Crom heard our not prayers, here comes expansion


If enough people say it, it must be true

I have no problem with it if it si a Battle Royal type expansion. If i was a company, and i felt i had a unique spin on a very profitable game “style”, why would i not explore it? If it drives revenue that can be used on the entire CE project scope, it is smart for business. For me, if it was a battle royal map, it would need to incorporate raiding, farming, and the current melee mechanics to be unique to other Battle Royals and stay within the CE lore. Otherwise if it is just a “re-skin” of what we have, along with a better coded (due to the knowledge gained over the last 4 years on UE4) it will wear thin very quickly, and more than likely not attract a high volume of NEW player types, or at least not enough to justify the money spent on developing it.

I dont think it’s a battlew royal but I have in the back of my mind this possibility that its actually not a full fledged map like the original one. Maybe a small aditional region which launches invasions on the main map. Kind of a Mordor zone in The Lord of the Rings.


Update September 4, 2020:
Announcement Developer Stream announced. I’ve made a thread for discussion concerning the stream here:

This is mainly for discussion regarding the dev stream. There are several topics -like this one- which discuss the announcement itself.

I read Red Sonja: The Black Tower. It took all of 10 minutes. Let’s just say, I hope they drew their inspiration from elsewhere.

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If they drew their inspiration from that, I hope they did something fun with it, something better than the comic. It was a rather disappointing read.

Because Funcom has managed to train many of their customers to be just that cynical and it’s fun to get reactions from people?

I was mostly joking when I proposed it, but now that I’ve thought about it a bit I’m actually more convinced that it’s gonna be a BR.

The flavor text speaks of clouds on the horizon, a storm and a vortex has a center which is where the black tower is (or needs to get to) so that all living things can be dominated. That’s all pretty classic BR tropes.

I also don’t see how they could produce an entire new map in what seems like a really short amount of time given how long it seems to take them to develop what seem like much smaller features.

I’m also mildly interested in the idea of a melee based BR. It might be a lot of fun.

A BR would also avoid splitting the player base across two maps and it might even bring in new players if it’s compelling and well done.

New picture -


Source -

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Or make a gif with several screenshots… Not sure if gif’s can be used as background…

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Its a late , but planned free mapextention.
Probably with a new dlc to go with that momentum.

Its just the way things go on CE/FC imo, we had more map/region extentions, it will be an map above the swamp(upper staging area etc, some call it jungle too), and there probably wiil be one or two obelisks, as there are two slots left on the maproom.

There will be a tower like f.i the battower, or keep with something like darkness theme, few caves /features wich could be slowly released. Perhaps a dark sandstorm.

Well be like hee cool new and after a few days the bugs start to surface.

Lets see lol my 2cts.

Note if they evolved the purge in any way we are totally screwed lol.

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Let me rephrase: I would like to see a source where Funcom says what you claim they said. That’s what a source means. I mean, just because I say on the Net that Arizer_FM promised to buy the new map expansion for everyone doesn’t make it true. I would need to be able to point out where and when exactly you said it.

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100% agreement there @Jimbo
Vote with your feet. If I don’t like a game I move on I have close to 5k hours played in CE. I moved to private servers once I’d sampled the ‘delights’ of official, generic servers, and have never looked back.

Admins have cunningly added a ton of new and Very challenging thralls/npcs here and there and, as in real life, it’s sometimes hard to know before you kick the hyena in the rear that the hyena has been spending all its time in the gym-equivalent and rips your throat out.
PvP Private servers have Admins and Moderators. The griefing is limited and usually stepped on rather hard.

Actual bugs are irritating, but they don’t happen much. I’ve spotted occasional under-mesher noobs, but regular Admin sweeps (thank you Josh/pippi) clear them away instantly.

I pop back onto Official server occasionally to remind myself why I moved to private servers. They have not changed and based on the volume of junk-building on some of them, it’s not surprising that there are crashes and complaints: a megabase with volumes of npcs and pets and several other clans out there with the same does put some levels of strain on server and local memory. Throw in some teleports, a purge and connection fun, and it gets really ‘exciting’. Did pop on over to a private server run by a popular streamer, and frequented by mod-builders, and am reminded why I am still playing this game.

Looking forward to the new DLC and any other updates!

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What makes you think i did not understand you in the first place?

Again, thats what iv’e seen written/said in dev streams and lots of other occasions.

No i dont have screenshots or quotes… (wth)

Believe it or don’t it’s the same, subdiscussion closed.

if there are still undermesh or speed hacks I will not pay for more content :slight_smile: fix the game first and then expand

They have worked on it close to a year I believe, and also they put their other games on hold to put more manpower and resources into conan exiles and dune. So their north american office are assisting the oslo office, so they might actually have something big going on here. I don’t think it will be a battle royale because it would make no sense to add a BR expansion to a survival game, it’s two different audiences and wouldn’t sell well. They could make a Conan BR as a seperate game tho, but I think as of now it’s a new map with more story, magic and probably a lot of additions to other systems, like combat (hopefully)

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I hope you’re right.

Or we got the raid in the sandstorm like they said was going to be added to the original map but now it will be added to a disconnected totally different map under a new name…

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