DLCs. The coders never stop coding, they don’t stop bugfixing. The guys who bug fix really really want to knock out some issues that have been added. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve had bugs in my own project that have been there for years. It sucks. We’re not apathetic to the players, we’re not saying ‘screw it, its good enough’. Its never good enough. And I’ve seen the passion of some of these developers. They DO play this game among us. They play on officials and they play on modded private servers. They do love this game.
Like the guy working on the thralls. He has a vision of us commanding thralls like an army. He set up the thrall command system, and yeah it sucked at first, but he made it better. He eventually wants to allow us to do more than one at a time. I don’t know if they’ll greenlight that for him. But he has a vision, a passion, and he has fun at what he does. What more could you ask from someone?
But these people here in these forums would dump him aside if they could. They call him incompetent. They want him gone because he dare introduced a new bug when he gave us a new feature. A feature we asked for.
And God damn anyone who disagrees. When their stuff started getting locked or removed for harassing the developers, they go after people like us who try to explain that many of us don’t experience the game breaking stuff on a daily basis, and they got personal. In real bad way. But that’s alright, the forum mods are pretty good at doing their jobs.
Critiquing the game is one thing. And even though some people in the forums don’t think people like me are capable of it. I have critiqued Funcom on many occasions. They have done things I don’t agree with. And you know what? I’ve even proved Funcom wrong. Back when they added the new combat system, when the game went out of early access. I was a big opponent of what they did to Archery.
To put it shortly, they gutted it. 50 points in Accuracy wasn’t worth 10 points in Strength to put it shortly. And I made the argument that each point of ACC should equal STR. I mean all stats should be equal in an ideal world, and we’re not there yet. But this was ridiculous.
Their opinion was that no one wanted to use ranged over melee in Conan. They even called the Bow a ‘sidearm’ in their livestreams. So I did some due diligence. Maybe more than what’s called for in a simple player. But I wanted to be thorough. So I made a mod. Its still up on the workshop. It still works. But I doubt you’d want to use it nowadays. But getting ahead of ourselves.
I played around with some values, its just a datatable edit, because my Unreal experience at the time was zilch (not much better now, but I do what I can). And for about a week of testing in the devkit. I came up with some values that seemed to put archery where I wanted it.
At the time I was an admin of a server, a popular one at that. We’d see 50+ people online at any given time with it being 70/70. I asked the owner if we could run the mod. And he agreed. I got to see the mod used in the largest PVP action I have ever seen in Conan Exiles.
This battle was damn awesome. Over twenty players per side, in a siege fight that lasted hours. Archery was used, it wasn’t dominant, but it was used. In addition Javelins were used since my mod made them stack (back then they didn’t). Since ranged was now dangerous, we even saw tactics like the defenders locking shields to press forward. We had use a treb on them specifically to break them up.
Not too long after I was playing on another PVP server. And before a major event I was able to convince the server owner to us the mod on that server too. That didn’t take much convincing, I think that guy loved archery. And in that event there was over 50 players present. It wasn’t a spontaneous PVP, but a RP type one where admins and select players played ‘bad guys’ and temporary characters. Against the rest of the server, so more of a scenario (which are alot of fun too). Again the archery proved to be alot of fun, not just for the archers. But the fighters too who liked the change up from the normal meta.
After that, I presented what I found to Funcom. Now I can’t 100% for certain say that that’s what caused them to change their minds. But it did give the community something to work with when asking for changed. The end result is my mod is now deprecated.
Like I said, you can use it. I don’t recommend it. If you do, it will NERF your archery. They actually went above and beyond what I found to be roughly in the balance. I’m not saying that is a bad thing. Or that they went too far (well they did, because they toned it back a little). But they have their own ideas. Mine were oriented towards PVP (it didn’t make bows do more damage in PVE). Where they wanted to buff both.
But as you can see. When -I- critique the game. Its not ‘game broke, fix it pls’. I didn’t insult the devs. I didn’t insult the company. I didn’t personally attack those who disagreed. And imagine that. I got the change I wanted. Though some would have you believe that its because I’m their favorite. Or some conspiracy theory that I work for Funcom. Sorry I don’t like the cold enough to move to northern Europe. Though they do have an office in my home state. But I don’t think they want a salty veteran yelling at people (actually I’m sure they do, but I’m good).
But back to the subject at hand. Does the game have bugs? Yeah. Today… and I will only list non-mod bugs. Since Funcom isn’t responsible for 90% of those (they do cause some of those with shenanigans in the devkit, there’s some drama in that… but we won’t go there). I saw today… one invisible sandstorm. The other… I’d say 7 or 8 were visible. Used to be 50/50, but that was caused by a mod we recently took off. I had a horse get me stuck, but on the fence on whether that was a bug or a connection issue (had a weird issue pop up today that no one else on the server is experiencing, so I’m thinking this ones on my end, especially since the server FPS is 55-60, and ping is sub 80ms). And I had 200 steaks cook instantly when I pressed go on the campfire. I wish this bug would happen more often.
So nothing to run to the forums and whine about to be honest. Oh and I do have more bugs than that. But like I said, those are mod related. Like I had a crash due to Pippi today. I was making kits and loading the items up on the dozenth time caused a crash. I also had Pippi run really slowly, but in its defense, I was doing probably about 14 hours of Mushi scripting. A server restart cleared that up.
I have a weird issue with eye colors being shifted over by one. What you see on your character on the third row isn’t the same color as you select. This is caused by RA: Fantasy Extension not liking another mod. But all the colors are available, and you just need to select the color that looks good on your character rather than by square.
There’s a couple of others that I can’t recall off the top of my head. But yeah I do have bugs. I don’t have the same ones as many of the ones here. But I do get them. But as I said, they’re on me, not Funcom since they’re mod related. And alot of them are ‘first world problems’. Like that one about the eye color thing. Unmodded peeps would love to have that bug, since it would mean they could have a feature to customize their character without recreating.
You know the ironic thing would be? If I complained about these bugs. These same people would tell me to play on an unmodded server. But they get mad when I suggest for them to play on a different server when they have an issue caused by shoddy hardware. But we won’t go there.
New content is very much welcome by alot of us. This new thing they announced brought alot of activity in the forum. It was starting to get stale. I’m playing on a server with elves and dwarves and crap because after three years, and 3600 hours. You need to spice it up a bit. So any official content is very much a welcome addition.
Oh and one thing I will critique the game on is the fact that its too damn easy. So hopefully this new content adds some harder stuff. I -have- to play with mods because the base game is too easy. Simply using the settings isn’t enough. I have to set the NPCs to one hit me to make it exciting. And even then its really not, just tedious. The NPCs we have in the base game are boring. I used to say you could solo everything with a thrall. But put on heavy armor, get a decent VIT stat, and then just right click everything to death. That’s in the vanilla game. Of course you can’t do that with AoC or EEWA, which is why I’m running with at least one of those.
But I’d like to see new systems with NPCs so fights are more interesting. It looked like we got some of that with the bosses a while back, but then they nerfed them. Probably at the request of those who think stabbing a box to get goodies while its owner is asleep is ‘good pvp’.
Lets get stronger stuff to fight, not weaker. Lets get more complex fights, not simpler. There’s plenty of simple stuff for the ones who want it. Throw the rest of us a bone this time. That’s what I want to see in this new content.
me wishing for fixes wont bring fixes… tbh I’ve given up hope
For those of you looking for an animated wallpaper of the countdown page (and with Wallpaper Engine), our lovely Marin has uploaded it on the Steam Workshop.
Source > me. i say so in the post above. If you valeu that is your decision.
Ive been there, many with me,
as i said Conan Exiles “Elders” will remember, map extensions (the map was small in EA days) and if they would be free in the future was a general topic those days.
No guarantees, it’s Conan Exiles by FunCom
but there is no time count down? booo.
I’m still waiting for Steam to download it
HelloGames managed to ‘fix’ No Man’s Sky after several years of significant content additions, with no DLC revenue. Additionally, that game is stable and bug free, in comparison to Conan Exiles.
Its worth noting that they were a relatively small team as well.
Also, FunCom was recently acquired by a company with fairly deep pockets, TenCent.
This could be a source of funds for the core game fixes this game needs.
That doesn’t sell more copies, weirdly enough. You see that timer with a cool looking picture? New map? Horses? Gods? That is attractive.
Making your game appealing for more people is always the top priority. Older players will always quit at some point, and they won’t buy the game every year. Hell not even DLCs, i’m sure its only a small % of people that buys them. That means that they always need to compensate these people quitting and attract new players, bugfixes do not do that. New content does.
Unless your game is so bad that its widely known by people outside the playerbase that the game is awful, bugs will not be the a critical issue that needs priority.
I don’t like the way it works, but thats how it seems to be.
I think CE might be heading in such a direction.
Average CE forum poster on week A:
“There’s no new content the game is dying”
Average CE forum poster on week B:
“How dare they add new content don’t they know giant cockroaches killed my family”
There is no winning.
Love it, cannot wait for it. It has been very long since the last major content update, also I am hoping for sorcery with this map DLC.
I want a map of at least 200km2.
Oh dear crom no
Why are people pushing this godawful “battle royale” rumor?