Fix the spawn rate of Armorers 2019

Why is it so hard to understand that people don’t want any one of those 8. They want one specific one and a diluted drop pool doesn’t help that. Plus, people tend to build massive bases on newbie river, which completely mucks up the spawns anyway.

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no problem you can spend 100 hours to never find an armorer at black galleon when i will find grr legbitter, zavek, iron wrougrtiron, chelbek, oisin the smith and so many others just in newbie area, and have all armors possible in my chest :slight_smile:

but please don’t explain to me there is a problem with the spawn rate to find a t4 armorer when i can catch 2 or 3 of them by day. in 5-6 hours of gameplay.


Sure you can find “A” T4 armorer, but that is not what anyone is complaining about. There are complaining that they can’t find the specific armorer that they are looking for. There is a difference.

Like I said, I found 2 Fia’s at once but I still haven’t found even 1 Shendelzare.

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can you do something very mad and weird, google oisun the smith


i help you

and for information 6-8 months ago the black galleon was the best spot to find T4 thralls, but spawn rate at black galleon have been nerfed by a patch long ago, so this is now the WORST place to find any t4. there is others points on the map with better spawn rate. i indicated you one where you will find the sister of shendelzare. by the way shendelzare has also two others spawns point outside of the black galleon, and they are closer from the exiles spawn points too…


I already pointed this out to you:

i have three oisun, well sorry cannot help you, i hope it will help other, but no problem with spawn rate for armorer for sure. just spawn point with better spawn rate than others. good luck.


I agree with this. The boss of the Midnight Grove is pretty much the perfect example of this. If you go in and try to play it legit and one on one, you are in for a lot of suffering, especially if you don’t use a shield. If you go in with a high level thrall, you can basically sleep through the encounter.

FUNCOMs “city rework” at it’s finest. Thralls now share spawn points meaning they have to roll against the other thrall types and tiers upon spawn. When there is no “spawn sharing” T4 will pop very quickly - look at the Lone Fisherman in Sepermeru.

I don’t know what makes you think that, but from my experience Airk Strong-in-the-arm is the most encountered T4 thrall in Asagarth.

Found Sigyn the Woodworker at the Pirate ship yesterday.


wrong, some spawn point have 1% probability some others 20%, lone fisher has a high ratio probability spawn point, and not a 1% probability. which mean you are sure to find him quickly. because it is a new introduced thrall, and funcom always do that at the start and after nerfthe probability ratio. spawn probabilty on the whole map is constantly moving, spawn point are added / modfied at each update and new thralls introduced, it’s perpetually moving and what was true six months ago is no more true.

Now most of spawn sharing points have a high ratio probility, and when 10 spawn points near of each other, with 15 possible T4 with a 20% probability, it give in term of math a higher probability to find one unique thrall, spawn sharing rate is compensated by number of spawn point in area. believe a thrall hunter hunting since early access.


In context, of the Darfaris. :slight_smile:

Yesterday I found Oisun the Smith (Armorer) in Sinner’s Refuge. She makes Kambujan Flawless.

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The exiles camps span some 14+ grids. The black galleon camps (including the out skirt ones) are half a grid.

I didn’t say I didn’t get T4 thralls at the black galleon in fact I got everyone but the carpenter (got the carpenter post patch) and the specific armorer I was looking for. Several duplicates of various ones as well. Was probably every other run I’d end up with a named. Though usually was the crappy fighters. Probably 1 in 6 runs I’d end up with a named artisan or bearer.

As to the lone Fisher I’ve seen him twice while farming him. I’d have to pull up the dev kit but I doubt his spawn rate is 20%.

As to the specific armorer I was after it was for the hyrkarian armor. There is an armorer in the exiles camps for it sure. But out of the 30? Camps only 8 or so can spawn her and they are all random artisan spawns spanning 24+ grids. Prior to the black galleon revamp there were 5 artisan spawn points and one armorer spawn point (out of the 2) which could spawn the armorer I was looking for. All within half a grid of each other. After the revamp there are 12 artisan spawn points and 2 armorer spawn points which can spawn the armorer.

So pre patch or post patch the odds of getting said armorer were and are still better at the black galleon. After the patch the black galleon can be done constantly. Prior to the patch you had about 5-10 mins of downtime. But you still didn’t have to run clear across the map and back.

So while your experience has clearly been different and no one is arguing the values in the spawn tables. It’s still super RNG and grindy to get a named armorer which is specific to an armor type. Blacksmiths and cooks also have set recipes they unlock but honestly I have yet to NEED a specific recipe from either of those types of thralls, only armorers for their specific stats.

There are 6 Exile camps you can farm in just one run.


Three of them spawn named Armorers for sure. Then you can visit Sinner’s Refuge and a little camp near it - it seems that named crafters spawn there too.

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yes sinners refuge has 2 armorers spawns point, with in bonus the chosen of asura. this area is simply the biggest concentration of armorer spawn point.


Just got Iblis of Zingara from the alchemist spawningpoint by the seth altar in sepermeru. She is able to make black/white dye.
Also Drifter´s Rest in the jungle has T4 armorers.

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25/% spawn rate exactly for lone fisher, check with tool provided

the place to go if you want a cook.


They’ve revamped those spawn points lately. I’ve found T4 Carpenter not inside the cave but just at the entrance! The other time I’ve found two same T4 Carpenters in the middle cave at the same time. Looks strange, but there they are. And another possible T4 crafter spawn point is near the altar in the last cave (yes, and T4 Entertainer spawns there rather often).


Wow! Not just a Witch Doctor? Great!

Soloing Impisi (or whatever his name is) is just a snorefest of a different kind. If shields didn’t completely mitigate damage, it’d be another thing. But as it is, it’s just a drawn out affair where you’re blocking 85% of the time.

I think it’s a neat dungeon, but another one of those “visit and forget it” deals unless you’re interested in starting a zoo.