Do we really need Legion armor?

They do stop bleeding.
I give my bandage test results here:

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@ExNihiloish This was a very good resource, and helps explain why I’ve only gotten a bleed on Legion once. I had to repair a piece or two of that particular armor before I could dye it. Thralls are great armor racks.

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Only certain attacks cause bleed. Such as Heavy attack 2, 3 and 4 from daggers, heavy 4 from axes, heavy 4 from spears, etc. I’m sure people typically kill their enemies before a bleed attack can land - at least in PvE, I don’t PvP so I wouldn’t really know about that.

Yes they are! With all the thrall bugs, their best use is to display armor as if they were living mannequins.

It’s a mixed bag, really. I think the armor is such a wildcard in PVP, and it was only because I stunlocked him with a nerfed Cimmerian Battle Axe. He had to have been a mule. I was way too low-powered to have fought him ordinarily, and had just scrounged a set of hardened daggers, didn’t have much to lose but waaay distressed Vanir plus Kambujan Helmet and a potion.

Having seen your edit: as solo PVP, I depend on and can rely on my manpower, and use the tar out of them. Literally. :smiley:

Silent Legion is the best armor for two purposes:

Frontline Brawlers.

PVP is so much more than those two attributes. Personally I use a set of Light Armor for PVP since I use a Sapper/Engineering build (gonna keep this one confidential since its so damned effective). I’ve seen a few others use the Stygian Raider for Archer support (don’t need more than one or two of these people). And then the most common is Vanir Heavy/Medium.

But usually people run Silent Legion when they want to gank. Its the best dueling armor in the game hands down. So you roll up on some dude in a gathering build, gank them, and pick up what you want. But when larger scale PVP happens like in an online raid, where it is a 5v5 or more scenario. SL armor tends to get put away for something a bit cheaper.

When it guarantees a win, people use SL. When its not certain, its put away.

The only change I would consider is changing the cost to be a bit more expensive. And require some more exotic materials. It doesn’t need to be nerfed. Nerf it and another armor takes its place. Probably Cimmerian Steel. And then you’ll all want that nerfed since it will beat everything in the same scenarios as SL does now.

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Silent Legion is just way to easy to make right now, why did they remove the heart from craft makes no sense just like a lot of other stuff doesn’t, balance in this game is mess right now.

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I agree. If they increased respawn time of the boss and make pvp servers drop ONE heart instead of two and then reintroduce hearts into the recipes the legion would be balanced. It would still be OP as hell but crafting full set would require some effort and loss of the set would be painful. Now you can just spam-craft silent legion cause its easier to make than any lvl 60 flawless epic gear and its so much better than any of them in terms of survivabilty.

same with vaults - cost is inadequate to its efficiency.

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The heart is pretty easy to get.

I would think some rare lotus flower/powder (when they’re all working). In addition to a heart.

I wouldn’t be opposed to making it a boss key as well. Use the key in the grinder to make some substance, you get 3-4 of and one or two is used in each piece. This would be the alternative to the rare lotus I said above.

This could open up crafting a medium version and other versions of legendary armors. You can make them, use them and they are about the best. But they are really expensive to lose. Maybe enough to limit their use.

The big issue in this is if you were to change it’s cost too many people already have it so it would need a wipe to make the new recipe effective.

My personal thoughts are make certain armoursgive negative effects as well like SL give 15-25% permanent curse when equipped. I feel if they added things like this it would make PVP more risk reward balanced

Same thing with vaults that need a mechanic change to make them more balanced my suggestion here would be to make them unable to be repaired

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