Griefers have an easy time while the server bleeds, What do you have to say about this Funcom

You don’t need official servers to play Singleplayer, Co-Op, or to run the Dedicated Server that is included with your purchase.

I’ve only ever used the official servers to test their performance during primetime for troubleshooting purposes. The results are that they suffer quite a bit comparatively to a well managed private server on a better dedicated host.

Gportal was definitely one of the lowest bidders. There’s much worst hosts, but they aren’t close to being the best.

Thays exactly what troll friendly means, if it benefits trolls, then… Dun dun dun troll friendly

Hehe i thought i saw you once or twice in 1930 hahah those sobs BASA…now call themselves Saber lol

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Yes exactly, they dont need admins to watch over the server, I have mentioned and suggested this before in the other forum, what we need is a in game tool to report players or structures. Once it has reached a certain number of complains the structure should be automatically removed and the player punished.

Punishment could come with impossibility to build for x days, or temporary ban that could turn into a permanent ban from that server if they keep being reported and punished. Its important keep the servers healthy, as you said the more people playing the game the better! As long it continues to be profitable we will be seeing improvements and new content.

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That could be too easily abused though with it turning into a witch hunt with players/clans teaming up reporting someone who has done nothing wrong and having their base removed/destroyed.

Once reported it has to go to someone in charge who can then review it but that is a lot of manpower for the amount of servers they have.

Other option is you pull some Eve online on them. Create a new account and infiltrate their clan and destroy their structures from within. It would make for some interesting politics on your server :smile:

What I was trying to get at is none of this is needed and they have made it clear it won’t be, police your own server, even if it it’s “yours”. If someone is a ■■■■ then get everyone who concurs and wipe them away

Also that bleeped our word wasn’t even a bad word lmao, apparently I have a potty mouth (punny)

I do hope the devs are reading this forum post, The tribe on this server is called basa who now has changed there name to sable. They have blocked tunnels, boss access routes, resources etc people like this are a prime example why some people grief and have every right to. Games like wow have succeeded over all these years because of the dev and player relationship. Players know the devs listen to them , players and devs may not agree but there is this bridge of communication that exists to the point if people are exploiting the devs do something about it.

The tribe on 1930 do this nonstop and the devs have been emailed many times regarding this , this doesn’t hurt the veteran players only but leaves a bad taste in the mouths of new players . They feel if this servers is going down to a tribe why play this is going on others and before you say go to unofficial we shouldn’t have to.

Ark is a prime example of what funcom should not do, besides unofficial many players have quit because some exploits are 3 years old and problems like this server is having happened in ark. People got tired of writing tickets and when the devs asked to report exploits simple answer why would we help you when you can’t help us. Each game has trolls its life but going above and beyond causing problems over and over taking away the time that people can play and have fun. Some people get a hour etc why spend that hour not being able to play because some tribe for no clue reason pillered and blocked a area why? no reason they just get off getting the attention and making others mad. Devs should not allow this word of mouth happens and people thought some other titles were never going to lose customers but the ones that didn’t listen did.

1 word for the devs once you have loyalty then you have a true customer.

They are going to try and tweak a few spots for the building limitations but I doubt they will do most of them.
As has been mentioned you could suggest the specific points they are blocking to having building limitations and maybe the devs will fix some of them.

I havnt experienced any of this on multiple pvp severs, it seems to be the pve severs that are full of griefers and I thought it was usually meant to be the other way around :confused:

Last option would be for everyone to just leave the server and that clan would be left with a ghost town. They would then get very bored very fast.

I recommend the server Killer Unleashed. The admins are pretty active and they have rules for the specific problems you are having.

The Official servers are better for PVP, but for PVE I recommend Unofficial, unmodded with active Admin.

Best of luck!

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With all due respect why should we have to go to a private server or go to a unofficial server. People should not have to leave a pve server because a tribe who does not and cant handle pvp comes to a pve to cause such issues. You have had many players send in tickets about this tribe and the number so it is easily found. The attitude shouldn’t be owell move on this just makes the game become more toxic and instead of getting loyal and happy players your going to get the ones who cause trouble and leave while kicking and banning a tribe who has shown this behaviour for 2 weeks time and time again are being allowed to do it. What would you rather have 40 happy players or random players leaving the game due to this because of one set group of people.

Can tell you from having thousands of hours in ark this is what happened and now servers on official went from 30-40 to 3 or 4 people. Plus when new people join and see this they quit and you just lost a customer as well why would people send in glitches or issues they found respect works both ways. This is a great game and this type of behavior shouldn’t be ignored . This attitude is allowed then it will just grow and grow and grow. People shouldn’t have to leave because of this we all paid to play this game and enjoy it what it has to offer. I am not whining I am just saying with respect avoiding the problem and telling people to join a private server is just letting these people get away with ruining the game. I am sure your a gamer to and if the roll were reversed. Thank you and have a good day again this is server official 1930 and the tribe name right now is saber. People should not buy the game knowing that they buy it and then they have no support. This game could be as popular or even more then wow.

Blocking and ruining resources tunnels etc doesnt affect one person it affects everyone. If there is no support on offical then can it be posted then so others dont buy the game and get upset. Never in all years gaming have seen a tribe act this way out of spite.

This is also sending a message to all the toxic players out there saying join official pve because you can do what you want on pve and ruin the game instead of going to pvp and losing what you have done. All the good and loyal players will leave while these people who get off on making the game bad for others will just grow and grow. This also stops people in succeeding to play the game for the full potential and enjoy it and can see how great it is. LIke i said this is very popular now but from exp in other games now look at the numbers pixark lasted 1 week due to players like this .Abberation in ark was 30-40 a day now maybe 3 people so you can see what happens. Thanks

I admin a PVE server. We don’t have any of those issues and have had a great experience pretty much for the last year t hrough early access on.

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Limit or block building in caverns and access points that are direct paths to highlands. The official pve server I play on, I can only bring in thralls or travel safely from highlands to desert and Savannah regions by traveling to far western part of the map.

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Attention Devs and CineDavichi

With all due respect would like to say the following but first off I love the game, many of us have left ark to play this game its alot more fun at somethings, good story lines and you cannot get bored and on that note…

I joined pve for a reason I joined it because I don’t wish to get into the politics and drama that there is on pvp. Plus I know you can block and ignore trolls but some go above and beyond trolling.

Basa aka saber is ruining this server and noone seems to care the answer they give is try another server. No offense but thats why ark failed, pixark failed and why wow is winning. If you have a loyal customer base you get more players as word of mouth is the biggest advertising. Blocking paths, bosses, trying to make a wall to block off the north etc belongs in pvp not pve. You have had how many people send in tickets giving the exact server name and location what would u rather lose loyal customers or a few bad apples ruining it on a daily basis. Customer support is what makes and brings players and it is not just one or 2 people complaining to you this is almost the whole server. Many times through the day a new player will join then quit after seeing what they are doing so it is not hurting just hurting us, the recoil is coming back to you.,

In 30 years of gaming i can tell you i have never seen anything like this in game and also the lack of support when so many people are complaining about it. Do you want this to be a trend so happens on every server, trolls can be trolls but this tribe gets off on this and the people who are being affected are players who play and remain loyal. Being honest I am speechless and shocked that support has not tried to stop this. You have been given the server official 1930 you have been given the tribe name basa aka saber. Now tell me if you were the gamer and I was the company how many times would you have emailed me by now? Like i said I love the game love the people but shocked at the attitude of this tribe and how they are laughing . If i wanted this type of game play i would join pvp.

Thanks for you time…

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Three things:

  1. When I started, after some weeks of study I selected a “recommended” or “valued”* Private Server. It went under.
  2. Other than TestLive, the only place I have ever been completely wiped back to the cross is on another, highly recommended Private Server. The owner/admin did not make regular backups. An exploiter popped in and wrecked everyone’s castles with duped explosives. So this admin rolls the server back an entire month.
  3. $1 per day for a 40-slot at G-Portal. My annual Sony Plus membership costs ~$55, just so I can play CE online. I’m fairly certain somebody might be able to figure out a subscription model for the PC that pays for itself, and proper admins too.

* Roughly subjective, but according to rating at Steam and user popularity and density

this is probably not a problem on pvp servers where thos doing that would get attacked.

but if you cant attack someone on PVE server, that means blocking off paths is actually a viable thing to do.

:clap: :clap:

I’ts really simple, we need volunteer admins in each server to spot and tell the company about this kind of players.
But as you all know, what we need it’s not what will have! :sweat_smile:

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Played in 3 pvt servers in the last sense the release, all 3 manage to close without any communication. Unfortunately pvt servers are a waste os time at the moment.
If I wasn’t living in Brazil, for sure, I would rent a server for PvE-C with full time PvP and no dmg to structures.

Yes, Im also extremely frustrated with the lack of support, in a level I have never seen in any other game. One person or a 2-3 man clan, like Basa aka saber, has been the biggest frustration of entire server communities! Funcom spent countless hours of development, hard work, testing and money to make the game really good and fill the costumers expectations, then allow trolls to ruin the game? Feels like Funcom places all hopes in private server admins to watch over exploits they allowed in the game!

Basa has been a SERIOUS issue in my server since launch, and they are only 2 or 3 players that cant even communicate with the rest of the server due to language barrier! How can you allow something like this to happen in pretty much every official server? Why spend so much effort in a game if you allow 100 players spread around official servers completely destroy the experiance of 30,000 players?