Dagger pvp meta

Since I’m not American, and there’s nothing right now I can think of replying to this that wouldn’t be rude, I’ll take some time to calm down and come back to tell you why that sucks so much. I suspect that if you take some time from this thread as well, you won’t need me to tell you that.

And I agree with that. And did several times in this thread already. But I wouldn’t have arrived at that agreement if it wasn’t for explanations you, @Chaoruk, and several others gave. OP’s original post did nothing like that and I’ll be damned if I’ll see something like that and stay quiet just because there are people who think they shouldn’t even bother to explain things when they’re proposing stuff that will affect my own play style.

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Well if they are a true paper, gas clouds are useless…called a sandstone mask, and no pvper I know doesn’t have at least the basic vs on.

Quoted for truth huh? So now it seems you’ve never actually even used daggers!

Don’t worry, this is complete BS! Backflips drain stamina about twice as fast as running. Always have!

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They still need to fix the backflip encumbered problem. I keep a pair on me when I get too greedy so I can get back to base reasonably on a schedule (because droping the 234 stone after taking 400 bars of star metal to get me to 99% just isn’t an option)


True, but the claim was that you can run around naked with stone daggers and own everyone. preposterous, I know, but that was my attempt to enlighten someone who had no interest in debate or the opinions of others. This thread has devolved into a huge steaming pile of misunderstanding and bad faith arguments.

Personally, I never go anywhere without my masks and I have plenty of replacements in my armory in case I die.

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Own may not be the right word but certainly keep busy for around 10 minutes or more. I remember one of my clan just staled a clan of 5 with her stab and run tactics while we were busy assessing points of weakness on a base. Found out the bubble didn’t extend fully to protect their anti-climb on one corner. I hate when that happens.

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Agreed as well. I have not seen this either. What weapon/armor combination are they using to achieve this ?

Problem solved and answered. And see I should have just scrolled down a bit. Damn my laziness. I blame microwave ovens for this.

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It’s slower than running too if you time it. This is me jamming on the Q key rapidly too.


but but …what about my +9 strength?

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It’s not a “problem”. If you’re doing this then you’re likely one of only a very few people who do. There are barer thralls, barer packs, armor, potions, weapons and body paint that address this sort of thing much much better. Using backflips for encumbered travel also leaves you vulnerable. a) you can’t see where you’re going, and b) at the end of it you have no stam so if you’re attacked, you lose armor endurance points and health, or worse die.

It’s a novelty that you can while encumbered but it’s a useless one. Maybe just to get to your horse or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah I know and if I’m actually raiding someone, I’m doing the encumber build anyways…but sometimes scouting brings different treasures than anticipated. Potions? Bah. I keep forgetting them or more likely get squirreled on doing something else for an hour after taking them and forgetting that they are not effective anymore. It was mostly humor post but some element of truth. If I know there are folks in the area, I never go to the base while encumbered. EVER! I normally have a storage offbase and then track back at night with blindsight on. Can never be too careful you know.

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I hear ya… Yeah I carry a sword for times like that. I think it’s 56 dmg, 23 pen, but gives +8 enc IIRC. So I just equip it and run. Usually works. :slight_smile: I also carry a barer’s backpack though too. I’m not sure what they give - I think it’s a percentage increase but never bothered to check.

+5 enc. Yeah, early days Bael Ptors Razor was my farming sword. it allowed for me to actually have a decent fight build. Surprised many a thief thinking I had no str.


Really? I’m at least inclusive and welcoming to those outside my demographic. You’re not.

Is a statement that is exclusive, elitist, and bigotted. Anyone who plays Conan can quickly understand what PVP is by playing around with it. Which many have. The only reason to make a statement like that is because you simply do not wish to defend positions from a whole section of the playerbase.

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Agreed ^, certainly is!

While not denying that I do observe something (understatement) of a dagger supremacy in the realm of PvP (and much PvE content for that matter) I don’t think a Nerf is necessarily in order.
Rather, Tweeks and refinements for other weapon types to bring them up to bar might be better. Anyone remember the unholy host of status anomalies Spear attacks used to give? I also seem to recall them having better stats across board. Now look at them… Nerf bats are not always the best answer.
The attack pattern of daggers may need a once over. Weapons get attack pattern adjustments with regularity. However, I would rather see other weapons brought into viability on the same level, rather than making the daggers less utile.

Daggers do what they are supposed to do and do it well. They should not be punished for being the only competent weapon class
Other weapon types, they aren’t quite there, sometimes significantly less so.
Rather than tearing down that which is working, the less optimum gear should be improved.


This has been suggested a few times in this thread and in others. But ignored. They DON’T want other weapons being brought up. They want THEIR favorite meta weapon to be better than daggers.

That’s the problem this thread is having. This is why nerf threads should not be allowed.


Pure conspiracy theory.

By far the most people want balance. They want multiple options to be viable.

With Conan I do understand why some people are so much against nerfs. Funcoms track record aren’t great and “nerf” rarely bring balance, it usually means making the weapon terrible.

But in the end we want balance. just buffing everything else isn’t really the solution either. What happens when some new weapon does too high damage? Buff everything else again?

Better to establish a baseline. How much damage should weapons be able to do in how much time. Then balance around that.


I don’t think so. Or if this is true then why do players go to all the trouble of trying to beat the balance and become stronger and better than others… analyzing builds, testing weapon counters, building stronger safer bases… etc.

If most people wanted balance they would all be standing out in open fields with the same identical set of weapons as everyone else. etc.

It’s NOT just their track record. Every game of similar genera that has turned to sh** has done so because of nerfs! “Nerfs are bad, Mmkay!”

DPS should probably not be a basis for anything like that. Where’s the reward for the adventurer who risked everything to get the best items? The reward for the men and women who spent weeks figuring out the exact set of tweaks to make their build a little more special that others? etc.

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you took “balance” far out of context.

I meant balance in a variety of gear being viable.

Most players don’t go to all that trouble either. They watch some YouTube video and call it a day. Because a few bits of gear are so much better than the rest right now, there’s not a lot to analyze.