According the the wiki, they have a maximum range of 32 foundations. Does the ending point have to have a wall or something to “stop” the elevator?
I think the one I had on my PVE server was like 24 or so. IIRC the end can be a ceiling tile or a foundation block. It can be either wedge or cube tho. And like I say, I dunno all the various ways.
I put stuff like this up on officials all the time but take them down a week or two later - wait a week or two and try something else. Something like this goes up in 30 minutes plus 30 min. for materials and processing. So it’s an hour total to build and 5min to take down.
Thanks for the tips! Back before my old clan left the server, my leader had a base that spanned a good portion of the volcano, all connected with horizontal elevators an guarded with archers. It was the slow elevators too, so the whole time you were moving to the base proper, you’re getting peppered with arrows. It was amusing to watch someone from different clan try to raid us. We just sat on top of a watchtower and laughed as his health dwindled and there was nothing he could do about it.
What I used to do was misdirection.
I built a stable, I mean you gotta put your horse somewhere right?
Well I would hide a trap door under the large hay pile. 6 large chests worth of goods and explosives can fit in a small space.
Raiders would go right past what they saw as decoration, and waste bombs to find nothing of value in the base itself.
Sneaky… I like it. And will now bomb any hay stacks I find just out of sheer principle
I did something similar on the last base I built, all the vaults was under the courtyard. Thought it looked quite cool lol.
At least on Siptah it seemed like pillar bases was already the most popular. Probably because 95% of decent spots are pillar spots.
Super easy to defend if online and takes a bit more effort to offline.
Might be tbh. Every stability fix seems to cause more 9f stacked chests to lose stability. Lost 22500 steel reinforcements that way
not really. Just a solid piece whether man made or the map. Test in SP. but @32 foundations is correct as well.
I use a nice trick. I put the main loot in chests next to the gate doors. They usually are so 8ntent in getting in deep, they leave the outside alone. And on pillar bases, use the lower walled in area on side of a cliff. Again they focus in anti climb and above.
Just saw a post from a while ago while looking for something unrelated to this topic, but seems relevant: machicolations. Now that super-close fence stacking isn’t a thing, is what is in this post possible today?
don’t know if you can, but it’s stacking. (u better delete lol)
I doubt that’s possible now, at least not with the fences that close together.
Easy, its the player’s problem when they don’t listen and get a message saying they are suspended or banned for not following the rules. You have no rights on a server, official or otherwise, that is not your own.
A server owner gets to decide how players play on a server and they get to decide the type of player they want on their server. If they don’t want or like you, you get kicked to the door.
You all need to stop acting like you’re entitled to play on these rented servers. You’re not. You are a guest. Its about time you all start acting like one. Officials are a privilege and convenience offered. They have literally not just doubled down, tripled down, or even quadrupled down, but quintupled down on this fact in the last month. They are likely going to sextuple and septuple this at this point, that much I’ll wager.
And the sad thing is you agreed to those rules. There are words and definitions for those who go back on their own word that are not appropriate for these forums. And that is exactly the kind of things these people are being.
Listen to what, exactly? Vaguely worded rules? The week of silence from the admins when they wipe your base and you submit a Zendesk request to find out what you did wrong with no chance to appeal? Or how about we listen when they don’t say anything at all, just log in to conan one day and now you can’t access servers at all?
Thing is, we are entitled to these servers because we paid money for the game, and said game promises official servers. That comes with an obligation from the service providers (in this case, Funcom) to provide the servers until the game is officially moonlighted and the servers are shut down.
Again, it’s not on the players to manage faulty servers, especially when the company responsible for the servers changes their mind on what does/does not impact them. (As an example, fence stacking wasn’t considered an “exploit” until recently)
And if Funcom rents their servers from bad providers, then they should seek out better providers to ensure a better gaming experience.
HOWEVER: Complaining/Discussing Funcom’s servers is not the purpose of this thread. There’s like 50 other threads to discuss that on, at least until they get locked/unlisted. This thread is for discussing building methods that adhere to the new policy, whether we agree with the policy or not. To that end, do you have anything to add to that discussion? What techniques have you found that work well? If that sounds sarcastic to you, it’s not. I promise. I just want to play the game I like and build cool stuff.
Whatever they feel like. Its their server, who the hell am I to tell them how to run them or display their rules.
Place foundation, and place wall or fence on side of that as normal. If the server allows for it (some of the ones I play on do not), sometimes I will place foundation on top of foundation. Seems to work well.
Yeah works super if you want to give attackers easy access to every floor by only bombing one foundation
Yeah but I get the feeling he doesn’t play on pvp servers.
I guess for some people using their freedom of speech is more important than having anything relevant to say lol.
Baselocation is more important then ever. Most good places put automatically a target on your back, but that doesn´t matter if you have a good spot and the knowlegde how to use that for yourself.
In my experience people too often put too much effort in avoiding getting raided, are afraid of getting raided and therefore never learn to handle or deal with that situation or to get better in building and understanding the game. They make themselfs targets without recognizing it. Most just build something that looks big and think big is good, big will do it. But often times just big is easy to raid. And if you stand in front of that base they get nervous and realize: oh sh…t. Then they start panicing and at the end leave the server after they accused you of beeing the devil, because they could not handle the situation.
Your greatest strenght is not your characters physical superiority, its not having the best armors or weapons. It is to know your enemies weakness. Literally. How people behave, how they build and how they chat and how they raid. Ar they agressive are they defensive. Are they bigmouths or try they to become invisible to others. This gives you the knowlegde in how to handle that people.
Most people are only focused on getting your loot. Thats all the raiding is about. Blantantly fast raiding for the easy loot. Thats why the noob area looks like a junkyard. Level 60 characters that bomb lowlevels into ground because of fibers. And now imagine how this people will react if they spent 400 to 600 explosives on your base, wiping it to its core and get nothing, absolutly nothing. zero. Not even one fiber. That rage is the best reward you can get. And imagine this people in chat. Coursing you, telling you, you lost, you are nothing you are a noob. But the only one who lost the battle are they and they know it. Because they go home empty handed and offended in their honor. Farmed explosives all day for nothing, played alpha since on server and go home with nothing. While you simply open up your stash and get yourself everything you need to keep playing and building.
I know people are devastated because of the lose of fence stacking. But this is not the ends world. Be clever, find a way that works for you so you can enjoy this game. Thats the way it should be.
This is why I like Siptah PVP more than EL… Occasionally I read people saying that there are more naturally protected locations on EL but every time I see that I wanna jump in and correct them. There’s easily an order of magnitude more places on Siptah if you’re talking about locations which are naturally protected, quite hidden from view, and nearly impossible (or at least very difficult) to siege.
And maybe the best thing about these IoS locations is that people don’t know they exist - so you’re no one’s natural target just by building there.