Fence Stacking: How to build without it

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Owning a slot in the Keyhole will definitely get you nuked on every competitive server I’ve visited lately. Point being there are places you DON’T want to build unless you can bring it.


Yeah I don’t really wanna offend anyone, but I often feel like peoples “knowledge” is pretty much just typing “Conan Exiles meta” or Conan exiles best base spot" on YouTube. I see very little thinking out of the box and a lot of no idea what to do when stuff changes.

I feel the opposite. Way more hidden spots on EL and a much bigger variety in base spots.
Maybe you’re right and I don’t know they exist, but I kind of doubt it.

(if you want, tell me one in DM, I won’t tell and I won’t use it, I’m going to EL soon anyway. Just wanna see what kind of spots you mean)

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Well for one just walk the beach ALL THE WAY AROUND the island. Official no-build zones in front of you (facing the ocean) 80% of the time and official no-build zones behind you 30% of the time. Crevasses protected on two or three sides every 150 meters on average and hidden from view but for a few acute angles. And hey, beach-front properties - can’t beat that with a stick! Those alone out number all of the locations EL.

I think it’s just the case that a lot of players can’t imagine a base in location X until they’ve seen one built in location X.

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haha I think we have a different taste in good spots. Almost all beach spots are only hidden if people aren’t looking. If you have ocean view, I have base view.

But yeah, no-build zones are always good.


Hidden isn’t nearly as important as being tactically unaddressable IMO. Notice the text I quoted in the reply:

“Base location is more important then ever. Most good places put automatically a target on your back, but that doesn´t matter if you have a good spot and the knowlegde how to use that for yourself.”

“Hidden” is only good for protection from n00bs mostly… It just helps with the “out of sight, out of mind” aspects… or as you put it: “only hidden if people aren’t looking”. :slight_smile:

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Yeah siotah has kore random camps, which make them naturalspam for protecting against trebs. I have on location that really has only about 30% of it a target for a treb. But it is also out of the normal traffic zone, meaning less accidenatka sightings. Great farming save 1 resource, but that is easy to farm. really can play in that 1grid, this no cross traffic stalkers seeing me out. I lasted 4 weeks as a solo with a chinese and alpha logging in daily. never once ran across them. Then my mates showed up and we built in thebopen to actually engage. good times.

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If you’re looking for a way to be unraidable, that will never happen. That is the intent. You raid, you get raided. Adapt and overcome. I don’t understand this desire to have a situation where all you have to do is login to refresh every day to keep your stuff.

You might actually have to fight and put in effort to keep it. But that is PVP.

seriously ? and you stay behind your door for 5h every day. it’s not about be unraidable, it’s about to have a base tthat take some time to be raided… actual direction of policy of funcom make unplayable pvp server if you want to play legit, because a base that can be opened in 5 mn… with thralls that are now pointless for base defensea nd so easy to killl 'yes you can be an hero and kill alone 10 thralls level 20 in 10mn (what was the time to train them and gear them?), what a joke.

i wonder on what kind of pvp server you play, you never saw the chinese hack plug in, in action ? you never saw god used with speed hack ? you never saw floating base at limit of world ? you never saw undermesh base ? you don’t think this is the problem to solve ? you don’t think that a base that take hundreds of hours to build should at least resist for one hour if no god used ? because 2 gods and all bases are nuked. bubble ? you don’t know what go through bubble and can burn a massive base protected by a god bubble in 15mn if you farmed and so invested enough time to do it (but still far more less than to build it).


Yup! I like that style! Go incognito and build up… Then present!

You should just capitulate to those who can beat you. Just take it.

At least that would have more dignity than blaming a race, ethnicity, or nationality.


I’m glad you brought these up, as they are distinct from the Russian variants that Funcom has been fighting all along. Many new “magnetic” hacks can be purchased, and it’s important to note their origins in case of reporting to Funcom.

Talking of loss… not to mention all the times we actually deployed Gods vs the Goliaths, and they used tricks to down the server. Or kill our Av via a glitch. And then Gods were removed outright.

Word to the wise about building tactics: if you shore your stacked foundation structure with ceilings for extra support, you will run into a snapping nightmare when you wrap with fence foundations. Make sure you test your wrapper before committing to major internals.

There is a difference between unraidable and walking through the front door. If a raid take less than 30 minutes it is not really a base. It is basically what funcom doing by preventing players from building big or stacking.

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Well my knowledge must be limited because what else cannyou do? Build big, fence stack, vault spam, hide and some other methods. How can you enjoy a game when it takes away creativity and excitement from raiding a base or being raided.

Might as well just take away building and do 3on3 matches…


I’m not looking for anything, I’m just stating that foundation stacking is pretty much the worst method of defending. Any noob know that method, I have no idea why you felt a need to share it lol.

Could never fence stack a lollipop. Plenty of people have used them anyway.

Just one example.

You guys are acting like every PVP server is just players logging in and staring at each other naked in the southern desert because all the bases are gone. I really doubt this is the case. If you are logging into the desert with your base raided to hell and back, then someone did that. Someone has the ability to do that. That means you can do it right back to them.

If its easy to raid, then raid. If its as apocalyptical as you all claim, then raid raid raid raid until there is nothing left to raid and no one can raid. Then give it a day or two for people to rebuild then do it all over again.

Some of you complain about having to be on during raid hours to protect your stuff. Well then don’t. Let some other dumb shill spend their time farming and then take it from them. If it only takes 30 minutes to raid then it only takes 30 minutes to get all the gear you ever want.

I think an opportunity it being missed here. Should definitely push for 24/7 raiding schedules for maximum chaos. I mean the idea of someone loading in with stacks of Siptah gear getting mobbed by a bunch of naked murder hobos like they’re a pack of hyenas or spawn of piranha is ■■■■■■■■ hilarious.

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As has been mentioned, it’s all about location.
Building technique is something that is being (and has been) removed as an option from the game. For the sake of server load, of course.

Whether you want to go subtle or go inaccessible is a difficult question. Certain natural choke points are, in point of fact, horrible places to build unless you are going to live on the server during every PvP moment. As there are literally only two maps all the prime real estate is well known and documented. Thus, as mentioned above, building there is putting a huge target on one’s back.

Subtility requires one to be well off the beaten path. There are numerous cheap and easy land claim detection options. Pillar bases that make use of the ever growing build forbidden zones seem to be the staple on Siptah.
For Exiled Lands… There are a few places alongst the volcano side that are so obnoxious to get to and so far from any resource as to make them viable. In days gone by you could rely on climbing limits. But with the Siptah suite of gear and such, one can climb forever with no difficulty. So at that point you just need to hope they don’t dislike you and that you are in an undesirable enough location that you aren’t worth the trouble.

There is no current fortification technique of merit that is not considered an exploit.
Which means you need to be online for all raid times and perhaps build your base to focus attention in one location while you defend from an angle that is hard for them to counter.
Active defense is mandatory, far more so than it was before. Against solo players, this is quite effective. But clan vs clan… It may be better to attack their base rather than defend your own. By the time they are knocking on your door, it may not be worth it to fight them off and rebuild, better to pack up and punish them by wrecking their equally paper mache homes.

TLDR; you don’t want to actively defend, do not build.

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I myself would lean out the window and say that everybody who played officials for some time have encountered thoose at least once, private too. But I encountered those over the years also in games like Cs:go, Hunt, Battlefield, Pubg, Planetside, Gta and even in Fall Guys. Yes in Fall guys. Can you imagine that? A simple parcour game. People are totally crazy I can tell you this. And the only thing you can do is report this guys and hope that they will get what they deserve. Watch loosing a base to cheaters where you can´t do nothing is devastating. No doubt. But no developer in this world can prevent it upfront. Its a constant battle. Someone is releasing a cheat, developers try to fix it, repeat.

I do not like the current changes either. But what are we gonna do about it? We appeal to the developers constantly, they do not listen, never have when it comes to pvp and never will. Do we still have hope? Yes, otherwhise we wouldn´t hang around this forum anymore, we wouldn´t play anymore. But for how long?

They recently released their: Conan Exiles 2021 Year in Review: Producer’s Letter. Look at the steam answers to those. Over 90% there are negative. Funcom lost their trust and will never gain it back if they do not start to fix some core problems. Some people here say we are the minority. But we are not. People just do not want to spent their time coming here and complain. They just move on to another game. There are too many games out there to play.

This game is over 4 years old and still has a loyal and dedicated community. God knows why, but this has value. Some say its too old to expect much to change, I disagree. There are games out there for way longer and they do fine. Look at Lol or Minecraft, 7 Days to Die. There are a couple more. But the difference is, they keep it alive. The developers show dedication and interest and go forward updating with their community instead of beating them to death. People recognize and value it and that is why this games have constant new customers. For how long did we as pvp´ers got negleted? We got told for so long that we are causing our own problems. But that is simply not true. Yes, there a douchebags, but in every game you have them. That doesn´t mean all pvp´ers are bad. We did not made the problems, the problems came to us and where never fixed. And because people are dedicated to this game and wanna play, they adapted to the situation.

I can not and will not tell anybody how to play the game. I simply say: if you want to play Conan, find a way for you that works and try to have fun. And if playing or having fun on officials is not longer possible for you under this new circumstances, then maybe try privates. Nobody can desides for you how to go forward. But there are only this 2 options. Gaming is having fun and waisting time on something that makes you happy. This is your reward. You do it because you wanna do it. Nothing is for eternity, not in gaming. Enjoy it, have fun until you don´t and then move on. I don´t know how many bases I lost over the years on purpose and without. I do not even begin to start counting them, thats not my goal. I met great people in the game over the years, I even found my big love. Do I get angry about how things go, yes. But at the same time I keep playing. Because I wanna to until I am not anymore.


So you’re saying you intentionally build awful bases by stacking foundations just so you can PvP.

Instead of just making base that is secure and won’t crumble when 1 piece is broken? You do realise no matter how good your base is built you can still go PvP.

Something just aint adding up here chief.

What I think you should do is play on a blue server. Building in PVP might be a bit too advanced for you if you got all that out of what I said. Either that or the ‘I can’t figure out rules’ routine is going way too far.