Are you playing on a server, or in a single-player game? In SP, the purge should target whichever base you are actually physically closest to. On a server, it’s more random.
Did you send a decay runner up to Mounds before building your base there? If you don’t know what this means, then it’s probably not an issue, but I discovered a bug recently that could explain what’s happening if you did link your bases together.
Is your noob river base significantly larger, more decorated, and more populated by thralls than your Mounds base? On a server, the way the Purge is supposed to select which base to attack is via a sort of lottery system with each block, each piece of decor, etc. being like a lottery ticket, with higher tier blocks having greater value. It could be a simple matter of needing to increase the size and grandeur of your Mounds base so that it has a higher chance of “winning”.