Glitching only on official ps4

Game mode: [Online |
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: America

So ive read other posts about rubber banding and such. I play on one official and a couple private servers. I dont know what the difference is, but on only the official server when you load in from ANYTHING, you are stuck. This was happening before and you just had to roll out of it. Now if you try it, you are stuck in the rolling animation for a good 20 sec. You cannot do anything now for 20 to 30 seconds after you load in. Be it from death, maproom, leaving a dungeon, or exiting from the volcano.

I have also experienced wierd lag issues. I was with a buddy and we were trying to get into his vase via elevator. His game was showing the elevator down. Mine was showing it up. in his game he got on and was riding it up. Neither of them moved. When it showed the elevator comin down for me he radomly disappeared and fell from about 3/4 the way from the top.

During normal game play (after i have been loaded into the game for a good while) i got stuck and kept runnin about 10 feet just to snap back where i was before. This lasted about a good 5 minutes.

I know these have been common bugs that have been reported but im opening this thread because i DO NOT have these problems on the private servers i play on. It is only on Official 37#3. On the private servers you still get stuck when you first log in but can roll out of it like you been able to do before. I dont know what it is about the official server.
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Steps on how to reproduce issue:

Hi @xavier_pjg, this issue is being addressed in the upcoming hotfix which will be released soon.

A few workarounds that might help have been shared in the following thread:

Ok thanks but the main point of this thread is that i am only having these issues on an official server. Thats something you guys may wanna look into. I dont know if the official servers use different equip or anything.

Apologies for not elaborating on the previous reply, we’re aware of that particularity and it has already been solved on our end.

Oh sweet. Hopefully the hotfix doesnt get wrapped up in PS red tape again.

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