I have two bases one just off noob river near the spawn point for the Ritualist. The other base is at mounds of the dead. The problem is the purge always spawns at my base near noob river.
I farm the mounds of the dead for steel so almost all of my killing is there, I do nearly all crafting at the mounds of the dead base but I still can not get the purge to leave the noob river base.
The question is there other actions I can take to get the purge to move, short of destroying my Noob river base?
Anywhere you have built is subject to a Purge. Unfortunately, the answer is either to wait for the drlrvyion of your Mounds of the Dead base or disassemble the Noob River base.
Try removing your bed from your MD base and put it in your Noob base. There is one setting for easy game level that forbids the Purge hitting your “main base” - the one with your bed.
Are you playing on a server, or in a single-player game? In SP, the purge should target whichever base you are actually physically closest to. On a server, it’s more random.
Did you send a decay runner up to Mounds before building your base there? If you don’t know what this means, then it’s probably not an issue, but I discovered a bug recently that could explain what’s happening if you did link your bases together.
Is your noob river base significantly larger, more decorated, and more populated by thralls than your Mounds base? On a server, the way the Purge is supposed to select which base to attack is via a sort of lottery system with each block, each piece of decor, etc. being like a lottery ticket, with higher tier blocks having greater value. It could be a simple matter of needing to increase the size and grandeur of your Mounds base so that it has a higher chance of “winning”.
Larathiel explanation number 3 is correct if your noob river base has more I believe it’s more foundations but could be building pieces than your mounds of the dead base than your noob river base has a higher percentage of getting selected for a purge
For example I have a main base and 6 outposts I built one of my outpost bigger (I personally believe it’s foundations) than my main base so it has a bigger chance of getting the purge. Even though the purge has a chance of hitting any of my bases that one large outpost has the highest percentage of triggering it.
The Noob River Base (NRB) does have significantly more thralls and is fully decorated. The NRB is black ice and has a 3x3 tile room setup for each thrall, that contain a bed, a chair, a chest for storing items specific to each thrall, room lighting, trophies for a particular thralls kills, dressing screens, and art work specific to each thrall. The NRB is four stories tall with the entire second floor setup as a club/ bar with musical instruments, entertainers, stages, chessboards, fountains, and tables for dining.
The NRB has a wall around it about 8 foundations tiles out from the main building, there is a horse stables, maproom, armored animal taming pen, maxed out temple of Derketo and the entire area between the building and wall is paved with black ice foundations.
The Mounds base is arena style with little to no decorations it is more like a FOB, with NRB is setup like a nice, defended home for the thralls and 4 clan members