I would say the drawbacks are easier to deal with than the Official Servers.
With a corrupt server host, you can go to another server. With official… its the same on all the servers if they’re somewhat populated. You’re going to see racism, you’re going to see exploits. And if its PVE… well you’re going to see foundation blocking. I’m surprised those servers aren’t choked out by now.
Starting to see the consoles prime time numbers and its concerning. Starting to droop into the mid to high twenties when use to be always full. 30+ is a healthy server. Hoping they have a patch to save the base before they loose all the a.d.h.d.ers
I agree I started on two different official servers at launch, got to level 15 then couldn’t get back in. Now I can get in but have no desire to.
Even though the “home team” can have advantages on non official servers I still prefer that most of the time. They are spending their own money to provide a service so I’m usually ok with it a little bit of an advantage here or there and in exchange they keep the most toxic players out so I can actually play the game.
But you do have to shop carefully. There are some toxic people hosting servers. They do exist.
On official servers it really only takes two really toxic players working together to completely ruin a server. So I don’t think most people on official servers are the problem, but it can seem that way. The way I see it is this way: the toxic players from every single game out there are currently going to the official conan exiles servers.Why would a player that likes greifing others risk getting a ban on an empty server in some other MMO when they can go to an official CE server that has no moderation and an endless line of people waiting to get in. So I would actually guess there are more griefers in conan exiles official servers now than your average MMO, but I don’t think its the majority.
Yes, it only takes 1 person to ruin a entire server and Funcom can solve this issue without hiring server admins, all they have to do is give the server community the tools to take care their own server.
The game is VERY troll friendly, actually, it was made for griefing, thats very obvious. The not having a character cap so that others can block the population cap so you cant get in the game, then the decay system to where those same people can destroy your hard work because you cant even get in.
Then people can block resources by putting foundations on them, or block you from finishing a building, or build ugly block houses on your property when you’re trying to enjoy the scenery or build something nice.
Game isnt troll friendly, just badly designed. Blocking passages, limiting access to resources can all be used as PvP tactic, but they can also be destroyed. You cant keep multiple blocks at the same time because they will be overrun by other players.
Its a entire different situation in PvE servers, players cant take action against others
A lot of good points being made in this thread regarding the advantages and disadvantages about the various types of servers offered. However, I don’t think that’s the topic of this thread. The topic of this thread is the problems players are experiencing on Funcom’s official servers and a request for Funcom to do something about it in an effort to give that portion of their player base a bit of relief. The official servers may or may not be here long, but they are here now and as long as they remain profitable, there is no reason why they shouldn’t be here for the long run. The discussion should really be about ideas that Funcom can implement to help the problem. Criticizing or dismissing the problem is not a solution and really not helpful.
We should all be on the same side on this topic as finding a solution to keep the official servers viable will be a win for for all players in all servers. Since more happy players on official servers = more profit for Funcom = more development and content for Conan Exiles. As long as the profit Funcom generates from paid DLC content exceeds that of the cost of the official servers, there is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to continue providing the option of official servers for their Official player base population.
Its really all about supply and demand. Obviously, if they don’t take care of their players on official servers, they will begin to fracture and players will abandon the game in droves. In that case, it only stands to reason that they will begin to shut down the official servers since they are in the business of making money, not losing money.
Pitting Official Server players against Private Server players is not helpful. I mean, what do those of you having this debate hope to accomplish with this argument? We should all be on the same side on this subject. More players = more money via paid DLC content = more development and content for Conan Exiles = more fun for all of us.
HAHA! It’s what I was thinking the whole time while reading this thread. I’ve been attacked twice on pvp servers. Once was right after I got off of someone’s roof (fair enough) and the second was after helping someone killing a croc (not very nice but fair enough). I know, i know, then why pvp? Idk, because it’s a possibility but I haven’t run into many “greifers” and the ones I have had minimal effect on my experience. For example, look at this turds wall blocking the way, oh wait I’ll just climb it.
Keeping official servers viable requires a monthly sub, paid DLCs, or lootboxes. I have no interest in any of that.
As I said before, assuming all Official servers are full, they only account for 1/3rd the playerbase. But since they have been dropping off (mostly moving to private hosted, as that’s where most of the new players on the server I play on said they come from), its safer to say its closer to a quarter or less.
Official servers are fading, and eventually will become empty. IMO, the sooner the better. $70k a month (or more assuming they don’t get a half rate that I pay Gportal) put back into development of the game would be a major boon.
In fact with that money they could hire the guy that could give us the image effects they need to put Sorcery in the game. I’m all for shutting down 387 PC official servers to make that one happen. You’re going to be hard pressed to convince me that’s not a bad idea.
So you are pouring salt all over Official Servers because you think future DLC’s are going to be “free” if Funcom does away with them? lol … so funny .
A quick look at G-portal’s site shows that a 40 slot server is $385.43 for a full year, that’s with a 20% discount.
If there are 387 servers for PC, that’s $149,161.41 for a full year without a bulk discount.
So perhaps he means 70k per year if they’re getting an extra 50% off.
If they’re paying monthly, that would be just over $15k without any discount.
Hmm…99% of survival building games offer official servers so im not sure what you mean by rare.
But if a crap company like wildcard has roaming GMs to resolve serious issues then im sure funcom can too.
Telling a player to move to a new server because they are being pillar pounded is absolute garbage.
And this is why when you build a base you place some structures (within reason) around your base to prevent yourself from losing hundreds of hours to an ■■■■■■■.
That’s what I came up with. 15k a month.
Thanks for the verification.
So if we’re 6 months on and they’ve shut maybe 2/3 of those servers leaving 120 odd open at a full price cost of around $5000. It would be worth it for them to address customer concerns on official servers as the game is great and fairly priced dlc would sell and continue to make them money.
Yeah and they probably ‘do’ enjoy a steep discount. It’s not uncommon for companies to get discounts of even 60% or more. (A company I worked for was getting a discount of 68% on network equipment worth several hundred thousand, for example.)
There are a few places that are missing building limiter. There are also a few places we will improve the limitation of building. However, we will not police and limit every passage and small gap on the map. Feel free to report specific location you feel are lacking building blocking.
THEY HAVE SPOKEN. I haven’t seen where people are blocking off whole areas but I’m on Xbox and maybe it’s a pc player issue, or I’ve just been lucky. I have seen people making claims to large amounts of area with foundations which is annoying but I just don’t build there. I feel like it’s an issue on a server the effected member should just get together and make life hell for those indivuals. Building is one of the main points of the game and there’s no rules for players to adhere to, therefore, they can build where they want and we can do something about it if we really need to. We don’t need zoning police on servers, just an active community