Bombs are too easy to make, too easy to place, and too easy to detonate.
- Make: Take crafting bombs from inventory and make a special bomb station. Move explosive arrows out of the carpenter’s bench for the same reason. Reduce Dragon Powder stack size and increase its weight a little bit.
- Place: Shorten the placement distance by a lot. Currently, you can be about 6 foundations away (estimating here) and place bombs. Reduce that to about 1 full foundation away.
- Detonate: Non-Explosive arrows shouldn’t detonate the bombs, and add a short (maybe 1 second) animation to ignite them.
None of this will fix the core of them, though, which is their alpha strike damage. I’ll get into that later
Trebuchets are cool, but really really difficult to use. I haven’t playtested them myself, but I do know that in my experience, they’re not worth the effort when normal bombs do the treb’s job better than the treb does 99.9% of the time (Remember: 56.97% of all statistics are made up on the spot, so YMMV)
Gods, again, are cool, but there are so many reasons not to use them. Mostly this: If they have a bubble, they’re immune. Gods, in my eyes, should be the be-all-end-all of destruction, and in a sense they are. However, they have several flaws.
- Gods that walk on land have serious issues with their animations getting messed up by changes in the elevation.
- As a whole, gods cause everyone on the server to lag spike while the game renders the avatar, and it lags even harder as the server struggles to calculate the damage being done to all of the individual structure blocks that get hit.
- Again, if the defenders have a bubble, gods cease to be a threat.
I don’t think gods need a nerf. I think that the bubble should be slightly smaller and that gods should have some of their janky behaviors fixed
I also believe that the ways of attacking are too limited, so everyone gravitates towards one raiding method as being the “correct” way of raiding. Balancing the offensive weapons against each other, you can see why bombs are regarded as being OP.
I’d be glad to! At the same time, I’ll address a couple other issues I’ve noticed.
When I say nuanced structures, I mean structures being used in ways they were obviously not meant to. Drawbridge stacking, gate stacking, vault spam, Improved Beehives as pillars, Thrones in doorways, and other building pieces/placeables with out-of-scale HP are what I think of when I think of weird interactions. I believe that their HP is too high, and should be brought down to reasonable levels. This, however, needs to happen in conjunction with increasing the Base HP of standard structural pieces to something viable, especially doors. A fence stacked hallway of 20 doors sounds like a lot, but would take only about 60 bombs to get through. Which a solo can farm in about an hour. And now that we can’t fence stack, it’s even worse. This is why no one in their right minds uses doors anymore since we can pick up building pieces. I’m not sure what would be considered balanced, but I believe that doors in particular should have about 85% of the HP that an equal-tier wall would have. Doors should still be a weak point for your base, of course, but not a crippling weakness.
While on the topic of building HP, I’ll loop back to bombs: their damage is too high. If we reduce the HP of the out-of-scale structures, and increase the HP of standard building pieces and whatnot, bombs are still out of scale. Their alpha damage needs a rebalance, and perhaps the rest of their damage can be from the D.O.T. that the resulting fire (which can be put out with a water orb IIRC, and if it can’t, it should be).
(While we’re on the topic of drawbridges, can you let someone know how much we’d like new drawbridge textures? I’ve got all these DLC pieces and want a nice looking drawbridge to go with it pretty please ^^)