Does it bothers only me that we don't have map room in Siptah?

@JJDancer , This is an excellent opportunity for me. I tried so many times to DM you but you are locked :pensive:. I didnā€™t want to go off topic in other posts and I hesitate, but this is my post and I donā€™t care :joy::joy::joy:.
It is not the game only that keeps me here, the greatest reason I stuck in this game is the forum and more specific some players that I feel they are my friends. People I never met, just type messages. I know that it sounds childish, but some of you help me escape my real life problems.
My wife sometimes is whyning ā€œeverything you care about is the game and this forumā€. Maybe she is right, but she definitely should not hear it from me :joy::joy::joy:.
I know what hurt you the most in this game, most of us do and believe me we agree, but we cannot do anything about it anymore, itā€™s gone. Still I beg you to reconsider a return, we need our friend, we need your creativity, your style, your predatory blade opinions, sharp and effective :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


And hopefully where they can not be blocked or camped giving griefers more potential targets.


You ran into a change in game mechanics that I think they didnā€™t even announce, which was an endless source of frustration at the beginning.

You see, back when I played Siptah, the new mechanic was that the babies had a chance to spawn where the adults spawn and you would have to keep killing adults the RNG gods blessed you with a miracle of immaculate conception :stuck_out_tongue:

The only exceptions to this were a couple of guaranteed spawns: one for foals, and one for sabretooth kittens. And, of course, trolls and griefers targeted the kitten spot within a month or so into the early access. The only reason they couldnā€™t pave over the foal spawn was because it was in the Maelstrom area, where you couldnā€™t build back then.

Which brings me to the reason Iā€™m not playing Siptah and havenā€™t been since they announced they were breaking the Vault-Maelstrom-Surge loop: more then a dungeon extravaganza, IoS is Las Vegas. RNG is how you get everything, even some of the basic Exiled Lands recipes. I just donā€™t enjoy that. Thereā€™s a reason why I havenā€™t even been to Vegas in all the years since I immigrated to the US. :confused:


As a console player Iā€™ve only experienced IoS in its 2.4 form. It sucks seeing people step away with frustrations from growing pains, I 100% understand it though.

For what it is worth, while the babies still function on an RNG basis the Isles of Dawn and Dusk, as well as the Surge mechanics, have made access to certain pets much more available. Rhinos have a guaranteed spawn and many more RNG spawns on Dawn. Sabercats can be obtained through surge spawning.

There is still RNG to be sure. Honestly though, I kind of believe it is one of the core pillars of ā€œendgameā€ in CE that extend playtime past completion of content. PVP, RP, and RNG - whether that is good or bad is debatable, but it seems baked in by design.


I think that was part of my burnout problem with IoS. I spent so many hours in CE with RNG getting the best weapon drops and then they just kept nerfing them, that I really did not want to go thru that again.

As an example, It literally took me a month and a half of constant dragon killing just to get the lifeblood spear, only to have them turn it into a useless wall decoration.


I really wish RNG didnā€™t have to be a thing in the game. I think I understand why it is - out of the 3 pillars I mentioned (PvP, RP, RNG) it is the only one Funcom can force you to partake in. Itā€™s their easiest way to provide an endgame to players who complete all the content then try to not rely on other players for more content. Not that that is a bad thing mind you - I am just not sure what Funcom can do here besides produce new content. Idk itā€™s complicatedā€¦ As a player the highs of winning the RNG roulette do not outweigh the grind to get that win IMO, but Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s to be done about it.

Edit: When I say RP I mean ANY kind of world building. Building your dream castle by yourself is a form of very light RP.


The problem is trust. I do not think many players have any faith that FC will not change, nerf, or break the high value items that take so long to get.
Newer players will not see this until they spend a few months getting an item and FC breaks it. Veteran players have seen it from day one and are burned out by it.
Top that off with them constantly ā€œfixingā€ things that are not broken, just because they think they know better than their predecessors, or that they think they know what the player base needs and wants and you have a major ā€œI am doneā€ scenario from a huge portion of the player base.

To get back on topic, I am sure the Dev managers are thinking that IoS does not need fast travel, or it is just a ā€œwe will get to it when we get to itā€ attitude.
Either way, it is depressing and saddens me to see the path this once awesome game has taken.


Nah, I say keep the maproom on Exiled Lands.


I did propose a fast travel system for Isle of Siptah that suits its context: a raft. At the top of the island there is an oar stuck in the sand. I suggested that that oar should be a fast travel feat, which learns the ā€œraftā€.

Enabled, you are able to fast travel to several points on the coast around the circumference of the island.

This seems more organic to the circumstances of the Isle of Siptah. I donā€™t think we should be lazy and import a mechanic designed for a completely different context. It doesnā€™t seem right.

I hope Funcom sees the logic in my idea.


I like the raft idea would speed things up and landing on the beach might prevent players from being walled in when they arrive if land claims prevented in the spawning area and a little RNG thrown in to slow down stalkers in the area. Up or down the beach spawning in a given zone. I donā€™t play pvp but understand the need.


Bit this post is about IoS. And it is a different map. Resources more spread so you are always close to everything you need. The other stuff are just collectibles and should be part of an adventure, not a port and grab. That game exists, CE.

And you have the freedom to mass harvest on SP as well, correct?

And as an evil pvper, I have to keep up with the meta to survive, which is teleport harvesting. Doesnā€™t mean I like it.

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Is PvPers do get the vapors some time :slight_smile:


I see first of all beauty. It is very important this game to amaze us, it does it successfully these years and probably this is the reason we got burned by it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Thank you for your wonderful contribution in this post :clap:


I donā€™t want this at all. The last thing I want is people running through a surge to access a map room feature.


And this is why I never use obelisks.

Seriously though Siptah is fine if you have a mount. But if youā€™re on a server that doesnā€™t allow them it gets a bit much.

The leyshrine teleport could cause a huge issue because people will just use it to abuse peopleā€™s surgesā€¦ I like the dynamic teleport option though to stop the likes of @biggcane55 :joy:


T9 be clear, by teleport harvesting I didnā€™t mean camping obbies, I meant jumping to an area quick farming it and jumping back. Can get 30,000+ iron ore, 15,000 black ice, 8000 brimstone, 8,000 hide, 20,000 crystal or 50,000 stone in about 15 minutes. Didnā€™t include wood and wood extras, because it is easily farmed near wherever your base is.


Sometimes it takes me longer to gear up than actually farm. Reason is, the hidden chests in walls on pvp means having to remember the correct wall destruction sequences lol.


Oh Iā€™m sorry, I thought you were being a bit too open about being an ob camper :joy: Makes complete sense now.


Iā€™m not against some form of fast travel since the map has grown. While I personally donā€™t feel a need for it, Iā€™m also a fan of convenience.

I think a Cardinal direction waypoint system could work well


@Tuffman, Can you expand a bit on your Cardinal idea please, I cannot understand what it is. One thing I learned good since now is when you do not understand something ask, thank you for your understanding :+1:t6: