Funcom apparently doesn’t understand that the players have at least been its customers

Yes, the “dictators” who own and pay for the official servers are “subjugating” players by giving them an option to ask for information, so they can spend additional time and money on giving them “arrogant” replies. Because that’s what companies do, waste money on pointless crap like that. :roll_eyes:

You know what? That sounds like an excellent idea. I’ve already let all my stuff decay, but I wouldn’t mind calling you on your bluff. So when I’m done with my Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough, I just might go and create a character on one of the PVE-C servers I like and build one of my castles there. If I do that, I’ll try to remember to invite you to report it.

It just might be worth spending time on another depressing round of RNG slot machines just to see you people eat your own words.

I don’t know, but I wish someone would tell me, because I’ve built 3 different versions of my Citadel, on 3 different official servers, with 3 different characters, and I’ve let each decay only after months of play. In those months those bases lasted, I have never been banned or otherwise punished or even warned, despite having all the shrines in the base, along with the greater wheel of pain, a large well, an armored taming pen, two stables, and more than one of each of the crafting stations. :man_shrugging:

My theory is that it’s perfectly possible to build a big base that doesn’t break the spirit of the rules, despite breaking the letter of the rules. For example, I believe that blocking the spawn for a couple of dead trees is technically “content blocking”, but it isn’t really a bannable offense.