Halloween ideas 2019

Hello everyone are you ready for Halloween 2019??


Please not again …

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What happened last time?

Halloween Event: Moon like a skull, strange lighting and meteors everywhere (not starmetal ones, but with other goodies, in the beginning too valuable goodies :wink:).
The lighting put off some players…


Except some rare legendaries from UC or chest, what has any value in that game, except you get >10k of it?

There were lots of skeleton keys found in the meteors, at first. So legendaries, indeed :wink:


I would like to see them maybe throw in a special feat for decorations or something of that nature. Something that we can only get during that time.

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Personally I liked the event last time (though it did run too long), but I can see how it might have been too dark on some monitor configurations. I’d be all in favor of a new event, shorter in duration, with a new twist.


I could do with a week since i have kids and don’t always have time to get on


Please for the love of all that is good in Conan, don’t run that god awful color 24/7. If you are going to change the lighting, PLEASE only do it in the NIGHT cycle of the game. Give us a break in the daytime. Xbox was stuck for a long time until the patch finally worked to get rid of it. :rage:


For a suggestion, how about the Purge meter fill rate speed is tripled and no decay on it. Now that would be something. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe a Halloween specific purge of some sort


Absolutely rare thralls would be amazing in all areas i think


I suggest ;

Purges based on traditional halloween spooks (ghosts, werewolves, mummies, devils)

Hauntings of bases( spectral visitors, poltergeist activity)

Thralls named for various recognizable villains ( Victor Frankenstein, Vlad Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, La Llorona)

Warren Zevons ’ Werewolves of London’ playing on loop in the vicinity of Dogs of the Desert camps.


Yeah I quite agree on every point there.


Absolutely agree with inspired named thralls and Halloween themed decorations, if they would let us keep them! My herbal witch cottage could desperately use a broom!!
Would love to see the moon being a skull, that must have been great. Weird light all the time, not so sure about, would get tedious to the eye. Maybe make the purple torch a addition instead of constant night light.
You could also add in some new recipes and ingredients, I mean… the dry climate of the lands is rather good for pumpkins if I do say so myself… wink wink :wink:


Personally I would love to have a Monty Python themed event for Halloween (temporary of course). Most of you all know I am a big fan by now, so this should come as no surprise. Just think of the possibilities; adventuring to the Overture theme song, a Merchant dedicated to selling rocks, harvestable shrubberies…


I would like it to be too dark to see so we have to use torches all the time

Lol just kidding! But maybe a sick world boss that is “the great pumpkin”. Or maybe the grim reaper and you learn how to make his scythe!


Nothing wrong with spitballing. I’d love it if T3 (sticky brick/steel) and Basics came down on meteors. The twist is this year, some of the camps are Infected.

The Infected can be harvested like an Elite (croc/rocknose/etc), but there’s a chance they could drop the magic stuff. Legendaries, keys, goodies.