Dagger pvp meta

Unless you can explain better that is a distinction without a difference.

That seems generally untrue. There are levels and special items like in all games. Some items and setups will always be better than others. Some combos will always have some advantage over other standards and/or different combos. And these play to the players style in combat - which is also different for each individual. No one watches a YouTube and then comes in game and crushes it because of what they learned in a video. What are you even talking about - it seems you just want to justify this idea of ā€œbalanceā€ youā€™ve made up in your head. ~=shrug=~

*cough* Silent legion light *cough*
*cough* Dragonhide *cough*
*cough* Zathite Spear *cough*

For EL. I rarely played siptah because it is beyound broken.

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I didnā€™t call it dps on purpose, because itā€™s a little more complicated. Fucntion also plays a role. Fx the reach of spears.

And Conan isnā€™t really what youā€™re describing. Adventurers arenā€™t risking everything and spending weeksā€¦ They just figure out whatā€™s best and farm a ton of it. What great risk is involved in farming a bunch of Loldarium?

Now if the game didnā€™t have a few items that were so much better and instead had a bunch of gear with specialties, then those weeks tweaking might matter.

Thatā€™s your style, so be it. Others face down powerful dragons, battle packs of sabretooth killers, invade populated villages and strongholds, spend weeks location hunting in recon, in order to get the special weapons, recopies, special T4 thralls, and the raw materials needed. I guess you just spawn then in with the Admin panel and call it a day?

ā€” Some edits aboveā€¦

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a typical example is a fast weapon with low damage and a slow weapon with high damage.

DPS is the same, but playstyle is different.

Iā€™m not talking about all games, Iā€™m talking about this game. Conan Exiles. And itā€™s very true. A few bits are way better than the rest.

I also never said a video made players good.

But 99%+ of people who run a good setup in pvp (again, in this game) use the same gear sets. In Siptah itā€™s pretty much just a matter of if they use Aspect of the Bat or Demon.

Itā€™s seems you donā€™t know what you are talking about and just want to justify the idea of ā€œanti-balanceā€ you made up, because you donā€™t want nerfs.

You do realize this is a thread about pvp, right?

And that is as it should be - is my point.

You people (yes, I said it) you people, asking for nerf after nerf until every good game on the planet (like Conan is now) becomes an uninteresting mash-pit of mindless hack-&-slashery.

Daggers and every other weapon in the game needs no specific nerfs! Some timing tune-ups or a little more controllability, maybe. Stop trying to ruin my game! Companies are typically too easy to persuade and listen to all the wrong people (whoever is loudest).

Of course, but that seemed to fit what you think happens in CEā€¦ All the stuff just magically appears somehow and there is no risk involved - and should be no rewards. Maybe true if you always fight and grind in large groupsā€¦ otherwise it doesnā€™t fit!

Well then you didnā€™t understand me or shouldnā€™t have disagreed because thatā€™s the same thing I saidā€¦ Indeed a distinction without a difference.

Hyperboleā€¦ Doubtful even 20%ā€¦

Then ask Funcom to remove PvP completelyā€¦

Ah yeah ? Look at the attribute system.

Only 2 viable options are:

50 ENC
40 VIT + 40 STR

Rest = garbage

If you donā€™t like the game that much there are others you can play. Most people like Conan just as it is for the most part. A few wishes here and there - some hope of progress on this feature or that. The things youā€™re suggesting will likely only make it worse. Itā€™s not like Funcom just made up a bunch arbitrary attributes and threw it out there without testing things (even with player participation!). This is their idea of how it oughta play - not yours. If you like other systems better then play those.

Complete nonsense!

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Why does it always resort to this? To this PvE vs PvE thingā€¦is it really that difficult to have consensus that there is something wrong when you see a game rich in variety of stylesā€¦and yet every youtube about the game has everyone in the same clothing and same weapons? Letā€™s be clear here is anyone saying there isnā€™t a problem? If not we are just arguing over the solution to the problem and instead of getting creative and figuring a compromise, we lash out at each other instead.


You donā€™t play PvP. @idjiit was right. I will write what I think now, even if I get flagged. I will blur it, so you can skip it, because it might be too sensitive for you.

You have been warned

Probably all you do in this game is PvE grind and item finding whilst looking at the ass of your female character, making her more sexy with mods and share screenshots to show what a sexy avatar you have. I just need to look at Reddit to see the typical Conan player there. Either itā€™s building or admiring their sexy female characters.

You canā€™t win with 50 Grit vs 40 STR, 40 VIT in PvP.
You canā€™t win with 50 Agility vs 40 STR, 40 VIT in PvP.
Heck you are even on a serious disadvantage by just using 30 VIT with ANY build combination.

Who claims that? Why would I even be here then, participating in discussions to make PvP better in this game?

The only thing >> I << donā€™t like is Funcom and how they handle their game(s).

They are not playing their game, otherwise they wouldā€™ve figured and fixed already after THREE years that javelins, 2h axes, short swords and maces are crap.

They also wouldā€™ve fixed attribute perks not functioning correctly or being too weak after THREE years.

They even needed 1 YEAR to fix armor values being swapped on the reptilian gloves and chest. I did that in 5 MINUTES in the devkitā€¦


Because Funcom is fundamentally incompetent at balancing those 2 modes. Everything they do for PvP affects PvE and vice versa. Often enough negatively.

People said weapon XYZ is too OP, Funcom nerfed it. Best examples for that: Sword of Crom and Lifeblood Spear.

People wanted horses and Funcom implemented them. But completly broken and OP in PvP.

On top of that it takes them frickin months or years to fix the problems that they created. This is the worst IMO.

Funny, you actually wanted balance to begin with. You just wanted balance achieved by buffing the bad stuff. But as soon as I suggested balance could be achieved by buffing some and nerfing some, balance became a terrible thing lol.

I never asked for any nerfs.

I specifically wrote in this thread that I donā€™t think daggers are OP. :man_facepalming:

(But I do think it seems like feroxic daggers do too much damage compared to other weapons.).

Most people I know grind solo most of the time. Thereā€™s no great risk involved in getting the best gear. On Siptah itā€™s pretty much just Loldarium farm. Itā€™s the same risk as farming most of the gear.

Donā€™t know whatā€™s meta in EL right now, but fx Yogā€™s Touch dropped from one of the easiest bosses in the game. NO great risk.

Whatā€™s doubtful is that you play pvp or even watch pvp videos.

Yes, I am. And everyone not active in this thread is potentially saying the same with their silence!

Itā€™s a few control freaks who think they know something the rest of us donā€™t. They want their way even though their way has no basis in reality and hasnā€™t been tested - and they want it based on their own individual play style not even bothering to considering others. This is how games die. No thank you!

Itā€™s one thing when you can go on TestLive and debug or demonstrate with hours of gameplay some mistake or real imbalance. Itā€™s quite another to just proclaim yourself the god of problems and solutions where no one else thinks so. Look at me, Iā€™m a big on the forums because I say how Siptah is

or tell everyone thereā€™s not enough diversity to accommodate different stylesā€¦ oops:

Yes, because I am the god in my own mind and

compared to me! Look at me!! Look at me!!! Me me me!

Okay, we get itā€¦

I would even buff daggers by fixing their awful hitbox. Then we can see how it is going and if some damage adjustments are needed.

You do realize youā€™re doing the same right?

You want to control how the game should be based on your playstyle and what you enjoy.

TBH itā€™s ok. Just accept that itā€™s ok that people who disagree also do it.


Thatā€™s a logical fallacyā€¦ How is saying Funcom is doing fine without this sort of self promotional ā€œfix it or elseā€ nonsense, wanting to control anything? Err, kinda doesnā€™t make a lot of sense when you think about it huh?


So can we stop this nonsense now and get on with the topic? I would like to see some facts on why daggers are broken/not broken.

Here, I will start with a video from a high skilled PvP player we all know:

Sadly, he does not play anymore but the title states: ā€œDaggers are viableā€

Not OP, not garbage. Viable.

The daggers used are the lemurian daggers. IMO pretty balanced, they do I think 2s of cripple and have decent damage to compete.

Itā€™s just a discussion forum youā€™knowā€¦

weā€™re all allowed to voice our opinions here.

Nobody is saying ā€œor elseā€ anything lol. We have no power over Funcom. We can just try to make them see our different opinions.

What youā€™re suggesting only makes sense from your point of view, because you donā€™t want the game changed.

But the fair thing is obviously that people can voice opinions about whatever they want or donā€™t want changed. You try to hide it as ā€œFuncom is doing fine without usā€ but in reality you just want only your opinion to matter.